I am honored to be a Binance Square content creator.

An old user of Binance, an old leek in the currency circle.

I was chosen probably because I have been following US encryption regulatory policies.

I have published some articles in the science and technology section of The Paper, many of which are headlines in the science and technology section. You are welcome to pay attention.

I am also here to contribute good regulatory policy content to everyone.

In addition, I have been improving my knowledge, gradually developed my own trading system, and started to make stable profits.

I also hope to share it with everyone!

I am

Observer of U.S. encryption policy in The Paper Technology Edition; DAO activist, Web3 believer. Yeluzi trader. Doctor of political science. Metagovernance researcher, member of FWB, MatrixDAO, SeeDAO;

My twitter: @curiousjoe5

Thank you for your attention.