Binance Square
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币安价格图表: 价格正在形成看跌上升三角形,可能会导致趋势线的看跌走势被突破!让我们耐心等待多头和空头之间的战斗,我们将占据胜利的位置......只是警告我们仍然处于熊市! #BNB #Binance #Captainsmasha


#BNB #Binance #Captainsmasha
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佩佩价格走势图 市场沿著先前的支撑位创建了一个非常好的下降三角形!在触发购买之前需要一些耐心,请注意,我们是在熊市中负责任地进行交易! #Binance #PEPE #Captainsmasha


#Binance #PEPE #Captainsmasha
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比特币的贪婪和恐惧指数 我曾经解释过贪婪和恐惧指数对于所有金融市场(包括加密货币)的交易者和投资者来说都是至关重要的!!(查看之前的文章).. 今天H4时段BTC的贪婪和恐惧指数为中性。 #BTC
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以太坊价格更新 正如图表本身所解释的那样,..市场打印出上升扩展三角形,这仍然表明市场仍然看跌,除非牛市突破它......!!现在就静待市场反应吧!! #ETH #Captainsmasha #BTC
#ETH #Captainsmasha #BTC
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购买加密货币前评估其价值的 7 种最佳方法:介绍: 加密货币市场不仅吸引了经验丰富的投资者的关注,也吸引了之前没有购买加密货币经验的普通人的关注。如今,存在 19,000 种加密货币,其中许多山寨币坦率地说没有光明的未来。因此,学习如何判断哪种货币值得你花时间和金钱是很重要的。在本指南中,你将学习评估加密货币的七种有效方法,以便你可以更自信地进行投资: 1️⃣查看该项目的网站:

购买加密货币前评估其价值的 7 种最佳方法:


加密货币市场不仅吸引了经验丰富的投资者的关注,也吸引了之前没有购买加密货币经验的普通人的关注。如今,存在 19,000 种加密货币,其中许多山寨币坦率地说没有光明的未来。因此,学习如何判断哪种货币值得你花时间和金钱是很重要的。在本指南中,你将学习评估加密货币的七种有效方法,以便你可以更自信地进行投资:

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下一个牛市致富的12个策略介绍: 投资加密货币,就像投资股票市场一样,是一件简单的事情。只是在价格低的时候买入,在价格高的时候卖出。没什么关系吧? 当然,现实生活中的投资比这更复杂。不可能知道代币的价格何时达到顶峰或触底。日间交易者咬紧牙关试图预测短期变化。购买太早或太晚都会产生很大的影响。 在牛市期间,情况甚至更加复杂。





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比特币价格图表 正如我之前假设的那样,..在良好的看跌运动之后,现在我预计在另一场看跌运动之前会小幅回撤至 21,000 美元区域!请记住第一个目标是 15,000 美元...留在这里了解更多更新 #crypto2023 #BTCUSDT #Captainsmasha #dyor
正如我之前假设的那样,..在良好的看跌运动之后,现在我预计在另一场看跌运动之前会小幅回撤至 21,000 美元区域!请记住第一个目标是 15,000 美元...留在这里了解更多更新
#crypto2023 #BTCUSDT #Captainsmasha #dyor
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以太坊价格更新: 上周我分享了以太坊市场结构图,当时价格为 1672 美元,在看跌扩张三角形内波动!最终触及支撑趋势线,但在 1411 美元遭到拒绝。我们仍然看跌! #ETH #crypto2023 #Captainsmasha
上周我分享了以太坊市场结构图,当时价格为 1672 美元,在看跌扩张三角形内波动!最终触及支撑趋势线,但在 1411 美元遭到拒绝。我们仍然看跌!
#ETH #crypto2023 #Captainsmasha
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MATIC 支架要小心 自上周以来,我在这里假设了各种代币的看跌走势,我的关注点之一是MATIC,在1.5 美元左右的价格遭到强烈拒绝后,MATIC 具有清晰的下行走势结构!我将等待看到0.89 美元的价格......和我在一起! #crypto2023
MATIC 支架要小心
自上周以来,我在这里假设了各种代币的看跌走势,我的关注点之一是MATIC,在1.5 美元左右的价格遭到强烈拒绝后,MATIC 具有清晰的下行走势结构!我将等待看到0.89 美元的价格......和我在一起!
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比特币价格更新!! 正如我过去两天在这里分享的图表,为牛市提供看跌预防措施,..最终支撑趋势线被打破,我预计比特币价格将达到 15,000 美元!请连接.... #BTC #crypto2023 #Captainsmasha #BNB
正如我过去两天在这里分享的图表,为牛市提供看跌预防措施,..最终支撑趋势线被打破,我预计比特币价格将达到 15,000 美元!请连接....
#BTC #crypto2023 #Captainsmasha #BNB
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TWT 日线图: 正如您所看到的,价格已经突破了支撑趋势线,我们预计会看到看跌走势高达 0.4 美元... 请谨慎交易!! #Binance #Captainsmasha #BTC #TWT
TWT 日线图:
正如您所看到的,价格已经突破了支撑趋势线,我们预计会看到看跌走势高达 0.4 美元...
#Binance #Captainsmasha #BTC #TWT
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您需要了解的 10 种最佳加密货币交易策略介绍 与股票和大宗商品交易类似,加密货币交易也充满风险和陷阱。为了从加密货币交易中获得长期利益,市场爱好者需要制定既能让交易变得有趣又安全的策略。让我们先介绍一下可以帮助您获得丰厚回报的策略。 10 个最佳交易策略 日间交易:这种交易策略涉及在同一天建仓并平仓。交易者采用这种交易的目的是在他选择的加密货币的盘中价格变动中获利。对于成功的交易,投资者通常依靠技术指标来确定特定加密货币的进入和退出点。

