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什么时候还会出现百倍币? 百倍币对大部分人来说是没有意义的,百倍币要有意义,必须具备三个条件: 1、买的多 2、百倍卖出 3、清仓后及时变现 比如买几百几千,意义不太大,事实上又都是小钱拿的住,大钱拿不住的。 真正100倍以上卖出的人,心性极其的好,这个就不光光是运气了。你买了10万,20倍了,50倍了,不卖的人很少很少,真正到百倍卖出的10万里挑一;这就是真相,而买了后能变成钱,不被胜利冲昏头脑,果断离场,去玩,去享受人生,这种人的心性是是克服人性上的贪婪,明知道后面还有钱赚,但是也不摸顶,有几个人能做到不吃最后一口,太少了吧。 2025年一定会有百倍币,而且这些百倍币70%都会在2024-2025诞生。 如果你币圈找不到方向,不懂该买什币的,看我置顶找到我,无偿分享更多币圈相关的信息和策略。 #美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?



#美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
币圈现在应该怎么赚钱? 分享给大家几种方法,供币圈的朋友们参考!1、囤币法: 适合牛市、熊市囤币法。 是最简单,也是最难的玩法。最简单是因为就是买入某个币或者几个币之后,拿着半年或者一年以上不操作。基本上,收益最低都有十倍。但是新手很容易看到收益高,或者遇到币价腰斩,就打算换车或者下车,很多人很难坚持一个月不操作,那就不要说一年了。所以这其实也是最难的。 2、牛市追跌法:只适合牛市。 用一部分闲钱,最好不超过五分之一资金。这个玩法适合玩市值在20-100内的币,因为起码不会套牢太久。例如你买了第一个山寨币,等涨了50%或者以上的话,就可以换成下一个暴跌的币,如此循环。假如你第一个山寨币套牢了,那么就继续等,牛市肯定能解套。前提下币种不能太坑爹,这个玩法其实也不好控制,新人需要谨慎。 3、沙漏换车法:适合牛市。 牛市基本上买什么币都涨,资金就是一个巨型沙漏不断慢慢渗入每一个币里面,从大币开始。币价涨有一个明显规律,就是龙头币先涨,比如BTC,ETH, DASH,ETC先涨等,接着主流币开始涨,比如LTC,XMR,BNB,NEO,DOGE,SHIB等。然后就是没有涨的币普涨,比如RDN,XRP,ZEC等等,再接下来就是各种小币轮番涨。但假如比特币涨了,你就挑下一级别,还没有涨的币,再开始建仓。 4、金字塔抄底法 : 适合预测到的大暴跌。抄底方法: 分别委托币价的80%买入子弹的十分之一仓位,委托币价的70%买入子弹的十分之二仓位,委托币价的60%买入子弹的十分之三仓位,委托币价的50%买入子弹的十分之四仓位。 5、均线法 : 要懂点K线基础指标参数设置MA5,MA10,MA20,MA30,MA60,级别选一日线。假如现价在MA5和MA10线上方,持有拿稳。假如 MA5跌破MA10,卖出币,假如MA5涨破MA10,买入建仓。 6、暴力囤币法: 做你熟悉的币,只适合长线优质币。有一笔流动资金,某个币现价8美金,那就委托7美金买入,当买入执行成功,委托8.8美金卖出。利润来囤币。流动资金拿出来继续等待下一次机会。根据现价来动态调整。假如一个月有三次这样的机会,就可以囤不少币了。公式就是建仓价等于现价乘以90%,卖出价等于现价乘以110%! 7、爱思欧暴力复利法: 不断参加sm,当新币涨幅达到3-5倍之后,拿走本金,再投下一个sm,利润就继续留着,不断循环。 8、循环波段法 : 找类似ETC这种黑车的币,在币价不断跌的时候就加仓,再跌再继续加仓,然后等盈利了继续抛出,不断循环。 9、小币暴力玩法 : 假如你有10000人民币,分成十份,买十个不同类型的小币,价格3元人民币以内的最好,买入之后,不要管。不翻3-5倍不出货,套牢了不出货,放着变长线。假如某个币翻了三倍之后,拿走本金1000元,再投下一个小币。那么复利收益很夸张! 如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点点头像介绍找到我。欢迎点赞、收藏、转发、评论、留言 #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划

币圈现在应该怎么赚钱? 分享给大家几种方法,供币圈的朋友们参考!

1、囤币法: 适合牛市、熊市囤币法。
牛市基本上买什么币都涨,资金就是一个巨型沙漏不断慢慢渗入每一个币里面,从大币开始。币价涨有一个明显规律,就是龙头币先涨,比如BTC,ETH, DASH,ETC先涨等,接着主流币开始涨,比如LTC,XMR,BNB,NEO,DOGE,SHIB等。然后就是没有涨的币普涨,比如RDN,XRP,ZEC等等,再接下来就是各种小币轮番涨。但假如比特币涨了,你就挑下一级别,还没有涨的币,再开始建仓。
4、金字塔抄底法 : 适合预测到的大暴跌。抄底方法:
5、均线法 :
8、循环波段法 :
9、小币暴力玩法 :
如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点点头像介绍找到我。欢迎点赞、收藏、转发、评论、留言

