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BNB has taken off. If you throw it away now, you won’t be able to eat four dishes in your lifetime.
BNB has taken off. If you throw it away now, you won’t be able to eat four dishes in your lifetime.
深潮 TechFlow
跨入 2024,「劫后 70 天」的币安现状如何?
撰文:Gou,Foresight News

距离赵长鹏卸任币安 CEO、币安被罚数十亿美元等一系列的「币安风波」已过去了两个多月,虽然币安仍然在与美国的监管机构激烈「battle」,但彼时令所有人唏嘘不已的情绪已然逐渐散去。

在这两个月里,加密货币的市场迎来了历史性的时刻:SEC 批准了比特币现货 ETF 申请,加密货币正式走入传统金融市场。回望过去的两个月,在比特币现货 ETF 通过预期的催化下,加密货币市场重新开始加速向前奔跑。而此前被很多人认为可能「元气大伤」的币安,在「劫后 70 天」里,却愈挫愈勇。



从 2023 年年初开始,按照月交易额计算的加密货币市场份额数据中,币安出现了持续的下滑。据 The Block 数据显示,将支持与不支持 USD 的交易所全部统计在内,币安的月交易额市场占比在 2023 年 2 月达到巅峰的 62.25%,到同年 11 月已跌至 37.5%。在至暗时刻之后,12 月该数据出现了近一年来的首次反弹,回升至接近 40%(在份额下跌期间最高反弹比例不超过 0.2%,可几乎忽略不计)。

若仅统计不支持 USD 交易的交易所,币安的占比,也从去年 11 月的 44.19% 回升至 46.35%。

此外,不仅仅是比例,在交易量的绝对值上,币安也在 12 月实现了环比的增长,相较 11 月的 3101.3 亿美元增长 39.5% 至 4326.5 亿美元。

从统计数据中可以看出,以上数据虽然均在 1 月出现了小幅的回落,但依然保持了稳定,并未出现此前的明显下滑。

细化到每种交易产品,据 TokenInsight《加密货币交易所 2023 年终报告》显示,2023 年,币安的现货和衍生品交易份额为 53.7% ,虽然较 2022 年的 60.1% 有所下降,但仍占据市场第一的位置。若拆分为现货和衍生品单独进行比较,币安仍以 55.5% 和 53.4% 的占有率稳坐市场第一。

此外,北京时间 1 月 18 日晚间,彭博社发表文章称,DefiLlama 数据显示,自 11 月 21 日与美国监管机构达成和解协议以来,币安已录得净流入 46 亿美元,远超其他交易所的资金流入量。1 月份迄今(截至 18 日)为止,币安平台已吸引了 35 亿美元的资金,超过了自 2022 年 11 月以来的任意月份单月的资金流入量。


进击的 Launchpool 与 BNB 的价值回归

从 12 月中旬至今,币安高频推出了 6 个 Launchpool 项目,而在之前推出 6 个项目的周期长达半年以上。用户使用 FDUSD、TUSD、BNB 参与质押「挖矿」来获得新项目代币奖励的 Launchpool 是币安的一大杀手锏。虽然各个交易所都有相应的产品,但币安的 Launchpool 以及 Launchpad 无疑是市场关注的焦点。

据币安的数据显示,最近推出的 6 个参与 Launchpool 的项目,每次的参与金额都高达几十亿美元,人次从十几万到几十万人不等。伴随着用户参与热情的,就是新美元稳定币 FDUSD 发行量的日渐增长。

First Digital USD(FDUSD)是由香港数字资产信托机构 First Digital 最初于 2023 年 6 月宣布推出的美元稳定币。据 First Digital Labs 提供的信息显示,截至 2023 年 11 月 30 日,FDUSD 的发行量约为 9.66 亿枚,而该数字到 12 月 31 日时已涨至超 18 亿枚。据 CoinGecko 数据显示,目前 FDUSD 的发行量可能已接近 26 亿枚(具体数据仍需等待官方统计)。

除了 FDUSD 受益之外,BNB 也在近期扭转了颓势。

在 2022 和 2023 年,受到整体市场气氛的低迷与监管机构重拳出击的影响,BNB 价格从 2022 年年初的超 500 美元最低跌至 180 美元附近。虽然在 2022 年年底反弹至最高逼近 400 美元,但去年还是在各种监管动作的影响下跌回 200 美元附近。

而监管的靴子落地之后,加之密集的 Launchpool 活动刺激,BNB 从 200 美元最高反弹至 340 美元附近,跑赢了大盘的平均涨幅,也一定程度上重新建立了市场对 BNB 的信心。

值得一提的是,伴随这一切改变的并不只有监管的落地,还有新 CEO Richard Teng 的上任。币安近月来的改变,可能也与 Richard Teng 反复强调的将以用户为中心的战略路径有关。



