The secret of the new method of arbitrage in the currency circle is revealed: it is easy to get started, making 50,000 yuan a month is not a dream, and you can easily surpass those around you! #UNI📈 #DOGE.智能策略库🥇🥇 #BNB牛逼

I recently changed my dydx and gmx holdings to uni, sol and bnb. why? In fact, to put it simply, I feel that playing contracts on the chain is really inconvenient and the experience is poor. It’s not as simple as buying spot goods. Once you buy it, you can put it in your wallet. You have to keep an eye on the contract, especially when you have a lot of money. If you don't pay attention, you may lose money. So, I sold these.

If you just want to make some money, I think it is much more cost-effective to buy meme coins that everyone likes at the beginning of the bull market, such as doge, shib, pepe, etc., than buying projects with complicated mechanisms. Basically, it's no problem to earn 3 times. If the market is good, it's possible to earn 5-10 times. After making this money, convert it into Bitcoin and earn steadily.

I am mainly playing arbitrage now, just to use the assets in my hands to find more opportunities to make money. My goal this year is to earn 50,000-100,000 a month through arbitrage. This is actually not difficult, as long as you put a little effort, anyone can do it.

I was annoyed by those small projects with hundreds of times the coins on the chain, so I gave up and concentrated on bigger projects. Especially friends who don't have much money, I suggest you don't buy randomly, concentrate your funds, and do what you are good at. Don't buy one thing here and one thing here and one thing here and there, and end up making nothing.

In fact, in the currency circle, there are not many coins that can truly be counted as assets. I think btc, eth, bnb and uni can be regarded as assets. BTC can generate interest invisibly, just like the universal currency in the digital asset world; eth is like energy, and on-chain activities are inseparable from it; bnb is like the equity of Binance, Binance will repurchase it when it makes money, and the IEO of high-quality projects are all You need to use bnb, so bnb must also be held. You may not earn much from these assets in the short term, but if you hold them for a long time, they will definitely increase in value.

When buying other coins, if you don’t understand, rely on hearing and luck, you will basically lose money. Buying btc, eth, bnb, uni, etc. depends on your strength and knowledge. If you make money, you will not feel too little, but you will feel that you have not earned enough. This kind of opportunity to instantly amplify your abilities is only available in the currency circle.

But don’t be too greedy. It’s unrealistic to want to make a lot of money in the currency circle if you don’t have enough strength.You have to treat buying assets like buying a house and hold them steadily. In less than 10 years, all your friends will be left behind. After all, how can individual efforts outpace the trends of the times?

However, these are just my personal opinions. You still have to judge for yourself. Don’t believe me entirely.

An early evangelist in the currency circle, he has personally established an investment research team for 8 years. In the bull market, he shares his spot currency accumulation ideas and roll-out strategies with fans for free. Hundred times coin selection.

If you make a profit, the master will shower you with red envelopes at any time! !