#美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划
新人想在币圈挣钱,以下10条建议,认真看1.刚入圈,挣钱别急,快速学习。你连交易所会崩盘跑路,如何资产跨链,区块链的概念都搞不清楚,怎么可能挣到钱? 2.多踩坑,勤实践,少问人。币圈100个人有101种说法,投机者认为投资者是傻X,投机者觉得投资者是蛀虫。A说这个项目是伟大创新,B觉得这就是个概念机,C说他俩都是诈骗犯......该信谁?谁都别信,币圈骗子遍地都是,专门在各个流量口站街,给新人带来对口刺激的服务。且币圈99%的人都是韭菜,信谁? 3.圈子十分重要,在我看来与村口公园老大爷水平差不多,专注闲聊,偶尔晒盈利截图,这种其实意义不大,优质圈子,起码能让你看到币圈事实?你觉得呢。 4.投资是你自己的事。这句话怎么理解?就是说,投资这件事,最终得靠自己。别人的分析,思考都仅供参考,更多得独立研究,形成自己投资框架,有框架,才能有自己主张。不用管别人怎么说,对方水平也许并不如你。 5.合约,短线,屯币,撸毛,NFT,玩哪个好?适合你的最好,目前我们群策略,屯币为主,精力足够的,可以带你撸毛。有人说合约,短线,NFT,实话跟你说,都是找你接盘的。 6.怎么样才能找到百倍币?要是连基本概念都不清楚,币圈是咋回事都没明白,还到处问的话,这种心态永远找不到百倍币,被枪毙还差不多。我想强调的是,币圈挣钱没有那么容易,容易的都挣不到钱。如果有人要抬杠,某某买了百倍币,合约多少多少倍,那大概率是骗子。 7.耐心是挣钱的基础。你可能要学习很久,被骗无数次才能知道币圈是啥情况,没事,珍惜自己被骗的每一次经验,这都是投资路上该上的课。 8.遵守币圈基本规则。亏了要认,被骗要服,高手往往不抱怨,弱者喜欢怪别人割韭菜,来抱怨规则不公。再没能力制定规矩时,少逼逼。 9.边学习,边实战。有的人说,我学了这么多概念,都懂了,可还是很抽象。不对的,你应该边学习边实战,体验各种项目,当然,输出是最好的实战,你也可以输出内容,吸引小伙伴,一起交流。 10.只要你用心,总能成大佬。我这么说,肯定很多人不会同意,这不是胡说吗?多少人还是韭菜?记住,别人是韭菜与你没半毛钱关系,你需要关注的是提升自己。世上无难事,只怕有心人。如果你又要抬杠,参考第2条。 之前说过,金融市场,就是个财富再分配的场所,即把那些没办法驾驭金钱之人的口袋里的钱都夺走,放到那些善于驾驭和使用金钱的人的口袋里。 妄想通过短期的波动来获利,我可以拍着胸脯告诉你:做梦。筹码、信息、等占据绝对的优势的项目方,一定不会让你挣到钱,不信这句话的都已经奔赴了外卖战场。 币圈只有两类人:庄家、散户 后者专门接前面人的盘,任何市场从来不是后人接前人盘,而是傻子接聪明人的盘 只要你炒币、合约、等,任何时候入场都只能是接盘侠,但只要你屯币,还能有一条生路 作为一个项目方,交易所高度控盘的市场,你看到的消息、K线都是庄家、项目方画好的 在算法的驱动下,交易所甚至可以精准爆破,让你血本无归。 网络上鼓吹的牛来了,是时候入场了,都是 庄家释放的割韭菜信息,认真你就输了入场你就完蛋了。 踏踏实实屯币,才是散户唯一出路,你可能说 ,屯币挣钱太慢了,恭喜你,你又陷入了,庄家给你释放的韭菜思维中去了。 市场上99%的思维都是庄家培养的,想挣钱,必须摆脱韭菜思维。 这里推荐一个方法:囤币法,是最简单,也是最难的玩法。最简单是因为就是买入某个价值币潜力币或者几个币之后,拿着半年或者一年以上不操作。 基本上,收益最低都有十倍。但是新手很容易看到收益高,或者遇到币价腰斩,就打算换车或者下车,很多人很难坚持一个月不操作,那就不要说一年了。所以这其实也是最难的。想要高倍涨幅,必须要深入调研一个币种,是否有一定的潜力! 如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点点头像介绍找到我。欢迎点赞、收藏、转发、评论、留言 #美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?


网络上鼓吹的牛来了,是时候入场了,都是 庄家释放的割韭菜信息,认真你就输了入场你就完蛋了。
踏踏实实屯币,才是散户唯一出路,你可能说 ,屯币挣钱太慢了,恭喜你,你又陷入了,庄家给你释放的韭菜思维中去了。
如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点点头像介绍找到我。欢迎点赞、收藏、转发、评论、留言
#美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
知道比特币这4大规律,在币圈不亏钱! 第一,比特币牛熊周期4年轮换一次。牛市一年半,熊市三年,牛市分别是2012-2013年,2016-2017年,2020-2021年,下一个牛市公认是2024-2025年。 第二,比特币减半行情,以后的6个月内才会有牛市启动,这个才是真正的减半行情,这次可能是6月中下旬开启。 第三,熊市的最低点。牛市过后比特币会跌70%-90%。通常我们抄底的位置都是下跌70%以后陆续囤币。如果出现2次探底,也会大胆买入。目前2023年的熊市底部在15400左右,2024年5月份的探底可能在53000左右。 第四,2025年会涨到多少?比特币2025年20万美元一枚是飞龙的预测,时间是25年二三季度。你如果问飞龙多少美元卖币,飞龙建议12万美元开始陆续卖,越涨越卖。这是对你负责,保守的推荐12万美元。 如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点点头像介绍找到我。欢迎点赞、收藏、转发、评论、留言 #美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?





如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点点头像介绍找到我。欢迎点赞、收藏、转发、评论、留言

#美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
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In the cryptocurrency circle, you need to find a way to make 1 million first. If you only have tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, it is really meaningless to trade every day. It is better to work properly. This means making 1 million by trading, not investing 1 million. Without sufficient knowledge, you will lose all if you invest 1 million. Only when you have 1 million, your perspective on trading will be different, because once you have 1 million capital, even if you double your profit in a year, you will have 1 million profit. If you have a house in a first-tier city, you can make 1 million a year. For an ordinary person, you can never spend it all. To make 1 million, you only need to invest 50,000, and this 50,000 can also be risk-free. You can invest 100,000 first, wait for an opportunity to kill retail investors in the B circle, you can buy spot and make 100,000 profit, and then use 50,000 of the 100,000 profit to gamble. If you want to make a lot of money, you must gamble. When a good opportunity comes, roll the position, and use two or three times leverage once or twice to roll it out. If you lose 50,000 BTC and lose all your profit, you can invest another 50,000 BTC. When all your profit is lost, you can stop gambling and continue to make profits with 100,000 BTC. It's easy to say, but it requires unimaginable patience. Only in this way can you avoid the risk of losing money in the bitcoin circle when there is a possibility of getting rich overnight. Don't believe in hoarding bitcoin. Hoarding bitcoin without sufficient off-market earning ability is just cheating retail investors. If someone hoards 100 bitcoins and you also hoard a few bitcoins, isn't it nonsense? The volatility of bitcoin has been greatly reduced. You must use leverage to get rich overnight. Those who hoarded bitcoin two years ago have just recovered their investment. Those who invest regularly will not get several times the return at the peak of the bull market. #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币
In the cryptocurrency circle, you need to find a way to make 1 million first. If you only have tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, it is really meaningless to trade every day. It is better to work properly. This means making 1 million by trading, not investing 1 million. Without sufficient knowledge, you will lose all if you invest 1 million.

