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Challenge 10000u to 500,000u, currently 96645u This order earns 3187u Long order opened at 64068 and closed at 64770, winning 700 points It's a pity that I was busy today and missed the best closing point, but I still gained something. Only when you are content can you be happy Opportunities are fleeting and you can never get them back if you miss them, but I believe that if you keep fighting, you will succeed infinitely. Pay attention and witness Brother Biao's growth together. #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储何时降息?
Challenge 10000u to 500,000u, currently 96645u

This order earns 3187u

Long order opened at 64068 and closed at 64770, winning 700 points

It's a pity that I was busy today and missed the best closing point, but I still gained something. Only when you are content can you be happy

Opportunities are fleeting and you can never get them back if you miss them, but I believe that if you keep fighting, you will succeed infinitely. Pay attention and witness Brother Biao's growth together.
#山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储何时降息?
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Challenge 10000u to 500,000u, currently 93457u This order earns 3874u Not much to say, in the evening, 64956 directly shorted, 64117 closed the net, mastered 800 points, closed u3874 If you have an idea but don't act, it's equal to zero. Only by taking action can you open up a new future. Only by sweating and working hard can you gain wealth and success. Work hard with Brother Biao to realize your dream #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币
Challenge 10000u to 500,000u, currently 93457u

This order earns 3874u

Not much to say, in the evening, 64956 directly shorted, 64117 closed the net, mastered 800 points, closed u3874

If you have an idea but don't act, it's equal to zero. Only by taking action can you open up a new future. Only by sweating and working hard can you gain wealth and success. Work hard with Brother Biao to realize your dream #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币
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美国前财长: 美联储最终可能不会大幅降息 美国前财政部长萨默斯表示,美联储的货币政策并没有像投资者可能认为的那样紧缩,这使得市场更容易进入泡沫区域。 萨默斯上周六在接受彭博社采访时表示,美国经济仍然强劲,就业情况良好,经济增长保持韧性。这令华尔街的一些巨头如摩根大通CEO戴蒙和桥水创始人达利欧感到意外,因为他们之前曾预言随着美联储开始对抗通胀的行动,经济将会陷入衰退。 但萨默斯指出,美国经济强劲实际上对美股来说可能是坏消息,因为它表明美联储的货币政策并没有市场所认为的那么紧。 此前,美联储已经加息525个基点以对抗通胀,但萨默斯估计,既不抑制也不刺激经济增长的中性利率水平已经从大约2.5%增加到了4%左右。 萨默斯谈到更高的利率时说:“我认为这种情况还会持续一段时间。”他还警告说:“美联储最终可能不会像市场现在预期的那样大幅降息。 ”市场在今年晚些时候可能会感到失望,因为投资者正热切期待美联储在2024年进行大幅度的降息。根据美联储的芝商所工具,目前市场预期到今年年底美联储有可能降息100个基点或更多的概率为57%。 但萨默斯警告说,2024年美联储不降息的可能性可能已经略微增加到超过15%,这对美股而言是利空的。 鉴于货币政策并不像市场所认为的那样具有限制性,美股也可能显示出麻烦迹象。标普500指数在2024年逼近了一系列的历史新高,这是市场专家警告称不可持续的连胜记录。 萨默斯说:“我们至少已经处于泡沫的边缘,我认为现在金融市场还没有像其他时期那样表现出明显的泡沫特征。但这也并不意味着我们离那种情况还很远。#非农就业数据即将公布 #Telegram创始人获保释 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $BTC $BNB
美国前财长: 美联储最终可能不会大幅降息