全球化方面,本月 16 日,币安发表博客称,在泰国获得加密资产交易和经纪商牌照后,Gulf Binance 旗下加密资产交易和经纪商平台正式在泰国展开全面运营,以 Binance TH by Gulf Binance (Binance TH)的名义向所有符合资格的用户开放。

币安在博客中表示,Binance TH 平台已采用了专为泰铢交易对所设计的订单簿,使泰国用户可以使用本地货币进行交易。同时,通过与哈萨克斯坦 AIFC 金融服务管理局(AFSA)所监管的加密资产交易所 Binance Kazakhstan 的订单簿进行整合,用户也可以通过 Binance TH 平台使用加密资产经纪商服务。

交易所功能方面,币安重点向笔者展示了跟单功能发布了的最新进展。币安的跟单交易功能于去年 10 月推出,推出后三个月的周平均交易量超过了 20 亿美元。据本月 16 日发布的博客显示,币安的跟单交易最新的更新中新增了模拟跟单交易、私人聊天室以,并引入了夏普比率指标使得用户可以更好地评估带单交易员的业绩。

币安首席技术官 Rohit Wad 表示,跟单交易是希望建立一个社交交易平台。事实上,笔者认为跟单交易是一种可以提高用户粘性的产品,用户在与有经验的投资者交流的过程中会逐渐形成对产品的使用习惯,而此举也将帮助币安进一步稳固行业龙头的位置。

此外,币安成功通过 SOC 2 Type II 合规审计也是一个重要的里程碑。SOC 2 由美国注册会计师协会 (AICPA) 制定,采集企业的数据安全性、可用性、处理完整性、机密性和隐私方面的信息,对企业用于保护信息的控制措施进行审计。对于时常被诟病「不透明」的加密货币交易所,通过 SOC 2 审计是对币安在内控机制完善性的一个肯定。

币安 Web3 钱包上线铭文市场

论币安近期讨论度最高的产品,则非币安 Web3 钱包莫属了。在 Web3 钱包方面,OKX、Bitget Wallet 等产品享受了第一波行业的红利,基于交易所本身的用户体量加上不断集成的新项目、新功能,早期的拓荒者们抢占了先机。

在该方面,币安显得有些后知后觉,而为了将落下的「功课」补上,币安也在迎头直追。上本月初,币安发布 Web3 钱包更新,本次更新新增了对 29 个 DEX 和 15 个跨链桥的支持,并集成了包括 1inch、Compound、Convex、Curve、CyberConnect、Frax Finance、GMX、MakerDAO、Maverick 和 Radiant Capital 等 19 款 DApp,还新增了对 opBNB 和 Linea 的支持。

在社区的期盼声中,铭文市场终于在 2 月 1 日登陆币安 Web3 钱包。币安铭文市场集成 Unisat,支持超 6 万种最受欢迎的 BRC-20 代币,通过 DApp 支持多个其他链,且支持旨在加快交易速度的 BTC 交易加速器。在后续不断的迭代优化后,相信币安可以交出更让人满意的答卷。作为 Web3 市场的「新概念」,虽然有很多钱包早已支持了铭文交易等功能,但鉴于还在早期,币安仍有机会在该领域「弯道超车」。


经过多年的发展,币安已经形成了「交易所 + Binance Labs + 币安 Web3 钱包」三驾马车的整体格局。

其中,交易所永远是核心中的核心,Binance Labs 作为附属的投资与孵化结构,借由行业龙头地位带来的优质资源与积累的资金优势,可以支持优质项目更快地发展。对项目而言,在发行代币之后无需为上线交易所以及建立代币资产流动性而担忧,币安也可以利用该优势网罗更多需要支持的优质项目与优秀团队,吸引更多用户,二者相辅相成。

而作为新产品的 Web3 钱包,一方面是降低了新用户进入 Web3 的门槛,另一方面也为交易所已有用户转向链上市场提供了便利。未来,用户可以直接在单个 App 中与各类 DApp 交互,无需繁琐得根据不同场景切换不同工具。在下一个市场周期中,币安积累的优势将进一步扩大,交易、投资孵化、Web3 钱包三驾马车将进一步融合,形成交易所的生态闭环。

刚刚过去的 2023,币安在扩大规模的过程中,为其早期的野蛮生长付出了不可谓不惨痛的代价,市场份额的下降也印证了所谓的「攻城容易,守城难」。但值得庆幸的是,当下币安已经在探索攻守之间的平衡。

进入 2024,已然摆脱了笼罩了近一年的阴霾的币安,将面向未来,重新出发。
See original
A new week, BTC saw 44000U, ORDI saw 90U Don't touch the contract, do spot, stock up on coins now, don't hesitate #BTC #ORDI
A new week, BTC saw 44000U, ORDI saw 90U

Don't touch the contract, do spot, stock up on coins now, don't hesitate

See original
To reiterate, the龙头 of inscriptions is ORDI, can other shitcoins please stop pretending to be it? ORDI is the first inscription to be born, comparable to BTC ORDI is the TOP1 of inscription market value ORDI is the first inscription to be listed on Binance Please, those inexplicable inscriptions ranked second in market value, stop pretending to be the龙头, okay? Where is your head? #ORDI. #SATS1000
To reiterate, the龙头 of inscriptions is ORDI, can other shitcoins please stop pretending to be it?

