📢📢Blockchain news! According to on-chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa, from 05.22 to 05.30, a PEPE whale/institution has cleared 1.4 trillion PEPE, worth up to 18.01 million US dollars! 😱😱

The action of this whale has attracted widespread attention in the market. He recharged the last 300 billion PEPE in his wallet to Binance half an hour ago, ending a month-long PEPE position. The average recharge price is 0.00001286 US dollars (cost 0.00001376 US dollars), and the expected loss is about 1.25 million US dollars. 💸💸

Although the operation of this whale may have a certain impact on PEPE, please don’t forget that we are still optimistic about Bitcoin! 🚀🚀The future of Bitcoin is still full of infinite possibilities! Let us look forward to more exciting blockchain news together! 🎉🎉