萨默斯说:“我们至少已经处于泡沫的边缘,我认为现在金融市场还没有像其他时期那样表现出明显的泡沫特征。但这也并不意味着我们离那种情况还很远。#非农就业数据即将公布 #Telegram创始人获保释 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $BTC $BNB
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U.S. stocks closed for Labor Day, European stocks rose and fell, German stocks hit a new high, the dollar's gains faded, and crude oil rebounded Germany's August manufacturing PMI final value was 42.4, the lowest since March 2024. France's August manufacturing PMI final value was 43.9. Dragged down by Germany and France, the eurozone's August manufacturing PMI final value was 45.8, which was higher than the expected 45.6 but still in the contraction range. In addition, the UK's August manufacturing PMI rose to a 26-month high of 52.5, which was in the expansion range. Sources said that ECB policymakers have become more divided over the outlook for economic growth, with some worried about a recession and others concerned about lingering inflationary pressures. Policy doves are still a minority, and they believe that the economy is weaker than expected and the risk of recession is rising. Once the number of employed people decreases, disposable income will also decrease, which will quickly erode consumption and lead to a self-reinforcing recession. Since there is a broad consensus on interest rate cuts, this disagreement is unlikely to affect policy decisions in September. On Monday, the U.S. financial market was closed for Labor Day. The market focused on the ISM manufacturing index released on Tuesday, the U.S. ISM non-manufacturing index for August released on Thursday, and the U.S. non-farm payrolls data for August released on Friday, in order to find clues on whether the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates by 50 basis points or 25 basis points. #Telegram创始人获保释 #非农就业数据即将公布 #OpenSea收到韦尔斯通知 $BTC $ETH $BNB
U.S. stocks closed for Labor Day, European stocks rose and fell, German stocks hit a new high, the dollar's gains faded, and crude oil rebounded

Germany's August manufacturing PMI final value was 42.4, the lowest since March 2024. France's August manufacturing PMI final value was 43.9. Dragged down by Germany and France, the eurozone's August manufacturing PMI final value was 45.8, which was higher than the expected 45.6 but still in the contraction range. In addition, the UK's August manufacturing PMI rose to a 26-month high of 52.5, which was in the expansion range.

Sources said that ECB policymakers have become more divided over the outlook for economic growth, with some worried about a recession and others concerned about lingering inflationary pressures. Policy doves are still a minority, and they believe that the economy is weaker than expected and the risk of recession is rising. Once the number of employed people decreases, disposable income will also decrease, which will quickly erode consumption and lead to a self-reinforcing recession. Since there is a broad consensus on interest rate cuts, this disagreement is unlikely to affect policy decisions in September.

On Monday, the U.S. financial market was closed for Labor Day. The market focused on the ISM manufacturing index released on Tuesday, the U.S. ISM non-manufacturing index for August released on Thursday, and the U.S. non-farm payrolls data for August released on Friday, in order to find clues on whether the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates by 50 basis points or 25 basis points. #Telegram创始人获保释 #非农就业数据即将公布 #OpenSea收到韦尔斯通知 $BTC $ETH $BNB
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New challenge 5000u to 50,000u, currently 7542u This order earns 1610u Last night, I arranged a long order. Due to the market, I stayed up until midnight and fell asleep. Although I missed the best point when I woke up, the profit was still good. Are there any friends who follow me! ​Every decision carries hope and anxiety. We have a vision of wealth and carefully plan every step. However, this is not a smooth and broad road, but a tortuous path full of thorns and fog#非农就业数据即将公布 #美联储何时降息? #Telegram创始人获保释 #新币挖矿DOGS $BTC $ETH $BNB
New challenge 5000u to 50,000u, currently 7542u

This order earns 1610u

Last night, I arranged a long order. Due to the market, I stayed up until midnight and fell asleep. Although I missed the best point when I woke up, the profit was still good. Are there any friends who follow me!

​Every decision carries hope and anxiety. We have a vision of wealth and carefully plan every step. However, this is not a smooth and broad road, but a tortuous path full of thorns and fog#非农就业数据即将公布 #美联储何时降息? #Telegram创始人获保释 #新币挖矿DOGS $BTC $ETH $BNB
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The Fed's sharp rate cut may increase the likelihood of a Bank of England rate cut in September Groonghui September 2|UBS Global Research strategists said in a report that the Fed is expected to start cutting interest rates in September, and a rate cut of more than 25 basis points may inspire confidence that the Bank of England may implement more rate cuts this year, including possibly this month. Most people in the market expect the Bank of England to remain on hold in September and cut interest rates in November, but UBS said that the possibility of a September rate cut should not be completely ruled out: "Since the Bank of England meeting in August, the data has improved, and the Fed is also ready to cut interest rates for the first time in this cycle.#美联储何时降息? #非农就业数据即将公布 #Telegram创始人获保释 $BTC $ETH $BNB
The Fed's sharp rate cut may increase the likelihood of a Bank of England rate cut in September

