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今晚ETH的ETF结果会如何影响行情? 1. 不通过 利空。 以太系全线暴跌,甚至会带动大盘下探。 2. 所有ETF一次性全部通过 利空。 就像BTC的ETF一样在同一天全部通过,那么意味着灰度的ETH的ETF也会通过。灰度持有300万枚ETH,市值110亿美金,管理费2.5%。因为早期用户被困2,3年了,终于可以卖出,加上管理费高昂,那么短期内卖盘巨大。很可能重演BTC的ETF通过后两周的行情,那时BTC从48000跌到40000左右。 3. 按照申请时间只通过vanEck的ETF申请 利多。 按照申请时间,灰度的ETF将在6月18日审核。在此之前,有vanEck,ARK&21shares,hashdex三家的ETF需要审批。那么意味着在6月18日之前,ETF将几乎都是买盘,而没有卖盘。对市场将是重大利好,以太将冲击新高。 4. 半通过 利空利多同时存在。 即只通过19b-4文件,s1文件之后再批准,可能需要几周或者几个月。 这种情况最复杂,因为利好落地会有资金砸盘,但后续完全通过的预期又是利好。两者交织,资金博弈,多空大战。 不过无论是以上哪种结果,对于长线持币者来说,都可以忽略,毕竟ETF长期是增量资金,大饼终究会涨到10万,以太也会涨到1万的! #BTC #ETH #美众议院通过FIT21法案

1. 不通过

2. 所有ETF一次性全部通过

3. 按照申请时间只通过vanEck的ETF申请

4. 半通过


#BTC #ETH #美众议院通过FIT21法案
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Summarize several strong currencies: 1.#PEPE创历史新高 From a market value of 500 million US dollars to 3.3 billion US dollars, it only took 14 days! 2.#Galawas 0.02 last month. Maybe you haven't received your salary this month, but it has risen to 0.07, a 3-fold increase! 3. #FET/USDT was still at the beginning of 0 during the Spring Festival, and now the market value is 2.3 billion US dollars! It has increased 5 times in just 25 days! 4. #BNB The market value has reached 80 billion yuan! It was still 40 billion US dollars in November!
Summarize several strong currencies:
1.#PEPE创历史新高 From a market value of 500 million US dollars to 3.3 billion US dollars, it only took 14 days!
2.#Galawas 0.02 last month. Maybe you haven't received your salary this month, but it has risen to 0.07, a 3-fold increase!
3. #FET/USDT was still at the beginning of 0 during the Spring Festival, and now the market value is 2.3 billion US dollars! It has increased 5 times in just 25 days!
4. #BNB The market value has reached 80 billion yuan! It was still 40 billion US dollars in November!
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BTC: Bitcoin fell slightly after reaching 72,000 yesterday. The daily chart closed with a medium-term Yinxian with upper and lower shadows. It was normal for Bitcoin to adjust yesterday. We have been reminding before that 72,000 is the medium-term pressure level. It is not surprising that the price adjusted after reaching this level. What we should care about now is how big the adjustment is, how long it will take, and when it will break through 72,000 (breaking through 72,000 means ending the medium-term consolidation trend and opening a new upward trend). We don’t know how big and how long the adjustment will be, and we can’t predict it. But we can pay attention to whether the adjustment can stand above 68,000 (that is, the adjustment does not break the 68,000 support level). That implies that the strong adjustment will not take long, and there is a high probability of breaking through 72,000 in the near future. But if 68,000 breaks below, it can continue to stay above 66,000 (still supported by the 60-day moving average), which is considered a strong performance. This is what everyone should pay attention to in the next few days. From another perspective, since Ethereum suddenly hyped up ETF expectations, this can drive the movement of Bitcoin, so the probability of standing above 66,000 is relatively high. If optimistic, it can stand above 68,000. Today and tomorrow, you can use everyone's adjustment to enter Bitcoin at a low point, and participate in the above suggestions at a point. Of course, you can also be more aggressive, within three times of the contract. ETH: Ethereum suddenly hyped up ETF expectations, and the price suddenly rose sharply. There is basically no pressure in the short and medium term. What needs to be paid attention to in the past two days is that the pull-up in the past two days is basically brought up with volume, and it also broke through the pressure of 3,700, which implies the strength of the short-term and medium-term bulls. It is estimated that it will directly hit the previous high of 4,100 in the past two days. It is estimated that there will be a small adjustment to this previous high, but according to the current bullish sentiment, the adjustment will not be large, and the time will not be long. It should soon go strong. #BTC #ETH
BTC: Bitcoin fell slightly after reaching 72,000 yesterday. The daily chart closed with a medium-term Yinxian with upper and lower shadows. It was normal for Bitcoin to adjust yesterday. We have been reminding before that 72,000 is the medium-term pressure level. It is not surprising that the price adjusted after reaching this level. What we should care about now is how big the adjustment is, how long it will take, and when it will break through 72,000 (breaking through 72,000 means ending the medium-term consolidation trend and opening a new upward trend).
We don’t know how big and how long the adjustment will be, and we can’t predict it. But we can pay attention to whether the adjustment can stand above 68,000 (that is, the adjustment does not break the 68,000 support level). That implies that the strong adjustment will not take long, and there is a high probability of breaking through 72,000 in the near future. But if 68,000 breaks below, it can continue to stay above 66,000 (still supported by the 60-day moving average), which is considered a strong performance. This is what everyone should pay attention to in the next few days.
From another perspective, since Ethereum suddenly hyped up ETF expectations, this can drive the movement of Bitcoin, so the probability of standing above 66,000 is relatively high. If optimistic, it can stand above 68,000.
Today and tomorrow, you can use everyone's adjustment to enter Bitcoin at a low point, and participate in the above suggestions at a point. Of course, you can also be more aggressive, within three times of the contract.