Only when you have 1 million, your perspective on trading will be different, because once you have 1 million capital, even if you double your profit in a year, you will have 1 million profit. If you have a house in a first-tier city, you can make 1 million a year. For an ordinary person, you can never spend it all.

To make 1 million, you only need to invest 50,000, and this 50,000 can also be risk-free. You can invest 100,000 first, wait for an opportunity to kill retail investors in the B circle, you can buy spot and make 100,000 profit, and then use 50,000 of the 100,000 profit to gamble. If you want to make a lot of money, you must gamble. When a good opportunity comes, roll the position, and use two or three times leverage once or twice to roll it out.

If you lose 50,000 BTC and lose all your profit, you can invest another 50,000 BTC. When all your profit is lost, you can stop gambling and continue to make profits with 100,000 BTC.

It's easy to say, but it requires unimaginable patience. Only in this way can you avoid the risk of losing money in the bitcoin circle when there is a possibility of getting rich overnight. Don't believe in hoarding bitcoin. Hoarding bitcoin without sufficient off-market earning ability is just cheating retail investors. If someone hoards 100 bitcoins and you also hoard a few bitcoins, isn't it nonsense? The volatility of bitcoin has been greatly reduced. You must use leverage to get rich overnight. Those who hoarded bitcoin two years ago have just recovered their investment. Those who invest regularly will not get several times the return at the peak of the bull market.

#美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币
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How to play in the cryptocurrency circle, 100U tactics for newbies, must-read for beginnersRecently, many fans mentioned that they just started playing and didn’t know how to operate. The funds they just entered were less than 1000u, and asked me if I had any good strategies. Today I will share my suggestions. For example, if you have 1000U, divide it into 10 parts, and invest 100U each time. The leverage recommended is 20X. It is difficult for newcomers to control their mentality with too high a multiple. The remaining 900U can be placed in the financial management account. If you lose all the 100U, you must not think that you can cover the position. If you lose all, The first thing you need to do is to reflect and summarize, and then take a break for 1-2 days. Don't be afraid of missing out on the market, Bitcoin fluctuations can happen at any time. There are big fluctuations every month, and the more opportunities you have, the more you have to wait. After the adjustment, you divide the remaining 900U by 10 to make each 90U, and then invest again. This time you should be more careful and try to make the money back. Assuming that you make 300U this time, you can keep 100U and transfer the remaining 200U. In this way, you will feel at ease and your mentality will be much better. Don't invest all of it, and then a black swan appears in the market, then you will lose it all at once. Start from the beginning again.

How to play in the cryptocurrency circle, 100U tactics for newbies, must-read for beginners

Recently, many fans mentioned that they just started playing and didn’t know how to operate. The funds they just entered were less than 1000u, and asked me if I had any good strategies. Today I will share my suggestions.
For example, if you have 1000U, divide it into 10 parts, and invest 100U each time. The leverage recommended is 20X. It is difficult for newcomers to control their mentality with too high a multiple. The remaining 900U can be placed in the financial management account. If you lose all the 100U, you must not think that you can cover the position. If you lose all,
The first thing you need to do is to reflect and summarize, and then take a break for 1-2 days. Don't be afraid of missing out on the market, Bitcoin fluctuations can happen at any time. There are big fluctuations every month, and the more opportunities you have, the more you have to wait. After the adjustment, you divide the remaining 900U by 10 to make each 90U, and then invest again. This time you should be more careful and try to make the money back. Assuming that you make 300U this time, you can keep 100U and transfer the remaining 200U. In this way, you will feel at ease and your mentality will be much better. Don't invest all of it, and then a black swan appears in the market, then you will lose it all at once. Start from the beginning again.
See original
The altcoin market is collapsing again, and the market is full of pessimism. This is what the dog dealer wants. The bull market is still there. Stay optimistic and the future is still promising. Yesterday, ETH fell synchronously with BTC, which was in line with expectations. There was fundamental news that the ETF was delayed, and the speculation expectations were extended again. However, the macro environment had a greater impact, and the positive effect of the ETF was still weakened. Today, the oversold rebound is expected. Don't be blindly optimistic, wait patiently, be defensive, and wait for stabilization signals. The altcoin market fell synchronously with the mainstream, and most currencies had a large correction. The key targets of the dog dealer's current round of wash-out are all on the altcoins. Most users have much higher altcoin chips than mainstream chips, so the wash-out is serious, creating panic and forcing users to hand over their hands. Chips, pay attention to the rebound of the cottage today, you can consider light follow-up, and take advantage of the short-term rebound opportunity. The stop must be set well, within 10%. The market has not shown a clear reversal signal, and spot trading still needs to be cautious RGB++ has started free casting. The recent on-chain activity has increased. RGB++ is also a very good new protocol, which has a good effect on the construction of the BTC ecosystem. Continue to pay attention to this sector. The market continues to be sluggish. Wait for the sector to review the heat before taking action The rune market is still sluggish. Pay attention to high-quality currencies in the rune market and start buying when waiting for the second wash If you can't find the direction in the currency circle and don't know what currency to buy, look at me and find me at the top. I will share more information and strategies related to the currency circle for free. #德国政府转移比特币 #币安合约锦标赛
The altcoin market is collapsing again, and the market is full of pessimism. This is what the dog dealer wants. The bull market is still there. Stay optimistic and the future is still promising.

