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BTC has completely become the plaything of the Federal Reserve. During this period, except for short-term and happy players, it is almost impossible to make money. It is half a garbage time. Let me tell you a ghost story: Today, BTC's daily EMA15 crosses EMA30. If it cannot be quickly repaired in the next week, then we will most likely see BTC around 60,000. I think it is simple here: 1, 65,000 2, 59,600-61,000 (it may deviate during the decline, it depends) 3, the previous low of 56,700 Buy a little spot position at each of these three positions. Don't use contracts. Contracts are used in trends. Then, BTC is now sideways at a high level, and some weak cottages have fallen back to the bear market level. The market sentiment is very bad. In this case, the pull-up is more likely to cause empty space. It depends on how BTC operates here and which line of 123 it reaches. Remember, if it is confirmed to fall below 56700, you must run away. All the BTC in the above three months will become locked-in shares #BTC走势分析
BTC has completely become the plaything of the Federal Reserve. During this period, except for short-term and happy players, it is almost impossible to make money. It is half a garbage time.

Let me tell you a ghost story: Today, BTC's daily EMA15 crosses EMA30. If it cannot be quickly repaired in the next week, then we will most likely see BTC around 60,000.
I think it is simple here:
1, 65,000
2, 59,600-61,000 (it may deviate during the decline, it depends)
3, the previous low of 56,700
Buy a little spot position at each of these three positions. Don't use contracts. Contracts are used in trends.

Then, BTC is now sideways at a high level, and some weak cottages have fallen back to the bear market level. The market sentiment is very bad. In this case, the pull-up is more likely to cause empty space. It depends on how BTC operates here and which line of 123 it reaches.

Remember, if it is confirmed to fall below 56700, you must run away. All the BTC in the above three months will become locked-in shares #BTC走势分析
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BOME 1: BN was launched in just three days. I don't believe that it has nothing to do with BN! 2: CB futures will be launched on June 20! 3: When the entire market fluctuates greatly, it will often start in advance when it rises or falls, and it is a resource-oriented bid! 4: Pepe and wif, Pepe has now reached a market value of 5 billion. Although Pepe still has a chance to continue to rise in the bull market, the overall odds, including the hat dog, are far less cost-effective than BOME! 5: When it falls, you can buy and increase your position. The market value of this bid has not even exceeded ordi. It is very likely to copy Pepe's crazy pull #BOME你就高攀不起了 #bome已出圈
1: BN was launched in just three days. I don't believe that it has nothing to do with BN!
2: CB futures will be launched on June 20!
3: When the entire market fluctuates greatly, it will often start in advance when it rises or falls, and it is a resource-oriented bid!
4: Pepe and wif, Pepe has now reached a market value of 5 billion. Although Pepe still has a chance to continue to rise in the bull market, the overall odds, including the hat dog, are far less cost-effective than BOME!
5: When it falls, you can buy and increase your position. The market value of this bid has not even exceeded ordi. It is very likely to copy Pepe's crazy pull #BOME你就高攀不起了 #bome已出圈
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Believe me, once Linea's new Odyssey comes out, many people will choose to do it while cursing There are three reasons: 1. LXP is the easiest to obtain, simple and mindless with no threshold 2. Not doing your own LXP means being diluted 3. The market is bleak, the main network gas is very low, and the entire network is almost all in FUD. Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was not available in the past. The gas cost of doing a month's task may not be as high as the gas cost of doing a week in the past. It's exciting to think about it FUD is a marketing method #lxp
Believe me, once Linea's new Odyssey comes out, many people will choose to do it while cursing

There are three reasons:

1. LXP is the easiest to obtain, simple and mindless with no threshold

2. Not doing your own LXP means being diluted

3. The market is bleak, the main network gas is very low, and the entire network is almost all in FUD. Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was not available in the past. The gas cost of doing a month's task may not be as high as the gas cost of doing a week in the past. It's exciting to think about it

