Attention to those who got on board $LISTA !

#Lista four-hour line builds a W bottom!

The bottom construction is completed and hits 1u! ?

Although the operation of #DWF is a bit abnormal, the pull is also real! When the market is sluggish and can't get out of the trend, it sends a cloud-piercing arrow to the leeks! After #ListaDAO surged to 0.86u on the second day of BN listing, it was still brought back to 0.55u by the market. At noon on the 24th, it confirmed 0.54u again, forming a W-shaped double bottom, and then sang all the way to 0.84u!

Now it is only one step away from the previous high of 0.86u. Whether it can break the previous high and rush to 1u in one go, maybe there will be a result in the afternoon or tonight! It seems that after BN announced the new rules for listing coins, it still wants to do something to restore user confidence. After all, the performance of new coins before is really a bit disappointing! What do you guys think? Let's talk in the comments!

In addition, 3p must be bought in this bull market, pepe people phryges, Ethereum #PHRYGES (ending with 0435) Olympic mascot, the market value is still very low, the opening of the Olympics in July is imminent, now you can directly search for phryges in the Binance web3 wallet to buy it.