Yesterday, ETH fell synchronously with BTC, which was in line with expectations. There was fundamental news that the ETF was delayed, and the speculation expectations were extended again. However, the macro environment had a greater impact, and the positive effect of the ETF was still weakened. Today, the oversold rebound is expected. Don't be blindly optimistic, wait patiently, be defensive, and wait for stabilization signals.

The altcoin market fell synchronously with the mainstream, and most currencies had a large correction. The key targets of the dog dealer's current round of wash-out are all on the altcoins. Most users have much higher altcoin chips than mainstream chips, so the wash-out is serious, creating panic and forcing users to hand over their hands. Chips, pay attention to the rebound of the cottage today, you can consider light follow-up, and take advantage of the short-term rebound opportunity. The stop must be set well, within 10%. The market has not shown a clear reversal signal, and spot trading still needs to be cautious

RGB++ has started free casting. The recent on-chain activity has increased. RGB++ is also a very good new protocol, which has a good effect on the construction of the BTC ecosystem. Continue to pay attention to this sector. The market continues to be sluggish. Wait for the sector to review the heat before taking action

The rune market is still sluggish. Pay attention to high-quality currencies in the rune market and start buying when waiting for the second wash

If you can't find the direction in the currency circle and don't know what currency to buy, look at me and find me at the top. I will share more information and strategies related to the currency circle for free.

#德国政府转移比特币 #币安合约锦标赛
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If you want to make money in the cryptocurrency circle, you must know six points: 1. Understand what the bull-bear cycle is, for example, the bear market is the time to buy chips. When the bull market comes, it is time to sell chips. 2. Understand what tokens are good, such as Ethereum, Bitcoin Ecosystem, Ethereum Layer 2 Project Coins, etc. 3. Configuration, that is, to do a good job of stratification, with mainstream accounting for 50-60%, value coins accounting for 20-30%, and new projects accounting for a little. Reasonable positions can protect your mentality. 4. Emotions. People with good emotions, first of all, cannot be in debt, cannot have no cash flow, cannot have nothing to do, cannot look at coins every day, care about coins, and not care about other things. Then, people with bad emotions who are anxious to get rich may sell as soon as the price rises, and cut their profits as soon as the price falls. 5. Good expectations, how much do you expect to earn in a bull market? Don't be unrealistic. It is reasonable to earn 5-10 times in a bull market. If you want to earn 100 times or 1,000 times, this can only be done if you forget. If you buy a lot, you are destined to never forget. 6. Know how to hide, make money and collect grain, harvest in autumn and store in winter, wait for the bear market next year to continue sowing, wait for the next cycle, even if you only have tens of thousands, you can get millions, hundreds of millions, basically you can get 5 million or tens of millions. If you can't find the direction in the currency circle, don't know what currency to buy, look at my pinned post to find me, and share more information and strategies related to the currency circle for free. #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币
If you want to make money in the cryptocurrency circle, you must know six points:

1. Understand what the bull-bear cycle is, for example, the bear market is the time to buy chips. When the bull market comes, it is time to sell chips.

2. Understand what tokens are good, such as Ethereum, Bitcoin Ecosystem, Ethereum Layer 2 Project Coins, etc.

3. Configuration, that is, to do a good job of stratification, with mainstream accounting for 50-60%, value coins accounting for 20-30%, and new projects accounting for a little. Reasonable positions can protect your mentality.

4. Emotions. People with good emotions, first of all, cannot be in debt, cannot have no cash flow, cannot have nothing to do, cannot look at coins every day, care about coins, and not care about other things. Then, people with bad emotions who are anxious to get rich may sell as soon as the price rises, and cut their profits as soon as the price falls.

5. Good expectations, how much do you expect to earn in a bull market? Don't be unrealistic. It is reasonable to earn 5-10 times in a bull market. If you want to earn 100 times or 1,000 times, this can only be done if you forget. If you buy a lot, you are destined to never forget.

6. Know how to hide, make money and collect grain, harvest in autumn and store in winter, wait for the bear market next year to continue sowing, wait for the next cycle, even if you only have tens of thousands, you can get millions, hundreds of millions, basically you can get 5 million or tens of millions.

If you can't find the direction in the currency circle, don't know what currency to buy, look at my pinned post to find me, and share more information and strategies related to the currency circle for free.

#美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币
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Choose the holding ratio according to the amount of funds: If you have 100,000 yuan of capital, you only need to buy 1 coin to hold If you have 200,000 yuan of capital, you only need to buy 2 coins to hold If you have 500,000 yuan of capital, you only need to buy 3 coins to hold If you have 1 million yuan of capital, you only need to buy 4 coins to hold If you have 10 million yuan of capital, you only need to buy 5 coins to hold If you have 100 million yuan of capital, you only need to buy 6 coins to hold If you have more than 1 billion yuan of capital, you only need to buy 10 coins to hold. Many leeks do not know how to allocate positions according to the amount of funds. For example, some retail investors have less than 100,000 yuan of funds, but they buy more than 50 currencies. As a result, they are too busy to watch the market. It is strange that they do not lose money. They make a drizzle and lose a lot of money. The way to make money by speculating in coins is actually very simple. Buy big bull coins at a low position, and then hold them patiently. When the big cake is unable to rise, you can sell it! If you can't find your direction in the cryptocurrency circle and don't know what coin to buy, please find me on the top of my page and share more information and strategies related to the cryptocurrency circle for free. #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币
Choose the holding ratio according to the amount of funds:

If you have 100,000 yuan of capital, you only need to buy 1 coin to hold
If you have 200,000 yuan of capital, you only need to buy 2 coins to hold
If you have 500,000 yuan of capital, you only need to buy 3 coins to hold
If you have 1 million yuan of capital, you only need to buy 4 coins to hold
If you have 10 million yuan of capital, you only need to buy 5 coins to hold
If you have 100 million yuan of capital, you only need to buy 6 coins to hold
If you have more than 1 billion yuan of capital, you only need to buy 10 coins to hold.