FUD is a marketing method #lxp
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ONDO has accurately reached the support range of 1.08~1.11, and has now rebounded to the target level of 1.24~1.3, taking the initiative to stop profit in the short term!
ONDO has accurately reached the support range of 1.08~1.11, and has now rebounded to the target level of 1.24~1.3, taking the initiative to stop profit in the short term!
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Analysis - SOL SOL's current trend has completely started to link up with the market, but the rate of fluctuation is stronger than the market. Yesterday, Tang Ge gave me a bottom-picking point of 138.1~136.2 with a stop loss. Pay attention to stop-profit when going high in the short term. Big opportunities will only appear after trading sideways above the main control line of 145 for a few days! The reference pressure range is 151.8~154.6, and the current operable support range is still 138.1~136.2
Analysis - SOL SOL's current trend has completely started to link up with the market, but the rate of fluctuation is stronger than the market. Yesterday, Tang Ge gave me a bottom-picking point of 138.1~136.2 with a stop loss. Pay attention to stop-profit when going high in the short term. Big opportunities will only appear after trading sideways above the main control line of 145 for a few days!

The reference pressure range is 151.8~154.6, and the current operable support range is still 138.1~136.2
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XRP 4-hour chart has broken through the resistance level of 0.48u. If it can stabilize above 0.49u, it will likely show a further upward trend. Investors can pay attention to price dynamics, especially key horizontal trends, to decide whether to increase positions or buy on dips. However, the market has precautions, so you still need to pay attention to risk control in operations to avoid losses caused by market fluctuations
XRP 4-hour chart has broken through the resistance level of 0.48u. If it can stabilize above 0.49u, it will likely show a further upward trend.

Investors can pay attention to price dynamics, especially key horizontal trends, to decide whether to increase positions or buy on dips.

However, the market has precautions, so you still need to pay attention to risk control in operations to avoid losses caused by market fluctuations
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On the first day of July, the market finally had some good news. $eth, which was added by 3420, and $btc, which was added by 59888, began to rise. 1. Dianyang Ultiverse has started staking. Staking $ULTI can get Ulti Points, $BAC, $IO, $TAIKO, $BLAST, and holding $bac will also have airdrops 2. $OLM will also start staking. Holding the currency will earn interest and dividends. $ETH can also participate in staking. The current market value of $OLM is less than 30 million US dollars 3. MapleStory test network has started registration, with only 1,000 places. The registration period is from July 1 to July 7, and the test period is from July 24 to August 2. It should take a long time every day, and the equipment requirements are also a bit high. Just go to DC to find the form and fill it out. 4. Oracle points are a bit expensive now. It only takes 3,000 points to brush 1e. But I don’t know the exchange rate of points.
On the first day of July, the market finally had some good news. $eth, which was added by 3420, and $btc, which was added by 59888, began to rise.

1. Dianyang Ultiverse has started staking. Staking $ULTI can get Ulti Points, $BAC, $IO, $TAIKO, $BLAST, and holding $bac will also have airdrops

2. $OLM will also start staking. Holding the currency will earn interest and dividends. $ETH can also participate in staking. The current market value of $OLM is less than 30 million US dollars

3. MapleStory test network has started registration, with only 1,000 places. The registration period is from July 1 to July 7, and the test period is from July 24 to August 2. It should take a long time every day, and the equipment requirements are also a bit high. Just go to DC to find the form and fill it out.

4. Oracle points are a bit expensive now. It only takes 3,000 points to brush 1e. But I don’t know the exchange rate of points.
前几天给一个V群里老铁推上了 ENS BOME LDO三个币因为炒作以太和SOL ETF ENS 24 LOD 2.0 BOME 103 每天睡醒都能看到铁子的消息,问我今天这走势怎么样,还能不能拿,涨一个点跌一个点也和我讲起飞了暴跌了, 于是乎今天和他讲要不要考虑卖了,因为和他这心态感觉不适合拿现货,而且和他聊感觉会影响到我心态。希望后面爆拉不会过来喷我吧。
前几天给一个V群里老铁推上了 ENS BOME LDO三个币因为炒作以太和SOL ETF