ETH: Ethereum suddenly hyped up ETF expectations, and the price suddenly rose sharply. There is basically no pressure in the short and medium term. What needs to be paid attention to in the past two days is that the pull-up in the past two days is basically brought up with volume, and it also broke through the pressure of 3,700, which implies the strength of the short-term and medium-term bulls. It is estimated that it will directly hit the previous high of 4,100 in the past two days. It is estimated that there will be a small adjustment to this previous high, but according to the current bullish sentiment, the adjustment will not be large, and the time will not be long. It should soon go strong.
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近期这些山寨币可以关注一下: 首先是以太坊生态,5月23日SEC对以太坊ETF的表决备受关注,一旦通过,市场将迎来巨大机遇。 而SSV的潜力更是惊人,4亿美金基本全流通,蓄势待发的火箭即将起飞。 此外:gamefi板块的YGG也值得关注,它正在探索公会转型为基础设施层的可能性,未来可期。 预言机板块的API3市值高达2.2亿美金,流通率高80%。 在SOL生态中,JUP和JTO两大龙头也备受关注。 而BOME作为sol生态的8亿美金全流通项目,其背后的华尔街资本更是让人瞩目。 最后,RWA板块也备受华尔街大机构青睐,ONDO、POLYX和TRU等龙头币种更是值得关注。ONDO与SOL有合作,POLYX是机构级许可区块链rwa板块,而TRU则是a16z投资的小市值币种。 投资山寨币需要谨慎,但关注这些备受瞩目的币种,绝对能给你带来意想不到的惊喜 #BTC #ETH
关注市值低,流通量大,强者恒强的币种 以太坊生态 5月23号SEC对以太坊ETF是否获得通过做表决。市场一致认为会延期,如果通过就直接起飞。 SSV:4亿美金基本全流通,90%流通,SSV的潜力简直就是蓄势待发的火箭。 gamefi板块 Ygg: 这个代币老陈前两天就提到过,他开始探索从来能有公会转型为基础设施层。所以基本上所有的游戏都跟他有关,未来可期。 预言机板块 api3:2.2亿美金市值,80%的流通。 SOL生态 $jup、$jto两大生态龙头值得关注! bome: sol生态8亿美金,全流通背后的华尔街资本,sol是老美的项目,而meme今年表现最为抢眼。 RWA 板块 目前备受华尔街大机构青睐,犹太资本的介入,长期利好,关注RWA板块的龙头包括Ondo、小市值几乎解锁的Polyx、Tru。 ondo:14亿美金,13%流通,华尔街资本,coinbase力捧的rwa项目跟sol有合作ondo平台与又贝莱德合作发行债券。 Polyx: 3.95亿美金80%流通,专门为受机构资产构建的机构级许可区块链rwa板块。 TRU:1.48亿美金市值,80%流通,板块实质较小,几乎全解锁,a16z投资,创始人担任谷歌工程师。 AI板块 LPT:别看它现在市值小,但绝对是支潜力股,错过等十年!下周的5月22日,英伟达将公布财报。AI板块的龙头项目LPT展现出了良好的抗跌性。 #BTC


Ygg: 这个代币老陈前两天就提到过,他开始探索从来能有公会转型为基础设施层。所以基本上所有的游戏都跟他有关,未来可期。


bome: sol生态8亿美金,全流通背后的华尔街资本,sol是老美的项目,而meme今年表现最为抢眼。

RWA 板块
Polyx: 3.95亿美金80%流通,专门为受机构资产构建的机构级许可区块链rwa板块。

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BTC: Yesterday, Bitcoin fell after hitting a high. The daily chart closed with a small negative line with an upper shadow. Bitcoin turned bullish in the short term after breaking the 64,500 pressure on May 15. This view remains unchanged. At the same time, it also emphasizes that Bitcoin's short-term bullish turn is not a continuous pull, but a volatile upward trend, because the medium-term is still a volatile trend. The current price is still in the medium-term volatile range. The short-term volatile upward target of 71,000 has not changed (previously it was 72,000, and the conservative point was adjusted to 71,000). Bitcoin will have greater pressure after reaching around 71,500. This is the medium-term pressure (also the high point of the medium-term volatile range), and Bitcoin should be adjusted again. In the short term, the volatility has been maintained above the 60-day moving average (daily chart) in the past few days, which suggests that the short-term volatility is still strong. Today, you can pay attention to the support near 65,800. It is still possible to make a little profit in the short term, and the stop loss is below 65,300. ETH: Ethereum adjusted slightly yesterday, and the daily chart closed with a small negative line with upper and lower shadows. The four-hour chart of Ethereum showed that it broke the 200-day moving average pressure on May 17, which eased the short-term downward pressure and also suggested that the trend of short-term oscillation and weakness has changed, but the upper 60-day moving average pressure has not passed (bitcoin has already rushed over), suggesting that Ethereum has changed in the short term, but overall it is still weak compared to the big cake. In the short term, with the further rebound of the big cake, Ethereum should test the 3200 pressure. Today, pay attention to the small support below 3025 to 3030. You can lightly position and stop loss at 3010. Strategy: This period of time is about short-term, because it is still in the mid-term oscillation. So far, this oscillation trend has not ended, and there are no subtle changes in the chart that suggest that the mid-term oscillation is about to end (but the price of big cake can return to above the 60-day moving average, which is a good start, which suggests that the next time it adjusts to the mid-term pressure level, it should not have the opportunity to go to around 60,000). Since it is oscillating, basically every small support and pressure should be paid attention to. Shanzhai: Still waiting patiently. Before the big cake recovers, I think it will be difficult for Shanzhai to recover, but it will rebound with the rebound of the big cake (rebound is not a recovery). #ETH #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
BTC: Yesterday, Bitcoin fell after hitting a high. The daily chart closed with a small negative line with an upper shadow. Bitcoin turned bullish in the short term after breaking the 64,500 pressure on May 15. This view remains unchanged. At the same time, it also emphasizes that Bitcoin's short-term bullish turn is not a continuous pull, but a volatile upward trend, because the medium-term is still a volatile trend. The current price is still in the medium-term volatile range. The short-term volatile upward target of 71,000 has not changed (previously it was 72,000, and the conservative point was adjusted to 71,000). Bitcoin will have greater pressure after reaching around 71,500. This is the medium-term pressure (also the high point of the medium-term volatile range), and Bitcoin should be adjusted again.

In the short term, the volatility has been maintained above the 60-day moving average (daily chart) in the past few days, which suggests that the short-term volatility is still strong. Today, you can pay attention to the support near 65,800. It is still possible to make a little profit in the short term, and the stop loss is below 65,300.