Many leeks do not know how to allocate positions according to the amount of funds. For example, some retail investors have less than 100,000 yuan of funds, but they buy more than 50 currencies. As a result, they are too busy to watch the market. It is strange that they do not lose money. They make a drizzle and lose a lot of money. The way to make money by speculating in coins is actually very simple. Buy big bull coins at a low position, and then hold them patiently. When the big cake is unable to rise, you can sell it!

If you can't find your direction in the cryptocurrency circle and don't know what coin to buy, please find me on the top of my page and share more information and strategies related to the cryptocurrency circle for free.

#美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币
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What abilities are needed to play in the cryptocurrency circle? A few points to play in the cryptocurrency circle: 1. First of all, you need technical analysis ability, "learn K-line technical indicators, position management, cycle and wave theory, stop loss and stop profit". 2. Market understanding and information interpretation, "interpret data, pay attention to industry information". 3. Operation and practical skills, "familiar with exchange operations, wallet management, on-chain operations". 4. Risk management and psychological quality, "diversified investment, emotional control, learning to accept losses". 5. Continuous learning and adaptability, "technology and market dynamics, adapt to market changes". 6. Basic knowledge, "blockchain basics, digital currency knowledge". 7. Security awareness, "protect personal assets". 8. Social and information screening, "social network, identify information". If you can't find the direction in the cryptocurrency circle and don't know what currency to buy, look at me and find me at the top, and share more information and strategies related to the cryptocurrency circle for free. #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛
What abilities are needed to play in the cryptocurrency circle?

A few points to play in the cryptocurrency circle:

1. First of all, you need technical analysis ability, "learn K-line technical indicators, position management, cycle and wave theory, stop loss and stop profit".

2. Market understanding and information interpretation, "interpret data, pay attention to industry information".

3. Operation and practical skills, "familiar with exchange operations, wallet management, on-chain operations".

4. Risk management and psychological quality, "diversified investment, emotional control, learning to accept losses".

5. Continuous learning and adaptability, "technology and market dynamics, adapt to market changes".

6. Basic knowledge, "blockchain basics, digital currency knowledge".

7. Security awareness, "protect personal assets".

8. Social and information screening, "social network, identify information".

If you can't find the direction in the cryptocurrency circle and don't know what currency to buy, look at me and find me at the top, and share more information and strategies related to the cryptocurrency circle for free.

#美国6月非农数据高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛
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Why can’t you make money in the currency circle? 1. Failure to buy when the price drops: When the currency price drops, if you fail to seize the opportunity, you will miss a good opportunity to buy at a low price. 2. Buying but not being able to hold on: Even if you buy at a low point, if you sell because the market fluctuates slightly, you will be thrown off the market as soon as the dealer washes the market. 3. Over-diversification: Spreading funds into too many currencies may result in the inability to concentrate on achieving significant gains. 4. Frequent operations: Frequently buy and sell, frequently change positions to chase the rise and kill the fall. In this way, you will often miss the entire bull market's rise. 5. Be greedy and operate with full positions in the bull market: In the bull market, if you blindly chase the rise and operate with large positions and full positions, once there is a big correction, you may be out of the game. 6. Slow response to the bull market: When the bull market comes, you don’t know it and you don’t dare to make large-scale operations; when the bull market goes away, you don’t know it yet, so you still take a heavy position or keep adding to it, which can easily cause losses. , If you can't find your direction in the currency circle and don't know what currency to buy, check out my pin to find me and share more information and strategies related to the currency circle for free. #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币
Why can’t you make money in the currency circle?

1. Failure to buy when the price drops: When the currency price drops, if you fail to seize the opportunity, you will miss a good opportunity to buy at a low price.

2. Buying but not being able to hold on: Even if you buy at a low point, if you sell because the market fluctuates slightly, you will be thrown off the market as soon as the dealer washes the market.

3. Over-diversification: Spreading funds into too many currencies may result in the inability to concentrate on achieving significant gains.

4. Frequent operations: Frequently buy and sell, frequently change positions to chase the rise and kill the fall. In this way, you will often miss the entire bull market's rise.

5. Be greedy and operate with full positions in the bull market: In the bull market, if you blindly chase the rise and operate with large positions and full positions, once there is a big correction, you may be out of the game.

6. Slow response to the bull market: When the bull market comes, you don’t know it and you don’t dare to make large-scale operations; when the bull market goes away, you don’t know it yet, so you still take a heavy position or keep adding to it, which can easily cause losses. ,

If you can't find your direction in the currency circle and don't know what currency to buy, check out my pin to find me and share more information and strategies related to the currency circle for free.

#美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币
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You bought the right coin, and it increased 10 times, but you only bought 10,000, so you only made 100,000, but if you bought 500,000, you would make 5 million. If you bought the right coin, it immediately plummeted 50% right after you bought it, then went sideways for three months, and finally soared 100 times. It is likely that you have already cut your losses when it plummeted 50% and went sideways. You can't wait for the final fruit unless you understand the project, you have confidence that it will definitely return to value, and you are a die-hard holder. So, to be free, there are three steps: choose the right coin, a large position, and hold it. #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币
You bought the right coin, and it increased 10 times, but you only bought 10,000, so you only made 100,000, but if you bought 500,000, you would make 5 million.

If you bought the right coin, it immediately plummeted 50% right after you bought it, then went sideways for three months, and finally soared 100 times. It is likely that you have already cut your losses when it plummeted 50% and went sideways. You can't wait for the final fruit unless you understand the project, you have confidence that it will definitely return to value, and you are a die-hard holder.

So, to be free, there are three steps: choose the right coin, a large position, and hold it.

#美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币
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How to turn 100,000 into 1 million in the cryptocurrency world? The first way: 100,000 to 1 million, 10 times! The second way, 100,000 doubles once to 200,000, doubles again to 400,000, doubles again to 800,000. Three times doubled, it will soon reach 1 million. Most people think it is the first way, but most people who have made money use the second way. You need to understand a formula: income = principal ✖ volatility ✖ time. For example, if the principal is 100,000, it will increase by 100% in 1 year, and then the principal will become 200,000 after one year, doubling. Now the common method used by leeks in the cryptocurrency world is to amplify volatility, such as buying a fake currency that jumps up and down, and it can increase by 50% in one day, or it can be cut in half in one day; or it can be leveraged to amplify volatility, such as a 5% increase in one day, 10 times leverage, then the income for one day becomes 50%. Since you have thought clearly that you only buy spot and do not want to amplify the returns by amplifying volatility, then there are only two ways, one is to choose a copycat, and the other is to extend the time. #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币
How to turn 100,000 into 1 million in the cryptocurrency world?

