#TNSR $TNSR TNSR Market Analysis Brief:

Currently, TNSR is in a bearish market pattern in the 1-hour, 2-hour and 4-hour time frames. Today's core observation point focuses on the 4-hour level, and its long-short turning point is near 0.6070.

When the price tests downward, investors should pay attention to three support levels: 0.5696, 0.5501 and 0.5291, which may provide effective support for the price.

On the contrary, if the price shows signs of recovery, the three pressure levels of 0.6161, 0.6431 and 0.6596 will become the focus of market attention, which may hinder further price increases.

In short-term operations, investors need to pay close attention to the dynamic changes of long and short forces and flexibly adjust trading strategies to capture every opportunity in the market.

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