ETH: Ethereum adjusted slightly yesterday, and the daily chart closed with a small negative line with upper and lower shadows. The four-hour chart of Ethereum showed that it broke the 200-day moving average pressure on May 17, which eased the short-term downward pressure and also suggested that the trend of short-term oscillation and weakness has changed, but the upper 60-day moving average pressure has not passed (bitcoin has already rushed over), suggesting that Ethereum has changed in the short term, but overall it is still weak compared to the big cake.

In the short term, with the further rebound of the big cake, Ethereum should test the 3200 pressure. Today, pay attention to the small support below 3025 to 3030. You can lightly position and stop loss at 3010.

Strategy: This period of time is about short-term, because it is still in the mid-term oscillation. So far, this oscillation trend has not ended, and there are no subtle changes in the chart that suggest that the mid-term oscillation is about to end (but the price of big cake can return to above the 60-day moving average, which is a good start, which suggests that the next time it adjusts to the mid-term pressure level, it should not have the opportunity to go to around 60,000). Since it is oscillating, basically every small support and pressure should be paid attention to.

Shanzhai: Still waiting patiently. Before the big cake recovers, I think it will be difficult for Shanzhai to recover, but it will rebound with the rebound of the big cake (rebound is not a recovery).
#ETH #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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Focus on SNX Two days ago, Kain Warwick, one of the co-founders of Synthetix, introduced Infinex. Infinex integrates decentralized financial applications into a simpler interface. The launch includes Infinex accounts, which started a user waitlist two days ago. The move may bring more users to Synthetix and increase the demand for SNX tokens. Currently, SNX/USD is trading at $2.68. Breaking through the $2.60 resistance level, the target is $3.00, trading above the 9-day and 21-day moving averages. #SNX.智能策略库🥇🥇
Focus on SNX
Two days ago, Kain Warwick, one of the co-founders of Synthetix, introduced Infinex. Infinex integrates decentralized financial applications into a simpler interface. The launch includes Infinex accounts, which started a user waitlist two days ago. The move may bring more users to Synthetix and increase the demand for SNX tokens.
Currently, SNX/USD is trading at $2.68.
Breaking through the $2.60 resistance level, the target is $3.00, trading above the 9-day and 21-day moving averages.
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BICO takes off Standing steady at 0.44, it continues to rise There is a lot of room for growth #BICO
BICO takes off

Standing steady at 0.44, it continues to rise
There is a lot of room for growth
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BTC: I have waited so long for the day to finally come back. I have waited so hard for this day. Last night, the price of Bitcoin rose strongly due to the influence of CPI, closing with a big positive line. The daily chart rose by 7.54%. The four-hour price finally broke through the 200-day moving average pressure, changing the short-term downward oscillation weakness. The short-term turned to oscillation and bullish. However, last night's rise does not mean that it will continue to rise. According to the trend during this period, it should be oscillating upward (that is, rising and falling, but generally rising) to test the 72,000 price. The medium-term oscillation trend has not ended. The high pressure of the medium-term oscillation range is around 72,000. Last night's rise means that the price around 60,000 will be the second lowest level of this adjustment. It is estimated that it will be difficult to reach it again. If you have it, hold it. It is worth taking it at a good price. Today, just pay attention to the pressure of 67,000 above and the support of 64,000 below. ETH: Ethereum is really awesome. It also closed with a big positive line last night. The four-hour chart shows that the price is still below the pressure of the 200-day moving average, which suggests that Ethereum is still weak in the short-term fluctuations. But one thing is worth affirming. Although Ethereum is weak in the fluctuations, the price has not hit the low since April 13. Yesterday, many people saw that it was going to break through the trend support line below, but it still pulled up. Ethereum will continue to follow the big cake next, paying attention to the pressure of 3100 and 3200 above and the support of 2950 below. Ethereum's current performance is really bad, but the long-term trend is still optimistic. Strategy: Yesterday's breakthrough of the big cake finally ended the weak trend in the fluctuations during this period. Next, the overall fluctuations will be upward, and the cottage will also be affected. The overall rebound trend has started again in the overall fluctuations. The cottages held before, continue to hold patiently, the worst is over. #btc走勢 #eth二饼
BTC: I have waited so long for the day to finally come back. I have waited so hard for this day. Last night, the price of Bitcoin rose strongly due to the influence of CPI, closing with a big positive line. The daily chart rose by 7.54%. The four-hour price finally broke through the 200-day moving average pressure, changing the short-term downward oscillation weakness. The short-term turned to oscillation and bullish. However, last night's rise does not mean that it will continue to rise. According to the trend during this period, it should be oscillating upward (that is, rising and falling, but generally rising) to test the 72,000 price. The medium-term oscillation trend has not ended. The high pressure of the medium-term oscillation range is around 72,000.

Last night's rise means that the price around 60,000 will be the second lowest level of this adjustment. It is estimated that it will be difficult to reach it again. If you have it, hold it. It is worth taking it at a good price. Today, just pay attention to the pressure of 67,000 above and the support of 64,000 below.

ETH: Ethereum is really awesome. It also closed with a big positive line last night. The four-hour chart shows that the price is still below the pressure of the 200-day moving average, which suggests that Ethereum is still weak in the short-term fluctuations. But one thing is worth affirming. Although Ethereum is weak in the fluctuations, the price has not hit the low since April 13. Yesterday, many people saw that it was going to break through the trend support line below, but it still pulled up. Ethereum will continue to follow the big cake next, paying attention to the pressure of 3100 and 3200 above and the support of 2950 below.
Ethereum's current performance is really bad, but the long-term trend is still optimistic.