The first way: 100,000 to 1 million, 10 times!

The second way, 100,000 doubles once to 200,000, doubles again to 400,000, doubles again to 800,000. Three times doubled, it will soon reach 1 million.

Most people think it is the first way, but most people who have made money use the second way.

You need to understand a formula: income = principal ✖ volatility ✖ time. For example, if the principal is 100,000, it will increase by 100% in 1 year, and then the principal will become 200,000 after one year, doubling.

Now the common method used by leeks in the cryptocurrency world is to amplify volatility, such as buying a fake currency that jumps up and down, and it can increase by 50% in one day, or it can be cut in half in one day; or it can be leveraged to amplify volatility, such as a 5% increase in one day, 10 times leverage, then the income for one day becomes 50%.

Since you have thought clearly that you only buy spot and do not want to amplify the returns by amplifying volatility, then there are only two ways, one is to choose a copycat, and the other is to extend the time.

#美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币
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How to make 10 million with 10,000 in the cryptocurrency world?There are many people who have made 10 million in the cryptocurrency circle. However, making 10 million by yourself and summarizing the methodology for ordinary people to make 10 million are two completely different things. The latter is obviously much more difficult. The thinking method is to break down 10 million into three times of 10, look for opportunities of corresponding magnitude in the first, second and third times of 10, and repeat the profitable operation 100 times in each times of 10. I think these ideas are very scientific and effective. So how do you make 10 million in the cryptocurrency world? Let's start with a basic theorem: In one's lifetime, one only needs to bet three ten-fold coins in a row.

How to make 10 million with 10,000 in the cryptocurrency world?

There are many people who have made 10 million in the cryptocurrency circle. However, making 10 million by yourself and summarizing the methodology for ordinary people to make 10 million are two completely different things. The latter is obviously much more difficult.
The thinking method is to break down 10 million into three times of 10, look for opportunities of corresponding magnitude in the first, second and third times of 10, and repeat the profitable operation 100 times in each times of 10. I think these ideas are very scientific and effective.
So how do you make 10 million in the cryptocurrency world?

Let's start with a basic theorem:
In one's lifetime, one only needs to bet three ten-fold coins in a row.
See original
Do you understand the account of cryptocurrency speculation? Many people do not understand cryptocurrency speculation for their entire lives. If you have 1 million yuan, it first rises 100%, then falls 50%, how much is left? The answer is 1 million yuan. If you have 1 million yuan, it first falls 50%, then rises 50%, how much is left? The answer is 750,000 yuan. If it rises 50% first, then falls 50%, how much is left? The answer is also 750,000 yuan. If you have 1 million yuan, the annual steady rate of return is 30%, how much is left after 1 year? The answer is 1.3 million yuan How much is left after 2 years? The answer is 1.69 million yuan. What do the first two examples illustrate? They illustrate that in cryptocurrency speculation, controlling retracement is always the first priority. In real life, many people may be able to achieve 100% or even 200% profit in the short term, but in the long run, as long as the return retracement exceeds 50%, the final result is still to be beaten back to the original shape by the retracement, and it is all in vain. What does the third example illustrate? It shows that a steady annualized rate of return is not inferior to a high rate of return with higher volatility. A steady return of 30% per year is already quite impressive! On this basis, with compound interest growth every year, the return will become very considerable over time! From the perspective of a stock market master, why can Buffett become a stock god? It is not because he can easily double his profits in the short term, but because he can maintain a profit of more than 20% for 47 years. Many people may be able to achieve a profit of more than 20% in the short term, but it is rare for them to be able to maintain it for more than five or ten years. Therefore, we should all keep a normal mind, be down-to-earth, and always believe in the power of compound interest. Be sure to do a good job of position management! If you can't find the direction in the currency circle and don't know what currency to buy, look at my pinned post to find me and share more information and strategies related to the currency circle for free. #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币
Do you understand the account of cryptocurrency speculation?
Many people do not understand cryptocurrency speculation for their entire lives.
If you have 1 million yuan, it first rises 100%, then falls 50%, how much is left?
The answer is 1 million yuan.
If you have 1 million yuan, it first falls 50%, then rises 50%, how much is left?
The answer is 750,000 yuan.
If it rises 50% first, then falls 50%, how much is left?
The answer is also 750,000 yuan.
If you have 1 million yuan, the annual steady rate of return is 30%, how much is left after 1 year?
The answer is 1.3 million yuan
How much is left after 2 years?
The answer is 1.69 million yuan.
What do the first two examples illustrate? They illustrate that in cryptocurrency speculation, controlling retracement is always the first priority. In real life, many people may be able to achieve 100% or even 200% profit in the short term, but in the long run, as long as the return retracement exceeds 50%, the final result is still to be beaten back to the original shape by the retracement, and it is all in vain.
What does the third example illustrate? It shows that a steady annualized rate of return is not inferior to a high rate of return with higher volatility. A steady return of 30% per year is already quite impressive! On this basis, with compound interest growth every year, the return will become very considerable over time!

From the perspective of a stock market master, why can Buffett become a stock god? It is not because he can easily double his profits in the short term, but because he can maintain a profit of more than 20% for 47 years.

Many people may be able to achieve a profit of more than 20% in the short term, but it is rare for them to be able to maintain it for more than five or ten years. Therefore, we should all keep a normal mind, be down-to-earth, and always believe in the power of compound interest.

Be sure to do a good job of position management!

If you can't find the direction in the currency circle and don't know what currency to buy, look at my pinned post to find me and share more information and strategies related to the currency circle for free.