ENS 24 LOD 2.0 BOME 103

P1左侧,4小时向下插针验证前方支撑迅速向上收出长下影线,当时还处于区间里,觉得这里是底这次会突破提前入场。(就算这次不突破也能吃到入场点到顶部的利润) P2右侧,突破了多次验证的阻力位站稳在上方,可能会在下一个支阻互换点稍微暂停。 左侧收益更高风险大,右侧收益没左侧那么大,但是稳健。 系统化的左右侧交易 左侧交易:即见价交易模式,在某个工夫周期框架内,行情阶段性高点(或低点)显现之前,就直接进场的交易,即在行情潜在高点(或低点)的左侧进行的交易,属于左侧交易。 右侧交易:即见信号交易模式,在某个工夫周期框架内,通过某推断标精确定行情阶段性高点(或低点)已经显现、确认后,在该高点(低点)的右侧进行的交易,属于右侧交易。





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Details of the three-to-one conversion of FET, AGIX, and OCEAN! The token after the merger is ASI The conversion rate is: 1 FET=1ASI, 1 0CEAN=0.433226 ASI, 1 AGIX=0.433350ASI
Details of the three-to-one conversion of FET, AGIX, and OCEAN!

The token after the merger is ASI

The conversion rate is: 1 FET=1ASI, 1 0CEAN=0.433226 ASI, 1 AGIX=0.433350ASI
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1. BTC is back above the 120-day moving average. I think this rebound should slowly reach new highs. It would be great if the interest rate could be cut in September. My current position is 85%. I have recently added ETH and bought moca nft. @Moca_Network is expected to tge soon. According to the current price, there should still be an absolute return of 50%-100%; 2. The short-selling strategy is still effective. Several projects with large amounts of unlocking have entered the list of short-selling, such as $blast, $sui, $wld $strk, etc., but not here. Wait for them to rebound first; 3. Small coins hold $sc and $olm firmly. These two have changed from speculation to long-term investment. The stability of the latter is optimistic, and the explosiveness of the former is optimistic; in the next few days, we should pay attention to whether there are some small innovations in the market. If we encounter reliable ones, we will boldly increase our positions; #BTC☀
1. BTC is back above the 120-day moving average. I think this rebound should slowly reach new highs. It would be great if the interest rate could be cut in September. My current position is 85%. I have recently added ETH and bought moca nft. @Moca_Network is expected to tge soon. According to the current price, there should still be an absolute return of 50%-100%;

2. The short-selling strategy is still effective. Several projects with large amounts of unlocking have entered the list of short-selling, such as $blast, $sui, $wld $strk, etc., but not here. Wait for them to rebound first;

3. Small coins hold $sc and $olm firmly. These two have changed from speculation to long-term investment. The stability of the latter is optimistic, and the explosiveness of the former is optimistic; in the next few days, we should pay attention to whether there are some small innovations in the market. If we encounter reliable ones, we will boldly increase our positions; #BTC☀
QCP Capital 发文表示,BTC 在下半年初从 60,000 美元区域反弹至 63,700 美元,上周曾短暂跌破 60,000 支撑位。 BTC 现货 ETF 上周五净流入 7300 万美元,为两周来最高单日流入量。根据季节性数据,BTC 在 7 月的中位回报率为 9.6%,尤其是在 6 月份负回报(-9.85%)后反弹强劲。 QCP Capital 的期权交易部门上周五也观察到为月底上涨做准备的资金流动,可能是预期 ETH 现货 ETF 的推出。所有迹象都表明 7 月份将是一个看涨的月份。
QCP Capital 发文表示,BTC 在下半年初从 60,000 美元区域反弹至 63,700 美元,上周曾短暂跌破 60,000 支撑位。

BTC 现货 ETF 上周五净流入 7300 万美元,为两周来最高单日流入量。根据季节性数据,BTC 在 7 月的中位回报率为 9.6%,尤其是在 6 月份负回报(-9.85%)后反弹强劲。

QCP Capital 的期权交易部门上周五也观察到为月底上涨做准备的资金流动,可能是预期 ETH 现货 ETF 的推出。所有迹象都表明 7 月份将是一个看涨的月份。
短线干一波 $ENa 拿出压箱底的3万u 15分钟多头走势 突破今天15分钟前高 干就完了,是该反弹了 4小时二次底背离外不拉盘真的是垃圾
短线干一波 $ENa

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LRC has shown a yellow dot at 6 am on the two-hour level, indicating that a long buy signal has appeared. If the key position of $0.17618 can be effectively broken, it will be necessary to wait for the next yellow dot signal to be confirmed before confirming the long buy signal. The current pressure level is around $0.18534, and the expected profit is about 5.20%. The key is to ensure that the same large-scale multi-party trend meets the two-hour multi-order strategy.
LRC has shown a yellow dot at 6 am on the two-hour level, indicating that a long buy signal has appeared.