Groonghui September 2|UBS Global Research strategists said in a report that the Fed is expected to start cutting interest rates in September, and a rate cut of more than 25 basis points may inspire confidence that the Bank of England may implement more rate cuts this year, including possibly this month. Most people in the market expect the Bank of England to remain on hold in September and cut interest rates in November, but UBS said that the possibility of a September rate cut should not be completely ruled out: "Since the Bank of England meeting in August, the data has improved, and the Fed is also ready to cut interest rates for the first time in this cycle.#美联储何时降息? #非农就业数据即将公布 #Telegram创始人获保释 $BTC $ETH $BNB
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Bring fans here this afternoon Make more money, congratulations Seize the opportunity, reap a lot
Bring fans here this afternoon

Make more money, congratulations
Seize the opportunity, reap a lot
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New challenge 5000u to 50,000u Current funds 6026u This order gains 1124u Seizing opportunities and taking the lead is not the end, but the starting point to success. After getting the lead, you still need unremitting efforts and persistent struggle. Only by turning opportunities into practical actions, constantly accumulating experience and improving capabilities can you move forward steadily on the road to success Big pie 57615 long 58178 closed position Successfully won more than 500 points #非农就业数据即将公布 #美联储何时降息? #英伟达财报 $BTC $ETH $BNB
New challenge 5000u to 50,000u Current funds 6026u

This order gains 1124u

Seizing opportunities and taking the lead is not the end, but the starting point to success. After getting the lead, you still need unremitting efforts and persistent struggle. Only by turning opportunities into practical actions, constantly accumulating experience and improving capabilities can you move forward steadily on the road to success

Big pie 57615 long 58178 closed position Successfully won more than 500 points #非农就业数据即将公布 #美联储何时降息? #英伟达财报 $BTC $ETH $BNB
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Challenge 10000u to 500,000u, currently 143824u This order earned 4189u Grasp the market in time 54755 decisively short 53863 close position accurately grasp 900 points Hard work, today's efforts will surely achieve tomorrow's glory The joy of harvest is the best reward for hard work It is difficult to choose the road when you are panicking. Haste makes waste. Success does not rely on lofty words, but on down-to-earth and continuous efforts. Pay attention and don't get lost. Witness Brother Biao's growth path together #加密市场急跌 #美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #美国7月非农就业增长放缓
Challenge 10000u to 500,000u, currently 143824u

This order earned 4189u

Grasp the market in time 54755 decisively short 53863 close position accurately grasp 900 points

Hard work, today's efforts will surely achieve tomorrow's glory The joy of harvest is the best reward for hard work It is difficult to choose the road when you are panicking. Haste makes waste. Success does not rely on lofty words, but on down-to-earth and continuous efforts. Pay attention and don't get lost. Witness Brother Biao's growth path together #加密市场急跌 #美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #美国7月非农就业增长放缓
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Challenge 10000u to 500,000u, currently 139634u This order earns 7250u, one step closer to my goal Wait, I just don't accept this momentum, come on, go long at 50475, exit at 51976, successfully gain 1500 points There was a moment, riding the wind and waves, overcoming all obstacles, just to be a better self and welcome a better tomorrow, just like before, make progress a little bit every day, we help each other to make progress, if the direction is wrong, the efforts will be in vain; choose the right direction, success is in sight #加密市场急跌 #美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #BTC走势分析
Challenge 10000u to 500,000u, currently 139634u

This order earns 7250u, one step closer to my goal

Wait, I just don't accept this momentum, come on, go long at 50475, exit at 51976, successfully gain 1500 points

There was a moment, riding the wind and waves, overcoming all obstacles, just to be a better self and welcome a better tomorrow, just like before, make progress a little bit every day, we help each other to make progress, if the direction is wrong, the efforts will be in vain; choose the right direction, success is in sight
#加密市场急跌 #美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #BTC走势分析
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Challenge 10000u to 500,000u, currently 132383u This order earns 8404u It's so cool. Go short and make money again. Brothers, did you grasp it? 53801 shorted 52068 closed the position and earned 8,000u again This rhythm is too damn fast Only by constantly adjusting our course can we always stay in the right direction and achieve greater success $BTC $ETH $BNB
Challenge 10000u to 500,000u, currently 132383u

This order earns 8404u

It's so cool. Go short and make money again. Brothers, did you grasp it? 53801 shorted 52068 closed the position and earned 8,000u again
This rhythm is too damn fast

