The Bitcoin halving is often like a sudden storm, coming with a shock like a big black swan!

Now, the footsteps of halving are getting closer. Are you ready for possible black swans and crazy bull markets?

Thinking back to four years ago, the Bitcoin halving event was like a gripping thriller that made investors' hearts rise to their throats. At that time, the market's expectations and panic were intertwined, but the result was an unexpected plunge, causing many people to suffer heavy losses.

Remember early March 2020? At that time, the market was like a sky covered with dark clouds, and it could rain heavily at any time. On March 8, the price of Ethereum was like a roller coaster, plummeting from a high of $250 to $210, a drop of as much as 17%. Bitcoin followed suit, falling all the way from $9,200 to $8,300, a drop of 10%. The market's signs of rebound were blown away by a gust of wind, and panic spread among investors.

Immediately afterwards, the news of the US stock market circuit breaker was like a bombshell, instantly detonating the entire market. Ethereum and Bitcoin prices have taken another big hit. Despite the continuous plummets, many investors are still lucky and believe that the worst is over, and some people have even begun to take risks to buy the bottom.

However, the market is far more cruel than they imagined. On March 12, the price of Ethereum plummeted from $1,500 to $150, as if swallowed by a black hole. I was no exception. I invested all my money but got stuck in it, watching my assets shrink little by little.

The spread of the epidemic has plunged the world into panic, and the US stock market has melted down again. The prices of Ethereum and Bitcoin are like kites with broken strings, falling all the way. I fell into despair, thinking that the cryptocurrency industry was going to doom and everyone would face huge losses.

However, at this moment, a group of brave bargain hunters appeared. They are desperately trying to survive in a volatile market, trying to grab a glimmer of hope. However, the momentum of the plunge did not stop. The prices of Ethereum and Bitcoin suffered heavy losses again after a brief rebound, and altcoins fell miserably.

The market storm caused by the Bitcoin halving is like a war without gunpowder, allowing investors to experience an unprecedented test.But no matter what the outcome is, this is an era full of challenges and opportunities. Only by facing it bravely can we welcome the dawn of the future.

#Meme #wif没爆仓自己平了 #sui #PDA.智能策略库🥇🥇 #SHIB

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