🚀Odaily Planet Daily is here to report! The meme coin ZynCoin project has reached a settlement with Philip Morris, a Fortune 500 company and tobacco giant. This is a battle between "big fish and small fish"! Philip Morris originally asked ZynCoin to stop using "ZYN Coin", "ZynCoin" and any images that mentioned ZYN products or were similar to the ZYN logo, but ZynCoin did not fully accept this request.

👀ZynCoin has made certain concessions: the prefix "zyn" will remain in the token name, but the team behind it will fine-tune its marketing. This is also a way of compromise! Because ZynCoin has no centralized entity, Philip Morris cannot sue or request the termination of the project, so after talking with ZynCoin founder Colton Kirkpatrick and his lawyer, Philip Morris gave up the initial claim. This incident is undoubtedly a victory for ZynCoin and also provides a new perspective for the development of the blockchain industry. 💪 (CoinDesk)