[Why do you ultimately have to rely on yourself for investment transactions? 】

I personally feel that there is no essential difference between investment or trading and other things. In the end, we have to rely on ourselves. Following cars, wealth codes, and following orders cannot ultimately solve your investment problems. As for why? Guys, please think about it for yourselves.

You can simply make some spot investments, fixed investments or grid or large cycle bands, and decide on a plan that suits you (other people's plans are only suitable for others). There are very few players I have come into contact with who can do this.

For an advanced level, use options to make some steady returns. In fact, it is much easier for ordinary retail investors to use options to make steady returns than imagined, because we ordinary people do not need to control risk exposure so strictly. As long as we are not greedy, it is not difficult to obtain an APR of 15%-30% in the U standard of the crypto market. What? Too little? Let's take a look at how much investment income you can get from traditional financial investments. Now, the annual rate of more than 7% is very risky.

Learn it yourself and be practical.

Ordinarily, I am a teacher, so I shouldn't ruin my own job, but I hope that fellow teachers can become stronger on their own. Others can help you, but they can't help you for a lifetime. #BTC #投资理财