Strategy: Yesterday's breakthrough of the big cake finally ended the weak trend in the fluctuations during this period. Next, the overall fluctuations will be upward, and the cottage will also be affected. The overall rebound trend has started again in the overall fluctuations. The cottages held before, continue to hold patiently, the worst is over.
#btc走勢 #eth二饼
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BTC: Bitcoin fluctuated slightly downward yesterday, and the daily chart closed with a medium-sized Yin line. The day before yesterday, Bitcoin rebounded to retest the pressure of the 200-day moving average of the four hours. It couldn't get through and came back. It was normal to come back. There was nothing bad. It is still volatile in the short term. The support near 60,000 below is still there. Today, we will focus on the support around 60,500 below and the pressure of 64,000. The Federal Reserve will release CPI data tonight. Today's fluctuations should be larger. If the data is positive, it may break through the pressure of 64,000. If it is negative, it may test 58,500. However, from the speech of Fed Chairman Cellwell last night, it may not be very ideal. Everyone should be prepared. Bitcoin should maintain a narrow range of fluctuations during the day today. In addition, in this period of directionless fluctuations, it is particularly susceptible to some positive and negative market influences. ETH: Ethereum also gave up the rebound of the day before yesterday yesterday, but continue to pay attention to the support of 2830 below, and the pressure above is 3100. Ethereum should continue to fluctuate with Bitcoin in the short term. If 2830 breaks, it will further test 2740. Be prepared, because of the unpredictability of data, it is difficult to make a probability analysis for everyone today. Strategy: We basically don’t need to pay attention to these data before, but when there is no direction in the oscillation period, the market is easily affected by these news, but these influences only affect the short-term volatility space, not the medium- and long-term trends. In addition, the cottage has been very dog ​​these days. I don’t know how to say it. I’m tired of talking about it, but I can only say that the worst is over. I can only continue to lie flat. We haven’t talked about cottages for a long time. Basically, we can’t say it. If you have been in the early stage, lie flat first, and if you haven’t, watch it first. I bought Ethereum cake the day before yesterday. Today, you can consider getting out first or making a stop loss. Pay attention to the CPI data of the old United States today. The fluctuation should be larger when the data is released. It will be released at 8:30. #ETH #BTC走势分析
BTC: Bitcoin fluctuated slightly downward yesterday, and the daily chart closed with a medium-sized Yin line. The day before yesterday, Bitcoin rebounded to retest the pressure of the 200-day moving average of the four hours. It couldn't get through and came back. It was normal to come back. There was nothing bad. It is still volatile in the short term. The support near 60,000 below is still there. Today, we will focus on the support around 60,500 below and the pressure of 64,000. The Federal Reserve will release CPI data tonight. Today's fluctuations should be larger. If the data is positive, it may break through the pressure of 64,000. If it is negative, it may test 58,500. However, from the speech of Fed Chairman Cellwell last night, it may not be very ideal. Everyone should be prepared. Bitcoin should maintain a narrow range of fluctuations during the day today. In addition, in this period of directionless fluctuations, it is particularly susceptible to some positive and negative market influences.

ETH: Ethereum also gave up the rebound of the day before yesterday yesterday, but continue to pay attention to the support of 2830 below, and the pressure above is 3100. Ethereum should continue to fluctuate with Bitcoin in the short term. If 2830 breaks, it will further test 2740. Be prepared, because of the unpredictability of data, it is difficult to make a probability analysis for everyone today.

Strategy: We basically don’t need to pay attention to these data before, but when there is no direction in the oscillation period, the market is easily affected by these news, but these influences only affect the short-term volatility space, not the medium- and long-term trends. In addition, the cottage has been very dog ​​these days. I don’t know how to say it. I’m tired of talking about it, but I can only say that the worst is over. I can only continue to lie flat. We haven’t talked about cottages for a long time. Basically, we can’t say it. If you have been in the early stage, lie flat first, and if you haven’t, watch it first.
I bought Ethereum cake the day before yesterday. Today, you can consider getting out first or making a stop loss.

Pay attention to the CPI data of the old United States today. The fluctuation should be larger when the data is released. It will be released at 8:30.
#ETH #BTC走势分析
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Today#PEPEis making another effort, with a 24H increase of 23.63% As a highly anticipated#Memecoin, its performance in 2024 is really outstanding, and the halving of Bitcoin has further boosted its upward momentum this year. It is expected to set a new record high this year and become a new favorite in the currency circle. At the same time, it is recommended not to blindly chase the rise and fall at this stage! It is better to hold the low-level chips in your hands steadily and wait for the opportunity! Continue to pay attention to #pepee
Today#PEPEis making another effort, with a 24H increase of 23.63%

As a highly anticipated#Memecoin, its performance in 2024 is really outstanding, and the halving of Bitcoin has further boosted its upward momentum this year. It is expected to set a new record high this year and become a new favorite in the currency circle.

At the same time, it is recommended not to blindly chase the rise and fall at this stage! It is better to hold the low-level chips in your hands steadily and wait for the opportunity!

Continue to pay attention to #pepee
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BTC: Yesterday, Bitcoin rebounded slightly in a volatile market. The daily chart closed with a small positive line. Bitcoin maintained a narrow range of fluctuations after returning to around 60,000. For Bitcoin, it is still in the process of consolidation in the medium and short term. In the short-term fluctuation, it tends to be empty. The short-term adjustment to 60,000 or 58,500 (120-day moving average support) will not affect the medium-term consolidation trend, but it will have an impact on the short-term trend. If the short-term consolidation can be maintained above 60,000 and then rebound, the time for the reversal in the market will be faster. If it tests 58,500, the time for the short-term turning point will be slower. But in fact, for a trader, you should not guess these more detailed points. You should act strategically. When it reaches around 60,000, you should first buy part of the car, and if it reaches 58,500, you can add more. ETH: The short-term trend continues to be biased, but we also continue to pay attention to the support of 2850 below. This is the trend line support formed by the two lows of April 14 and May 1. Ether is really weak and has not been able to rise. The medium and short-term moving averages have also been suppressing, but fortunately, since May, there has been no new lows. The short-term downward trend has a tendency to be alleviated, but the price must break 3300 to turn short-term weakness. Today's Ether: It is also weak in the short-term narrow fluctuations. It is not ruled out that it will test around 2850 today. Strategy: After returning to around 60,000 in the past two days, the big cake did not cause further decline in the short-term price, but it did not show a strong rebound. Instead, it fluctuated around 61,000. This may imply that the market will maintain a narrow fluctuation for a few days in the future, because the big cake often has such a trend before. For the cottage, continue to be patient and wait. This is all we can say at present. In addition, the cottage is also slowly repairing the previous decline in the fluctuation, which is already a good performance. Pay attention to the CPI data of the United States this Wednesday. There may be large fluctuations when the shock data comes out. #ETH #btc走勢
BTC: Yesterday, Bitcoin rebounded slightly in a volatile market. The daily chart closed with a small positive line. Bitcoin maintained a narrow range of fluctuations after returning to around 60,000. For Bitcoin, it is still in the process of consolidation in the medium and short term. In the short-term fluctuation, it tends to be empty. The short-term adjustment to 60,000 or 58,500 (120-day moving average support) will not affect the medium-term consolidation trend, but it will have an impact on the short-term trend. If the short-term consolidation can be maintained above 60,000 and then rebound, the time for the reversal in the market will be faster. If it tests 58,500, the time for the short-term turning point will be slower. But in fact, for a trader, you should not guess these more detailed points. You should act strategically. When it reaches around 60,000, you should first buy part of the car, and if it reaches 58,500, you can add more.