If the key position of $0.17618 can be effectively broken, it will be necessary to wait for the next yellow dot signal to be confirmed before confirming the long buy signal.

The current pressure level is around $0.18534, and the expected profit is about 5.20%. The key is to ensure that the same large-scale multi-party trend meets the two-hour multi-order strategy.
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#BTC recent points are clearly drawn. Wouldn't it be profitable to buy directly? Whether it is 58200-58600 or 60000-60200, they are the range positions given in the video in advance #btc
#BTC recent points are clearly drawn. Wouldn't it be profitable to buy directly? Whether it is 58200-58600 or 60000-60200, they are the range positions given in the video in advance #btc
未来一周的大规模 #解锁 一览,总解锁金额约1亿美元,怪不得越来越少的人玩 #VC币 了,上线就是解锁抛压,韭菜根本接不过来。 $SUI 又面临大概5500万美元的解锁抛压,为什么我又要提到这个SUI? #vc币
未来一周的大规模 #解锁 一览,总解锁金额约1亿美元,怪不得越来越少的人玩 #VC币 了,上线就是解锁抛压,韭菜根本接不过来。

$SUI 又面临大概5500万美元的解锁抛压,为什么我又要提到这个SUI? #vc币
七月第一天大涨开始,今天群里又开始牛回速归了! 1:现在的市场挺纠结。有人持续看多,让大家赶紧进场,否则赶不上末班车了。每一轮大牛市都是在触不及防之间启动,大部分人都会被甩下车。这种说法其实是蛮正确的,行情启动一定是在大部分散户还在期待更低的时候启动,把散户们甩下车是控盘的精髓。 1:但也有一部分人说,一大波利空来袭,行情还会继续下跌,所以他现在已经清空了所有仓位,等到比特币48000的时候再进场。很多投资者看看左边,再看看右边,都觉得挺有道理,然后整个人就魔怔了。 个人预测7月应该是先上后下! #ListaDAO



个人预测7月应该是先上后下! #ListaDAO
7月份是比特币回报率较高的一个月,仅次于2月份和10月份,再结合行情来看, 下周比特币若二次回踩不刷新前低58000,7月大概率会迎来强势反弹,短期6万以下都是分批加仓BTC现货的机会

大盘彻底起飞之日,就是 #Rats 暴跌之日!底部没情绪,有些庄就陪 #Rats 玩玩,看中了它们社区的强共识,可以做免费的宣传,更好的出货! 一旦大盘彻底起飞,资金很难不转移!共识是共识,交易还是需要理性!立贴为证!#RATS;
大盘彻底起飞之日,就是 #Rats 暴跌之日!底部没情绪,有些庄就陪 #Rats 玩玩,看中了它们社区的强共识,可以做免费的宣传,更好的出货!

Abraxas Capital在这一天里多次向币安充值USDC并提取ETH,循环加仓超过一亿美金!而昨日因为是周末,币安ETH的24小时交易量只有5亿,所以超20%都是这些巨鲸在买。 另外周末咱们也看到了机构MatrixPort疯狂加仓,所以这波拉升不是小散,而是机构在低价入场。 咱们这两天一直喊的Floki涨了10%,有望脱离底部。而Pepe这些土狗也都是两位数的涨幅。你要知道,做空只能赢一时,但是逢低做多才是牛市的主旋律!
Abraxas Capital在这一天里多次向币安充值USDC并提取ETH,循环加仓超过一亿美金!而昨日因为是周末,币安ETH的24小时交易量只有5亿,所以超20%都是这些巨鲸在买。


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