ORDI is the first inscription to be born, comparable to BTC
ORDI is the TOP1 of inscription market value
ORDI is the first inscription to be listed on Binance

Please, those inexplicable inscriptions ranked second in market value, stop pretending to be the龙头, okay? Where is your head?

#ORDI. #SATS1000
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The selling pressure of grayscale can be ignored, so now it is a super bull market #ORDI. ORDI#BTC Just hold it and rush. Hold the cost of 54-58 steadily. See 65-75 in the short term
The selling pressure of grayscale can be ignored, so now it is a super bull market

#ORDI. ORDI#BTC Just hold it and rush. Hold the cost of 54-58 steadily. See 65-75 in the short term
See original
Mined 1000+ ALT, haven't sold yet and see 0.5u Can only say BNB is the eternal God #ALT #BNB🔥
Mined 1000+ ALT, haven't sold yet and see 0.5u

Can only say BNB is the eternal God #ALT #BNB🔥
See original
What is a bull market: The largest whale in history is under crazy selling pressure, and Bitcoin fluctuates by no more than 3 points This is called a bull market, brothers, go for it! #BTC!💰 #ORDI/USDT
What is a bull market:

The largest whale in history is under crazy selling pressure, and Bitcoin fluctuates by no more than 3 points

This is called a bull market, brothers, go for it!
See original
Latest mining project ALT price estimate Let me go first: 0.5U-1U
Latest mining project ALT price estimate

Let me go first: 0.5U-1U
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Binance web3 Inscription wallet code is in internal testing It is expected to be announced within the week. You can decide which currency to use. In the short term, 2-3 times the income can be expected #ORDI/USDT
Binance web3 Inscription wallet code is in internal testing

It is expected to be announced within the week. You can decide which currency to use. In the short term, 2-3 times the income can be expected #ORDI/USDT
See original
Binance’s Inscription Wallet is about to be launched, ordi is taking off🛫️
Binance’s Inscription Wallet is about to be launched, ordi is taking off🛫️
See original
The effects of the violent bull market brought by ETFs will gradually appear in the past few days, because a large amount of funds have entered; The 6-10W pie may be coming #BTC #etf
The effects of the violent bull market brought by ETFs will gradually appear in the past few days, because a large amount of funds have entered;

The 6-10W pie may be coming #BTC #etf
See original
Now it’s time to take full advantage of the market. Tomorrow, huge amounts of ETF funds will enter the market. Big cake siphon #BTC
Now it’s time to take full advantage of the market. Tomorrow, huge amounts of ETF funds will enter the market.

Big cake siphon #BTC
See original
I found out that the group of people who got on the bus around 68 yesterday and got off the bus today all started to be short ordi. Want to get your chips back at a lower price? no way! #ORDI/USDT
I found out that the group of people who got on the bus around 68 yesterday and got off the bus today all started to be short ordi.

Want to get your chips back at a lower price?

no way! #ORDI/USDT
See original
Did anyone listen to me just now, people?
Did anyone listen to me just now, people?
See original
The big pie is 46,000, and a wave of copycats will soon make up for the increase. As the strongest copycat people in recent times, the market value is less than 2Y, so we can start to gradually reduce our positions.
The big pie is 46,000, and a wave of copycats will soon make up for the increase.

As the strongest copycat people in recent times, the market value is less than 2Y, so we can start to gradually reduce our positions.
SJ Crypto








(1)对交易来说,牢记Sell the News
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The ETF still won’t pass, so there’s still a big plunge.
The ETF still won’t pass, so there’s still a big plunge.
See original
The ordi market has come to an end for the time being, go to people, this currency can be doubled 3-5 times in the short term #PEOPLEUSDT #ORDI.
The ordi market has come to an end for the time being, go to people, this currency can be doubled 3-5 times in the short term #PEOPLEUSDT #ORDI.
See original
I only accept people's offers. The current market value is low, just over 100 million. I recommend stocking up on some.
I only accept people's offers. The current market value is low, just over 100 million. I recommend stocking up on some.
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It is impossible for ETF to pass, it will only be postponed indefinitely. "Extension" is also a trick played by the currency circle to deceive itself. Otherwise, why do you think those giant whales are selling Btc?
It is impossible for ETF to pass, it will only be postponed indefinitely. "Extension" is also a trick played by the currency circle to deceive itself. Otherwise, why do you think those giant whales are selling Btc?
See original
Band empty btc and ordi, you will come back and thank me
Band empty btc and ordi, you will come back and thank me

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