#IO $IO IO today's market revelation!

Dear friends, today's IO market is dominated by the "short boss"! From the 1-hour to 4-hour chart, the short side obviously has the upper hand. Pay special attention to the "bull-short watershed" at the 4-hour level - 3.538, which is today's weather vane!

If the price wants to go down to the bottom, then the support levels of 3.316, 3.174 and 3.054 are the "goalkeepers". Whether they can hold depends on whether the market gives them face.

Of course, if the market suddenly wants to "wave" and rebound or something, then we have to keep an eye on the "high pressure" points above: 3.675, 3.847 and 4.019. These places are like checkpoints. Only by breaking through them can we continue to rush up!

Need to analyze the search for the copycat point 👉cfst115

Keep an eye on the market dynamics and stay highly vigilant to make the most sensible trading decisions at critical moments!

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