#美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币
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When will there be another 100x coin? 100x coins are meaningless to most people. For 100x coins to be meaningful, three conditions must be met: 1. Buy more 2. Sell 100x 3. Cash out in time after clearing the warehouse For example, buying a few hundred or a few thousand is not very meaningful. In fact, it is all small money that can be held, but big money cannot be held. People who really sell more than 100x have extremely good mentality. This is not just luck. You bought 100,000, 20 times, 50 times, and there are very few people who don’t sell. Only one in 100,000 who really sells 100x; this is the truth, and after buying, they can turn it into money, not be overwhelmed by victory, and decisively leave the market to play and enjoy life. The mentality of this kind of people is to overcome the greed of human nature. Knowing that there is still money to be made later, but not touching the top, how many people can do not eat the last bite, too few. There will definitely be 100x coins in 2025, and 70% of these 100x coins will be born in 2024-2025. If you can't find your direction in the cryptocurrency circle and don't know what coin to buy, please find me on the top of my page and share more information and strategies related to the cryptocurrency circle for free. #非农就业数据即将公布 #德国政府转移比特币
When will there be another 100x coin?

100x coins are meaningless to most people. For 100x coins to be meaningful, three conditions must be met:

1. Buy more

2. Sell 100x

3. Cash out in time after clearing the warehouse

For example, buying a few hundred or a few thousand is not very meaningful. In fact, it is all small money that can be held, but big money cannot be held.

People who really sell more than 100x have extremely good mentality. This is not just luck. You bought 100,000, 20 times, 50 times, and there are very few people who don’t sell. Only one in 100,000 who really sells 100x; this is the truth, and after buying, they can turn it into money, not be overwhelmed by victory, and decisively leave the market to play and enjoy life. The mentality of this kind of people is to overcome the greed of human nature. Knowing that there is still money to be made later, but not touching the top, how many people can do not eat the last bite, too few.

There will definitely be 100x coins in 2025, and 70% of these 100x coins will be born in 2024-2025.

If you can't find your direction in the cryptocurrency circle and don't know what coin to buy, please find me on the top of my page and share more information and strategies related to the cryptocurrency circle for free.

#非农就业数据即将公布 #德国政府转移比特币
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Rules for making money in a bull market: 1 Once the rise begins, it will not end easily, so don't be afraid of a big correction in the early stage, just blindly bet all in. The most terrible thing is that the higher you buy, the higher you will be, and then you will be trapped by a sharp correction. 2 There are many spikes in the bull market. If you haven't covered your position yet, try to wait for a rebound before betting all in, otherwise you will be given a spike at any time, which most people can't stand. 3 Be sure to do a good job of position management, and it is best to layout several sectors, because if you are fully invested in one sector, and this sector does not move in the short term, while other sectors continue to rise, this is the most uncomfortable, you are stuck again, and it will take off again after clearing the position a few days later. It is estimated that many people have encountered this situation, so either don't buy, or you must hold it firmly after buying it, and you will always wait for your coins to rotate. In a bull market, even if it is a junk coin, except for a few large-cap coins, there are five or ten times the time. 4 The market always rises in divergence. It can only rise when some people scold and some are optimistic. In the short term, unanimous optimism is often a risk, and a group of people scolding is often an opportunity. You should understand if you look at arb and strk. 5 Don't always think about short-term selling high and buying low. Once the bull market starts, you will find that you can't get on the train at all. You can play short-term back and forth, and even go to Mars, but you still can't make as much money as those who lie down and play dead. If you can't find the direction in the currency circle and don't know what currency to buy, look at my pinned post to find me, and share more information and strategies related to the currency circle for free. #非农就业数据即将公布 #德国政府转移比特币
Rules for making money in a bull market:

1 Once the rise begins, it will not end easily, so don't be afraid of a big correction in the early stage, just blindly bet all in. The most terrible thing is that the higher you buy, the higher you will be, and then you will be trapped by a sharp correction.

2 There are many spikes in the bull market. If you haven't covered your position yet, try to wait for a rebound before betting all in, otherwise you will be given a spike at any time, which most people can't stand.

3 Be sure to do a good job of position management, and it is best to layout several sectors, because if you are fully invested in one sector, and this sector does not move in the short term, while other sectors continue to rise, this is the most uncomfortable, you are stuck again, and it will take off again after clearing the position a few days later. It is estimated that many people have encountered this situation, so either don't buy, or you must hold it firmly after buying it, and you will always wait for your coins to rotate. In a bull market, even if it is a junk coin, except for a few large-cap coins, there are five or ten times the time.

4 The market always rises in divergence. It can only rise when some people scold and some are optimistic. In the short term, unanimous optimism is often a risk, and a group of people scolding is often an opportunity. You should understand if you look at arb and strk.

5 Don't always think about short-term selling high and buying low. Once the bull market starts, you will find that you can't get on the train at all. You can play short-term back and forth, and even go to Mars, but you still can't make as much money as those who lie down and play dead.

If you can't find the direction in the currency circle and don't know what currency to buy, look at my pinned post to find me, and share more information and strategies related to the currency circle for free.

#非农就业数据即将公布 #德国政府转移比特币
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Can we buy the bottom and do spot trading now? The continuous decline of the current market is obviously to lure more investors and attract more funds to enter the market. Looking back at the last two rounds of bull markets in the currency circle, before the big bull market comes, it will inevitably experience a continuous decline, and the market will inevitably fall slowly, which will give many people the illusion that the bull market is coming and there will be no chance if they don’t buy the bottom. But if you buy now, the market will definitely continue to fall, thus trapping more funds. Some people will say that mainstream coins cannot buy the bottom now. My point of view is that mainstream coins now dare not buy the bottom, and altcoins dare not buy the bottom. Although there are very few altcoins running away and returning to zero now, the risk of such altcoins is still very high. The market that mainstream coins cannot pull up depends on the altcoins worth hundreds of millions or tens of millions to pull it up? Don’t think about it. Even if a certain coin suddenly rises many times, do you have a chance to buy it? Before the rise, can you buy this coin accurately? Think about it, is the risk of being trapped greater, or the risk of buying accurately greater? If you think about it carefully, you should understand it. Occasionally, a few doubled currencies are just to increase the heat of the quiet currency market, so that more people know that some people have made a wave of money in the currency circle. We can regard this as a kind of hype. In summary of my personal opinion, now is still not the best time to enter the spot market, and watch the currency circle continue to fall. If you want to know more about the currency circle consultation and the best spot buying point, you can continue to follow me. Everyone in the currency circle must pay attention to risk control. I hope everyone can buy at the best point and sell at the best point, eat more meat in the currency circle and be cut less. If you can't find the direction in the currency circle and don't know what currency to buy, look at my pinned top to find me, and share more information and strategies related to the currency circle for free. #非农就业数据即将公布 #德国政府转移比特币
Can we buy the bottom and do spot trading now?

