It's normal. If a person seems to have nothing to do, hides in his room every day, and only comes out occasionally, speaking words you don't understand, most people will stay away from him, thinking that he is either a lunatic or doing something illegal, not to mention any social status, which he has absolutely none.

But this is the life of full-time trading. You are destined not to be understood by others, and only you know what you are doing.

Brother Ming has been a full-time trader for more than ten years. He has met many like-minded people on the Internet, but he knows very few full-time traders in real life. This group is not large to begin with and has a low sense of presence.

In fact, full-time trading is a very difficult thing, and it also requires great courage, because profits are often unstable. If you keep losing money, your mentality will definitely collapse. In more serious cases, it may even lead to the separation of your wife and children.

When my early trading entered the loss stage, my girlfriend didn’t understand and broke up with me. My relatives and friends also didn’t understand and even gave me a lot of cold eyes and ridicule. Some of my relatives and friends also advised me sincerely, saying, "You still have to be down-to-earth. Even if you work, you can get 5,000 a month steadily. This trading doesn’t seem reliable."

Some of my relatives and friends were sarcastic and mocked me. They knew I had suffered losses, but they still joked: "Don't forget us when you make a lot of money in the future", "You are the one who plays at the top, while we can only earn some hard-earned money by working". In their eyes, I am a whimsical clown. I always feel uncomfortable when I hear such words, but I can only smile and get rid of them.

What happened later?

When I started to make stable profits and my financial situation improved, the attitudes of my relatives and friends changed dramatically. People who had previously kept their distance from me started to invite me out for dinner, and their cold words disappeared. When we met, they were all concerned about me and began to understand my "difficulties" and felt that I earned money through my own efforts and was worthy of admiration.

So I discovered a fact: the so-called social status is given to you by money and power, and by the eyes of others. It has nothing to do with yourself, but has to do with human nature.

After experiencing all this, I feel that the so-called social status is meaningless, because a person's external material conditions determine whether others will respect him or her. It is really meaningless to tie one's own happiness, anger, sorrow and happiness to the eyes of others.

So later I streamlined my social relationships, not dealing with too many people in real life, not saying any flattering words, spending more time with people who share similar interests, and parting ways with people who don’t like me. I think this is the biggest benefit that full-time trading brings me: freedom. I can choose who to face, and I can also choose who not to face.

In addition, these experiences in full-time trading have also taught me how to respect everyone more equally. For example, saying thank you to the waiter who serves the food, showing enough understanding to the delivery boy, and giving sincere encouragement and help to relatives and friends in adversity are more meaningful than gaining some so-called social status.

So now I don't care about social status. I will express gratitude for others' respect and understanding for others' disrespect. I put more energy into technical research on trading, execute my own trading strategy well, and focus on my worthy relatives and friends in life. Getting their feedback is what makes me happy.

But if you want to become a full-time trader, please read the following paragraph:

Becoming a full-time trader is not an easy thing. It is not a decision that can be made on a whim, because you do have to bear the pressure from social relatives and friends, which requires a strong psychological quality. And you must have your own financial accumulation. Trading is not a life-saving straw for you to escape from real life, it can only be the icing on the cake.

In addition, if you have experienced the low point in life and witnessed the unbearableness and hypocrisy in human nature, you will thoroughly understand that the so-called social status is really not important. Only by reconciling with yourself and being self-consistent in transactions and life can you truly have spiritual satisfaction and happiness.