ETH: The short-term trend continues to be biased, but we also continue to pay attention to the support of 2850 below. This is the trend line support formed by the two lows of April 14 and May 1. Ether is really weak and has not been able to rise. The medium and short-term moving averages have also been suppressing, but fortunately, since May, there has been no new lows. The short-term downward trend has a tendency to be alleviated, but the price must break 3300 to turn short-term weakness.
Today's Ether: It is also weak in the short-term narrow fluctuations. It is not ruled out that it will test around 2850 today.

Strategy: After returning to around 60,000 in the past two days, the big cake did not cause further decline in the short-term price, but it did not show a strong rebound. Instead, it fluctuated around 61,000. This may imply that the market will maintain a narrow fluctuation for a few days in the future, because the big cake often has such a trend before. For the cottage, continue to be patient and wait. This is all we can say at present. In addition, the cottage is also slowly repairing the previous decline in the fluctuation, which is already a good performance.
Pay attention to the CPI data of the United States this Wednesday. There may be large fluctuations when the shock data comes out.
#ETH #btc走勢
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Note: #SSV.每日智能策略 Today is bearish, with a 24-hour drop of 16.34%. It has fallen so much but is still so strong. The decline is actually related to its own positive policy. I heard that there was a conflict yesterday. The big drop is a short-term natural disaster and cannot be stopped. However, today #FRONT, has an independent market. SSV may be the next hot altcoin. You can enter the market at a low price and seize the opportunity!
Note: #SSV.每日智能策略

Today is bearish, with a 24-hour drop of 16.34%. It has fallen so much but is still so strong. The decline is actually related to its own positive policy. I heard that there was a conflict yesterday. The big drop is a short-term natural disaster and cannot be stopped.

However, today #FRONT, has an independent market. SSV may be the next hot altcoin. You can enter the market at a low price and seize the opportunity!
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#chz Around 0.12-0.11 (open positions in batches) Take profit: 0.14-0.15-0.16 (take profit in batches) Stop loss: 0.099 It is the leader in the sports sector. Compared with other currencies in the sector, it has the largest trading volume. The European Cup (a football match between European countries) will officially open on June 14, 2024, and the event will last for 1 month. There is still about a month before the opening of the European Cup
Around 0.12-0.11 (open positions in batches)
Take profit: 0.14-0.15-0.16 (take profit in batches)
Stop loss: 0.099

It is the leader in the sports sector. Compared with other currencies in the sector, it has the largest trading volume. The European Cup (a football match between European countries) will officially open on June 14, 2024, and the event will last for 1 month. There is still about a month before the opening of the European Cup
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Four current dilemmas in the crypto market With the rise of cryptocurrencies, the global crypto market has experienced a period of rapid growth. However, similar to other financial markets, the crypto market also faces some difficulties. The following are the four main dilemmas facing the current crypto market. 1️⃣ Regulatory dilemma The regulation of the cryptocurrency market has always been a matter of great concern. Due to its decentralized and transnational characteristics, regulators often find it difficult to keep up with the pace of market development, which leads to regulatory uncertainty and confusion. Some countries have taken strict regulatory measures to restrict the use and trading of cryptocurrencies, while others have an open attitude. This divergence has resulted in a lack of unified regulatory standards in the global market, increasing the risks of market participants. 2️⃣ Security dilemma The cryptocurrency market is frequently plagued by hacker attacks and cybersecurity threats. Due to the immutability and anonymity of blockchain technology, once a crypto wallet or exchange is attacked, the user's assets are often unrecoverable, which has dealt a severe blow to market confidence. In addition, due to the lack of effective security measures and standards, many emerging crypto projects have code vulnerabilities and smart contract defects, making them easy targets for hackers, leading to capital losses and market turmoil. 3️⃣ Sustainability dilemma The sustainability of the cryptocurrency market is also a long-term challenge. Although blockchain technology is considered to have revolutionary potential, many crypto projects on the market currently lack real business models and application scenarios and are still in the proof-of-concept stage. In addition, the energy consumption issue of crypto mining is also controversial and difficult to reconcile with environmental sustainability. The lack of sustainable business models and environmental awareness may lead to market bubble bursting and investor loss. 4️⃣ Barbaric growth dilemma The barbaric growth phenomenon in the cryptocurrency market has hindered its healthy development to a certain extent. Due to the lack of effective supervision and regulation in the market, many projects and exchanges have engaged in misconduct such as fraud, manipulation and insider trading, which has damaged the fairness and transparency of the market and aggravated investors' sense of risk and distrust. In addition, a large number of altcoins and invalid tokens have also made the market full of noise and false information, increasing the difficulty of selection and investment risks for investors. In short, the crypto market is currently facing many difficulties, such as regulatory difficulties, security difficulties, sustainability difficulties and wild growth difficulties. To solve these problems, regulators, market participants, project parties and exchanges need to work together to promote the healthy, stable and sustainable development of the market. At the same time, investors should also remain cautious and rational, avoid blindly following the trend and investment risks.
Four current dilemmas in the crypto market

With the rise of cryptocurrencies, the global crypto market has experienced a period of rapid growth. However, similar to other financial markets, the crypto market also faces some difficulties. The following are the four main dilemmas facing the current crypto market.

1️⃣ Regulatory dilemma

The regulation of the cryptocurrency market has always been a matter of great concern. Due to its decentralized and transnational characteristics, regulators often find it difficult to keep up with the pace of market development, which leads to regulatory uncertainty and confusion.