Only by constantly adjusting our course can we always stay in the right direction and achieve greater success
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Challenge 10000u to 500,000u, currently 123979u This order earned 4859u Seize the opportunity and do it. The waterfall market is confusing. 🐶Zhuang Tai expressed his attitude. Chase more at noon. A short-term order of 52757 entered the market and 53782 was perfectly exited. Successfully won 1000 points Thoughts determine direction, direction determines success or failure. Firmly believe in the right path and work hard in one direction, everything will become easy #美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #美联储何时降息?
Challenge 10000u to 500,000u, currently 123979u

This order earned 4859u

Seize the opportunity and do it. The waterfall market is confusing. 🐶Zhuang Tai expressed his attitude. Chase more at noon. A short-term order of 52757 entered the market and 53782 was perfectly exited. Successfully won 1000 points

Thoughts determine direction, direction determines success or failure. Firmly believe in the right path and work hard in one direction, everything will become easy #美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #美联储何时降息?
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Challenge 10000u to 500,000u, currently 119120u This order earns 3436u A new week has begun, brothers, seize the opportunity to start harvesting rice In the morning, the big cake 58395 continued to short, 57649 closed the position and earned 700 points The position determines the starting point, the direction determines the end point, find the right position, clarify the direction, and make every step worthwhile #美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #美联储何时降息?
Challenge 10000u to 500,000u, currently 119120u

This order earns 3436u

A new week has begun, brothers, seize the opportunity to start harvesting rice
In the morning, the big cake 58395 continued to short, 57649 closed the position and earned 700 points

The position determines the starting point, the direction determines the end point, find the right position, clarify the direction, and make every step worthwhile #美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #美联储何时降息?
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Challenge 10000u to 500,000u, currently 115683u This order earned 3354u Stop on weekends and continue to do u. Long orders entered at 61390 and exited at 62122 Harvested 3354u There is no work that comes without work, and there is no harvest that comes without work. If you want to be better than others, you must be more attentive than others. Only by working hard can you have it generously Take hard work as a habit and persistence as an attitude. Good luck will never let down a hard-working person. Pay attention and witness Brother Biao's growth together #美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #美联储何时降息?
Challenge 10000u to 500,000u, currently 115683u

This order earned 3354u

Stop on weekends and continue to do u. Long orders entered at 61390 and exited at 62122
Harvested 3354u

There is no work that comes without work, and there is no harvest that comes without work. If you want to be better than others, you must be more attentive than others. Only by working hard can you have it generously

Take hard work as a habit and persistence as an attitude. Good luck will never let down a hard-working person. Pay attention and witness Brother Biao's growth together
#美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #美联储何时降息?
See original
Challenge 10000u to 500,000u, currently 112328u This order earns 3285u Big pie 60803 long 61522 close position accurately grasp 700 points Break through the 110,000 mark Friends, due to the busy period, I have not been able to update the post in time Struggle has no end. Any time is a starting point. The result is achieved by doing, not waiting. There is no road that cannot be walked in the world, only people who cannot think of it. The road can only be long-term if you walk with excellent people, and things can only be done properly if you do things with reliable people#美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #美联储何时降息? #Babylon主网将上线
Challenge 10000u to 500,000u, currently 112328u

This order earns 3285u

Big pie 60803 long 61522 close position accurately grasp 700 points

Break through the 110,000 mark Friends, due to the busy period, I have not been able to update the post in time

Struggle has no end. Any time is a starting point. The result is achieved by doing, not waiting. There is no road that cannot be walked in the world, only people who cannot think of it. The road can only be long-term if you walk with excellent people, and things can only be done properly if you do things with reliable people#美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #美联储何时降息? #Babylon主网将上线
See original
Challenge 10000u to 500,000u, currently 109043u This order earns 3554u Breakthrough, breakthrough, and breakthrough again, one step closer to your goal Chase the big bear without stopping, strike decisively, continue to short the big cake, enter at 68082, close at 67303, accurately control 800 points Choice is more important than hard work. If you choose to give up, then you should not complain that your choice is wrong because there is no regret medicine in this world! Follow us and don’t get lost #拜登退选 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #比特币大会 #WazirX黑客事件
Challenge 10000u to 500,000u, currently 109043u

This order earns 3554u

Breakthrough, breakthrough, and breakthrough again, one step closer to your goal

Chase the big bear without stopping, strike decisively, continue to short the big cake, enter at 68082, close at 67303, accurately control 800 points

Choice is more important than hard work. If you choose to give up, then you should not complain that your choice is wrong because there is no regret medicine in this world! Follow us and don’t get lost
#拜登退选 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #比特币大会 #WazirX黑客事件
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