The continuous decline of the current market is obviously to lure more investors and attract more funds to enter the market. Looking back at the last two rounds of bull markets in the currency circle, before the big bull market comes, it will inevitably experience a continuous decline, and the market will inevitably fall slowly, which will give many people the illusion that the bull market is coming and there will be no chance if they don’t buy the bottom. But if you buy now, the market will definitely continue to fall, thus trapping more funds.

Some people will say that mainstream coins cannot buy the bottom now.

My point of view is that mainstream coins now dare not buy the bottom, and altcoins dare not buy the bottom. Although there are very few altcoins running away and returning to zero now, the risk of such altcoins is still very high. The market that mainstream coins cannot pull up depends on the altcoins worth hundreds of millions or tens of millions to pull it up?

Don’t think about it. Even if a certain coin suddenly rises many times, do you have a chance to buy it? Before the rise, can you buy this coin accurately? Think about it, is the risk of being trapped greater, or the risk of buying accurately greater? If you think about it carefully, you should understand it.

Occasionally, a few doubled currencies are just to increase the heat of the quiet currency market, so that more people know that some people have made a wave of money in the currency circle. We can regard this as a kind of hype.

In summary of my personal opinion, now is still not the best time to enter the spot market, and watch the currency circle continue to fall. If you want to know more about the currency circle consultation and the best spot buying point, you can continue to follow me.

Everyone in the currency circle must pay attention to risk control. I hope everyone can buy at the best point and sell at the best point, eat more meat in the currency circle and be cut less.

If you can't find the direction in the currency circle and don't know what currency to buy, look at my pinned top to find me, and share more information and strategies related to the currency circle for free.

#非农就业数据即将公布 #德国政府转移比特币
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The truth exposed from the recent plunge. 1. US macro data is meaningless to the cryptocurrency world, only to the US stock market. The US stock market continues to rise, and the cryptocurrency world plummets. If it is useful, both sides will have the same rhythm. 2. During the bear market plunge, all bottom-picking indicators are invalid. A 70% drop in the token can still drop another 70%. 3. ETH has not yet been launched on the ETF, but it has fallen to the price before the ETF was approved. In the bear market, the US stock ETF cannot bring about an increase. 4. Only BTC is real in the cryptocurrency world, and only US dollars are real when BTC plummets #非农就业数据即将公布
The truth exposed from the recent plunge.

1. US macro data is meaningless to the cryptocurrency world, only to the US stock market. The US stock market continues to rise, and the cryptocurrency world plummets. If it is useful, both sides will have the same rhythm.

2. During the bear market plunge, all bottom-picking indicators are invalid. A 70% drop in the token can still drop another 70%.

3. ETH has not yet been launched on the ETF, but it has fallen to the price before the ETF was approved. In the bear market, the US stock ETF cannot bring about an increase.

4. Only BTC is real in the cryptocurrency world, and only US dollars are real when BTC plummets

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How to distinguish between junk and excellent altcoins? Characteristics of junk altcoins: These altcoins are like balloons that keep expanding. The issuance volume is astonishingly large, with 1 billion or 10 billion coins issued at any time, but the number of coins actually circulating in the market is pitiful, only hundreds of millions to billions. What's worse is that more than half of the coins are stored in a "reservoir" like water, ready to be released at any time, so that the price is greatly diluted. For example, Arb, Dym, Portal, Manta, Sei, Sui, etc., be careful. Highlights of excellent altcoins: First of all, altcoins with deflationary characteristics are very popular, such as $BNB, Floki, Shib, and their number will gradually decrease, which will benefit holders more. In addition, fully circulated altcoins are also great, such as Pepe, Bome, People, Not, Wif, all the supply of these coins has been circulated in the market, and there is no hidden "reservoir" to dilute the price. Simplified version of the quality ranking of altcoins: In simple terms, the best altcoins are those whose number will decrease (deflation coins), followed by those whose all coins are already in circulation in the market (full circulation coins), and then those with a large number of coins not yet released (reservoir coins), and the worst are those whose issuance volume is increasing and prices are being diluted (inflation coins) If you can't find the direction in the currency circle and don't know what coins to buy, look at my pinned post to find me, and I will share more information and strategies related to the currency circle for free. #MiCA
How to distinguish between junk and excellent altcoins?

Characteristics of junk altcoins:

These altcoins are like balloons that keep expanding. The issuance volume is astonishingly large, with 1 billion or 10 billion coins issued at any time, but the number of coins actually circulating in the market is pitiful, only hundreds of millions to billions. What's worse is that more than half of the coins are stored in a "reservoir" like water, ready to be released at any time, so that the price is greatly diluted. For example, Arb, Dym, Portal, Manta, Sei, Sui, etc., be careful.

Highlights of excellent altcoins:

First of all, altcoins with deflationary characteristics are very popular, such as $BNB, Floki, Shib, and their number will gradually decrease, which will benefit holders more.
In addition, fully circulated altcoins are also great, such as Pepe, Bome, People, Not, Wif, all the supply of these coins has been circulated in the market, and there is no hidden "reservoir" to dilute the price.

Simplified version of the quality ranking of altcoins:

In simple terms, the best altcoins are those whose number will decrease (deflation coins), followed by those whose all coins are already in circulation in the market (full circulation coins), and then those with a large number of coins not yet released (reservoir coins), and the worst are those whose issuance volume is increasing and prices are being diluted (inflation coins)

If you can't find the direction in the currency circle and don't know what coins to buy, look at my pinned post to find me, and I will share more information and strategies related to the currency circle for free.

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