Some countries have taken strict regulatory measures to restrict the use and trading of cryptocurrencies, while others have an open attitude. This divergence has resulted in a lack of unified regulatory standards in the global market, increasing the risks of market participants.

2️⃣ Security dilemma

The cryptocurrency market is frequently plagued by hacker attacks and cybersecurity threats. Due to the immutability and anonymity of blockchain technology, once a crypto wallet or exchange is attacked, the user's assets are often unrecoverable, which has dealt a severe blow to market confidence.

In addition, due to the lack of effective security measures and standards, many emerging crypto projects have code vulnerabilities and smart contract defects, making them easy targets for hackers, leading to capital losses and market turmoil.

3️⃣ Sustainability dilemma

The sustainability of the cryptocurrency market is also a long-term challenge. Although blockchain technology is considered to have revolutionary potential, many crypto projects on the market currently lack real business models and application scenarios and are still in the proof-of-concept stage.

In addition, the energy consumption issue of crypto mining is also controversial and difficult to reconcile with environmental sustainability. The lack of sustainable business models and environmental awareness may lead to market bubble bursting and investor loss.

4️⃣ Barbaric growth dilemma

The barbaric growth phenomenon in the cryptocurrency market has hindered its healthy development to a certain extent. Due to the lack of effective supervision and regulation in the market, many projects and exchanges have engaged in misconduct such as fraud, manipulation and insider trading, which has damaged the fairness and transparency of the market and aggravated investors' sense of risk and distrust.

In addition, a large number of altcoins and invalid tokens have also made the market full of noise and false information, increasing the difficulty of selection and investment risks for investors.

In short, the crypto market is currently facing many difficulties, such as regulatory difficulties, security difficulties, sustainability difficulties and wild growth difficulties. To solve these problems, regulators, market participants, project parties and exchanges need to work together to promote the healthy, stable and sustainable development of the market. At the same time, investors should also remain cautious and rational, avoid blindly following the trend and investment risks.
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Today's most cutting-edge and comprehensive cryptocurrency information! 1. The first AI game TITANS on Nim Network will be launched next week 2. The opBNB test network will undergo 4 hard forks on May 15 3. EigenLayer Multi-Prover AVS will stake more than $3.7 billion worth of ETH 4. Chiliz Chain Dragon8 hard fork has received 77% of votes in favor 5. Macquarie Bank of Australia has stopped providing cash and check services to customers 6. A newly built wallet withdrew 357.34 billion PEPE from Binance 7. Due to the ONBUFF network upgrade and token swap, Upbit will suspend ONIT deposits and withdrawals at 17:00 on May 14, and the existing deposit addresses will not be available 8. The transaction volume of 6 Hong Kong virtual asset ETFs today is HK$19.1291 million 9. Bybit will launch NOT/USDT spot trading on May 17 10. Binance CEO Richard Teng made three commitments: work with global regulators to maintain industry standards 11. Bitcoin extension protocol Side Protocol launches incentive test network 12. Vitalik: Introducing multi-dimensional execution Gas will bring certain complexity at the EVM level 13. A whale withdraws 6029 ETH from OKX and stakes it on Lido and Aave 14. EigenLayer Multi-Prover AVS stakes another ETH worth more than $3.7 billion 15. SBI Digital Asset Holdings, the crypto asset division of Japanese securities and banking giant SBI Holdings, announced on Thursday a partnership with sports blockchain provider Chiliz to expand Japan's sports fan token ecosystem. 16. Base ecosystem NFT project Onchain Gaias released a white paper: NFT holders will be authorized to access the AI ​​agent system 17. 60 million USDT transferred from Bitfinex to Tether Treasury 18. Arbitrum's transaction volume exceeded 2 million on May 8 19. A wallet withdrew 8.94 million FRONT from CEX in the past two weeks 20. MerlinSwap's cumulative transaction volume exceeded US$800 million 21. Optimism announced that the Superchain ecosystem supports Layer 3 22. The EU is considering including cryptocurrencies in the 12 trillion euro investment market, and its impact may far exceed that of US ETFs 23. WOOFi Pro's transaction volume exceeded US$5 billion in 24 hours 24. A giant whale withdrew 18.76 billion FLOKI from CEX 25. OKX Jumpstart launched NOT (Notcoin), which requires staking TON 26. Polyhedra Network announced the open source Expander 27. NEAR official X account was suspected to be hacked and posted a strange tweet with garbled characters 28. Canaan Creative launched the Avalon A15 series product A1566, an upgraded Bitcoin mining machine using Canaan’s most advanced technology. 29. Sui Wallet App is now available for download on App Store and Google Play 30. Rune UNCOMMON•GOODS ranked first in the number of times it was minted in the past 24 hours 31. PancakeSwap: CAKE supply decreased by 472,000 in April, and has decreased for 8 consecutive months 32. NEAR, Nethermind and Eigen Labs cooperated to launch NEAR Fast Finality Layer on the Holesky test network 33. Boshi International and MetaComp will cooperate to promote spot virtual asset ETFs in Singapore and other regions 34. Render Network associated addresses transferred 323,000 RNDR to Gate and GSR 35. FetchAI Foundation transferred 5 million FETs to DWF Labs 36. A smart money bought 39,679 TRUMPs due to Trump news, and currently has a floating profit of US$65,000 37. Crypto mining company Phoenix Group acquired 12.5% ​​of Rekt Studios shares enter the Web3 game market 38. The new EOS token economics model is planned to be deployed to the main network by the end of May, and the EOS staking rewards are planned to be launched before the end of June 39. Pantera Capital: It is easy to imagine that the price of BTC will reach $117,000 in 2025 40. A whale who is long on ETH has withdrawn 6,030 ETH from Binance again 41. Web3 game developer Seeds Labs has completed a $12 million seed round of financing, with participation from Solana Foundation and others 42. Wintermute may have become the main cryptocurrency market maker on Robinhood 43. Glif is now connected to the OKX Web3 wallet 44. Creder launches gold-based RWA DeFi products 45. Changhong takes the lead in formulating the first "blockchain + IoT security" international standard and officially releases it 46. The ZKasino Rug-related address has sent 6,000 wstETH to the ZKasino multi-signature address 47. Arbitrum launches Stylus on testnet V2 48. Optimism: L3 built with OP Stack can now join the super chain 49. Trump: Will stop the US hostility to cryptocurrencies and embrace cryptocurrencies 50. Grayscale CEO: The company will focus on spot Ethereum products 51. Musk's artificial intelligence startup xAI is expected to receive financing at a valuation of $18 billion as soon as this week 52. CryptoQuant analyst: Dencun upgrade makes Ethereum inflationary again Image
Today's most cutting-edge and comprehensive cryptocurrency information!

