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How to Modify an Open Limit Order on Binance Spot

How to Modify an Open Limit Order on Binance Spot

2023-04-26 02:12
You can edit an open order’s price and amount if the order hasn’t been fulfilled or is partially filled. Once you edit an order, the previous Order ID will be canceled and a new Order ID will be created. Please note that you can only edit open limit orders.

How to modify an open limit order on the Binance website?

There are two ways to edit your open limit orders on the website.

Under the [Open Orders] tab:

1. Log in to your Binance account and go to [Trade] - [Spot]. Scroll down to the [Open Orders] tab below the candlestick chart. You can view all your open orders here. Click the [Edit] icon next to the order you wish to edit.
2. Enter a new price and amount. Click [Confirm].

On the candlestick chart:

1. If you’ve enabled the open order display function on the candlestick chart under the [TradingView] mode, you can edit an open order’s price by dragging it to a new price.
2. You’ll be asked to confirm the change. Click [Confirm].
3. You can also click the amount of an open order to edit its price and amount.
4. Enter a new price and amount. Click [Confirm].
5. To enable/disable the modify function on the candlestick chart, click the [Settings] icon at the top right. It’ll open up a side panel. Toggle on or off the button next to [Kline Adjustment].

How to modify an open limit order on the Binance app?

1. Log in to your Binance app and go to [Trade] - [Spot]. Under the [Open Orders] tab, tap the [Edit] icon next to an open order you wish to edit.
2. Enter a new price and amount. Tap [Confirm].