Knowing English and studying Bitcoin trend charts, a "Killing Foreigners" case was seized in Xiangyang, Hubei (from

Recently, the community police of Shun'anshan Police Station of Xiangcheng Public Security Bureau in Xiangyang City, Hubei Province, and community cadres jointly carried out a safety inspection of rental houses in the jurisdiction. They found three men working in a rental house, with multiple computers and dozens of mobile phones placed on the desk.

When the police asked what business the studio was doing, one of the men hurriedly said that they were doing game training, that is, helping customers to play games and upgrade. The alert police checked several working computers, which had multiple foreign language chat dialog boxes on them, and some screens also displayed the trend chart of "Bitcoin".

Based on years of work experience, the community police determined that this was likely a den engaged in telecommunications network fraud, so they reported the situation to the branch. Subsequently, the branch's anti-fraud center and relevant departments of the Xiangyang Municipal Bureau went to the scene to guide the work. By checking the electronic products and notebook records on the scene, it was determined that this was an investment and financial fraud gang specifically targeting foreigners, commonly known as "Killing Foreigners".

Upon questioning, Sun and Jing came to work in this newly opened company through the introduction of Long. The three people acted as "shills" in the group to lure foreign customers to invest on the virtual platform, thereby committing fraud.

When working, they only used some special words in the group to create an atmosphere. When there were questions from customers, they used translation software to communicate. Because the studio was opened not long ago, Sun and Jing were still in the "learning" stage with Long, and they were arrested on the spot by the police before they really started to act.

At present, the three have been administratively detained according to law for fraudulent illegal acts.

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