1. The first AI game TITANS on Nim Network will be launched next week

2. The opBNB test network will undergo 4 hard forks on May 15

3. EigenLayer Multi-Prover AVS will stake more than $3.7 billion worth of ETH

4. Chiliz Chain Dragon8 hard fork has received 77% of votes in favor

5. Macquarie Bank of Australia has stopped providing cash and check services to customers

6. A newly built wallet withdrew 357.34 billion PEPE from Binance

7. Due to the ONBUFF network upgrade and token swap, Upbit will suspend ONIT deposits and withdrawals at 17:00 on May 14, and the existing deposit addresses will not be available

8. The transaction volume of 6 Hong Kong virtual asset ETFs today is HK$19.1291 million

9. Bybit will launch NOT/USDT spot trading on May 17

10. Binance CEO Richard Teng made three commitments: work with global regulators to maintain industry standards

11. Bitcoin extension protocol Side Protocol launches incentive test network

12. Vitalik: Introducing multi-dimensional execution Gas will bring certain complexity at the EVM level

13. A whale withdraws 6029 ETH from OKX and stakes it on Lido and Aave

14. EigenLayer Multi-Prover AVS stakes another ETH worth more than $3.7 billion

15. SBI Digital Asset Holdings, the crypto asset division of Japanese securities and banking giant SBI Holdings, announced on Thursday a partnership with sports blockchain provider Chiliz to expand Japan's sports fan token ecosystem.

16. Base ecosystem NFT project Onchain Gaias released a white paper: NFT holders will be authorized to access the AI ​​agent system

17. 60 million USDT transferred from Bitfinex to Tether Treasury

18. Arbitrum's transaction volume exceeded 2 million on May 8

19. A wallet withdrew 8.94 million FRONT from CEX in the past two weeks

20. MerlinSwap's cumulative transaction volume exceeded US$800 million

21. Optimism announced that the Superchain ecosystem supports Layer 3

22. The EU is considering including cryptocurrencies in the 12 trillion euro investment market, and its impact may far exceed that of US ETFs

23. WOOFi Pro's transaction volume exceeded US$5 billion in 24 hours

24. A giant whale withdrew 18.76 billion FLOKI from CEX

25. OKX Jumpstart launched NOT (Notcoin), which requires staking TON

26. Polyhedra Network announced the open source Expander

27. NEAR official X account was suspected to be hacked and posted a strange tweet with garbled characters

28. Canaan Creative launched the Avalon A15 series product A1566, an upgraded Bitcoin mining machine using Canaan’s most advanced technology.

29. Sui Wallet App is now available for download on App Store and Google Play

30. Rune UNCOMMON•GOODS ranked first in the number of times it was minted in the past 24 hours

31. PancakeSwap: CAKE supply decreased by 472,000 in April, and has decreased for 8 consecutive months

32. NEAR, Nethermind and Eigen Labs cooperated to launch NEAR Fast Finality Layer on the Holesky test network

33. Boshi International and MetaComp will cooperate to promote spot virtual asset ETFs in Singapore and other regions

34. Render Network associated addresses transferred 323,000 RNDR to Gate and GSR

35. FetchAI Foundation transferred 5 million FETs to DWF Labs

36. A smart money bought 39,679 TRUMPs due to Trump news, and currently has a floating profit of US$65,000

37. Crypto mining company Phoenix Group acquired 12.5% ​​of Rekt Studios shares enter the Web3 game market

38. The new EOS token economics model is planned to be deployed to the main network by the end of May, and the EOS staking rewards are planned to be launched before the end of June

39. Pantera Capital: It is easy to imagine that the price of BTC will reach $117,000 in 2025

40. A whale who is long on ETH has withdrawn 6,030 ETH from Binance again

41. Web3 game developer Seeds Labs has completed a $12 million seed round of financing, with participation from Solana Foundation and others

42. Wintermute may have become the main cryptocurrency market maker on Robinhood

43. Glif is now connected to the OKX Web3 wallet

44. Creder launches gold-based RWA DeFi products

45. Changhong takes the lead in formulating the first "blockchain + IoT security" international standard and officially releases it

46. The ZKasino Rug-related address has sent 6,000 wstETH to the ZKasino multi-signature address

47. Arbitrum launches Stylus on testnet V2

48. Optimism: L3 built with OP Stack can now join the super chain

49. Trump: Will stop the US hostility to cryptocurrencies and embrace cryptocurrencies

50. Grayscale CEO: The company will focus on spot Ethereum products

51. Musk's artificial intelligence startup xAI is expected to receive financing at a valuation of $18 billion as soon as this week

52. CryptoQuant analyst: Dencun upgrade makes Ethereum inflationary again
See original
There are many 100x coins before and after Bitcoin halving. How to choose 100x coins Bitcoin is far ahead. With the launch of Bitcoin ETF, it is almost certain to rise steadily, but altcoins are really lagging. There is no way to solve this problem. The characteristic of altcoins is zero-sum game. When they rise, a large number of institutions and old investors will dump altcoins to new investors. They will not last long and will fall. In addition, Bitcoin actually has no room for breakthrough now. The US dollar has been strengthening recently. For example, Wells Fargo’s view: The Federal Reserve will not cut interest rates soon and the US dollar will further strengthen. Before and after the Bitcoin halving in 2020, the prices of many cryptocurrencies were very poor. Later, the big market came and exploded. Many of them had a 100-fold increase. For example, FTM, SOL, AVAX. Now it is 4 years, and Bitcoin has halved after a cycle. Many projects with good fundamentals have reached the freezing point and the valuation is very low. I don't want to talk about those coins specifically, but the projects that were able to explode on a large scale before have two characteristics: 1) Public chain; 2) Ecosystem; 3) The market value of the coin price is not high; Don't pay attention to various protocols or ecological projects, there is almost no 100-fold coin potential, and many protocols have too much dilution in the later stage, which is not suitable for long-term holding. Therefore, in this period, I personally think that we should aim at public chains with low market value and ecosystem. Of course, since it is a coin with potential, it has many problems itself, so the only choice is to select it if it is okay. #BTC #ETH
There are many 100x coins before and after Bitcoin halving. How to choose 100x coins

Bitcoin is far ahead. With the launch of Bitcoin ETF, it is almost certain to rise steadily, but altcoins are really lagging. There is no way to solve this problem. The characteristic of altcoins is zero-sum game. When they rise, a large number of institutions and old investors will dump altcoins to new investors.

