When Othman bin Affan, may God be pleased with him, was asked about the jurisprudence of trade and collecting money, and he was like other companions who left Mecca for Medina without money, he answered:

1- I was being treated.

2- And Anami.

3- I do not disdain profit.

4- I do not buy an old man.

5- And make the head two heads.

These are the same tips that we hear from businessmen these days, and if we were to translate these tips into contemporary terms, they would be in the language of One Musk as follows:

1- (I was treating), meaning I was taking care of my work and doing it myself (this is what Elon Musk said when the broadcaster asked him in one of the interviews about where he would spend the night, and he answered: in the factory in order to supervise the progress of the work himself).

2- (And grow), that is, grow money and invest in it and not hoard it (which is what Elon Musk said in the current inflation crisis: It is generally better to grow money instead of saving it by investing in stocks or real estate).

3- (I do not disdain profit), meaning I do not reject a small profit, and this in contemporary economic concepts means maintaining the cash flow cycle even if the profits are small.

4- (And I do not buy an old man), that is, he does not trade in materials or goods that have expired and have become obsolete (One Mask not only does not trade in obsolete products, but has reached the stage of leading the change in consumer behavior, as it does not deal with traditional services or products that have become obsolete. the past because it focuses on the products and services of the future).

5- (And make the head two heads), that is, diversifying the sources and not relying on a single source in trade (we will find that Elon Musk works within three main sources, which are Tesla, SpaceX, and cryptocurrencies, and this is a great diversity and carries a great risk if we add to it his purchase of Twitter).

Perhaps we do not find a significant difference between the principles and concepts of trade in the past and the concepts in the modern era, because the difference is only in the nature of the era, in addition to the latest developments and modernizations. Whether you agree with the concepts of the two men or disagree with them, the fact remains that both of them have a significant reputation in the world of trade and business.