They will not last long and will fall.

In addition, Bitcoin actually has no room for breakthrough now. The US dollar has been strengthening recently. For example, Wells Fargo’s view: The Federal Reserve will not cut interest rates soon and the US dollar will further strengthen.

Before and after the Bitcoin halving in 2020, the prices of many cryptocurrencies were very poor. Later, the big market came and exploded. Many of them had a 100-fold increase. For example, FTM, SOL, AVAX.

Now it is 4 years, and Bitcoin has halved after a cycle. Many projects with good fundamentals have reached the freezing point and the valuation is very low.

I don't want to talk about those coins specifically, but the projects that were able to explode on a large scale before have two characteristics:

1) Public chain; 2) Ecosystem; 3) The market value of the coin price is not high;

Don't pay attention to various protocols or ecological projects, there is almost no 100-fold coin potential, and many protocols have too much dilution in the later stage, which is not suitable for long-term holding.

Therefore, in this period, I personally think that we should aim at public chains with low market value and ecosystem. Of course, since it is a coin with potential, it has many problems itself, so the only choice is to select it if it is okay. #BTC #ETH
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📈Six recent hot sectors, you can't miss them! 1️⃣ AI sector: Leading the technological revolution, technology giants are competing to lay out, it is the current star field, worthy of long-term attention and holding! 2️⃣ Meme sector: Social media hot memes are frequent, becoming a new investment trend, grasp the market sentiment, and make profits easily! 3️⃣ RWA sector: Emerging field, huge potential in the future, investors have been ready to fight, waiting for the outbreak! 4️⃣ ETH series: Benchmark in the blockchain field, stable value, wide influence, is the first choice of investors! 5️⃣ GameFi sector: The perfect combination of games and blockchain, entertainment and income coexist, attracting countless eyes! 6️⃣ Public chain sector: The core of blockchain technology, promoting industry progress, investing in public chains is investing in the future! 💡 Investment tips: When getting started, be sure to dare to seize the opportunity of strong currencies. In the bull market, the strong will always be strong, don't miss every opportunity! 🚀 #AI爆发 #MemeCoinsSeason
📈Six recent hot sectors, you can't miss them!

1️⃣ AI sector: Leading the technological revolution, technology giants are competing to lay out, it is the current star field, worthy of long-term attention and holding!

2️⃣ Meme sector: Social media hot memes are frequent, becoming a new investment trend, grasp the market sentiment, and make profits easily!

3️⃣ RWA sector: Emerging field, huge potential in the future, investors have been ready to fight, waiting for the outbreak!

4️⃣ ETH series: Benchmark in the blockchain field, stable value, wide influence, is the first choice of investors!

5️⃣ GameFi sector: The perfect combination of games and blockchain, entertainment and income coexist, attracting countless eyes!

6️⃣ Public chain sector: The core of blockchain technology, promoting industry progress, investing in public chains is investing in the future!

💡 Investment tips: When getting started, be sure to dare to seize the opportunity of strong currencies. In the bull market, the strong will always be strong, don't miss every opportunity! 🚀
#AI爆发 #MemeCoinsSeason
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Before the arrival of the copycat season, if you don’t know the currencies in the major sectors, Click to take a look, and be sure to collect them 1. MEME board DOGE, SHIB, PEPE, FLOKI, BONK 2. AI board AGIX, WLD, FET, AI, NMR 3. Public chain board ETH, SOL, MATIC, FTM, ADA, AVAX, DOT, ATOM 4. LAYER2 board OP, ARB, METIS, IMX, MANTA, EGLD, MNT 5. 2024 halving board BCH, BSV, ZEC, ZEN, BTG 6. GAMEFI board SAND, MANA, GALA, ENJ, RON, PIXEL, ACE, ILV, MAGIC, YGG 7. Oracle sector TRB, LINK, API3, TRB, BAND 8. Payment concept sector MOB, ACH, XLM, CELO 9. Inscription sector ORDI, SATS, RATS 10. Storage sector AR, FIL, STORJ, BLZ 11. DEFI sector AAVE, COMP, RDNT, CRV, MKR, AVAX, DYDX 12. NFT sector BLUR, DYDX, LOOKS, DEGO 13. Modular sector TIA, MANTA, DYM, ALT, 14. Sports sector CHZ, SANTOS, POR, CITY, OG Hold on after you have chosen. As long as you hold on, there will definitely be a return in one cycle, and no one can cut you off. Remember not to be half-hearted. #BTC #ETH
Before the arrival of the copycat season, if you don’t know the currencies in the major sectors,
Click to take a look, and be sure to collect them

2. AI board AGIX, WLD, FET, AI, NMR

3. Public chain board ETH, SOL, MATIC, FTM, ADA, AVAX, DOT, ATOM


5. 2024 halving board BCH, BSV, ZEC, ZEN, BTG


7. Oracle sector TRB, LINK, API3, TRB, BAND

8. Payment concept sector MOB, ACH, XLM, CELO

9. Inscription sector ORDI, SATS, RATS

10. Storage sector AR, FIL, STORJ, BLZ



13. Modular sector TIA, MANTA, DYM, ALT,

14. Sports sector CHZ, SANTOS, POR, CITY, OG

Hold on after you have chosen. As long as you hold on, there will definitely be a return in one cycle, and no one can cut you off. Remember not to be half-hearted.
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