您需要了解的 10 种最佳加密货币交易策略



10 个最佳交易策略

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为什么你应该关注经济日历介绍: 经济日历是交易者和投资者的重要工具,因为它提供了有关重要经济事件的宝贵信息。无论您是交易股票、商品、货币还是任何金融工具,了解经济日历都可以帮助您做出明智的投资决策并增加实现财务目标的机会。在这篇文章中,我们将讨论如果您是交易者或投资者,为什么应该使用并遵循经济日历。 为什么交易者和投资者必须遵循日历:




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工作量证明 (POW) VS 权益证明 (POS)介绍: 区块链行业中使用最广泛的两种共识算法是工作量证明(PoW)和权益证明(PoS)。尽管权益证明依赖于加密货币抵押,而工作证明依赖于加密货币挖掘,但这两种算法都具有验证交易和在区块链中创建新块的相同目的。然而,它们在机制和基本原理方面有所不同。在本文中,我们将讨论 PoW 和 PoS 之间的主要区别如下

工作量证明 (POW) VS 权益证明 (POS)


区块链行业中使用最广泛的两种共识算法是工作量证明(PoW)和权益证明(PoS)。尽管权益证明依赖于加密货币抵押,而工作证明依赖于加密货币挖掘,但这两种算法都具有验证交易和在区块链中创建新块的相同目的。然而,它们在机制和基本原理方面有所不同。在本文中,我们将讨论 PoW 和 PoS 之间的主要区别如下
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币安(BNB)价格走势图: 这种结构就是我在 BNB 图表中看到的,我们将等待任何一方的突破,以预测其价格的未来方向!!至于现在,我们需要观察准确性! #BNB #Binance #crypto2023 #Captainsmasha
这种结构就是我在 BNB 图表中看到的,我们将等待任何一方的突破,以预测其价格的未来方向!!至于现在,我们需要观察准确性!
#BNB #Binance #crypto2023 #Captainsmasha
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比特币价格更新: 最终价格达到了 22K 美元区域,正如我们之前的预期!现在多头和空头仍在竞争,将等待通道的突破以明确市场方向!保持联系 #BTC #Captainsmasha #Binance #crypto2023
最终价格达到了 22K 美元区域,正如我们之前的预期!现在多头和空头仍在竞争,将等待通道的突破以明确市场方向!保持联系
#BTC #Captainsmasha #Binance #crypto2023
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加密货币与代币:举例说明什么是加密货币? 硬币是一种加密货币,它们具有多种独特的特征。一个重要的特点是他们拥有自己的区块链。换句话说,每个独立的区块链都有一个硬币。例如,以太坊是一种流行的区块链,它以以太币(ETH)作为其原生货币,为网路上的所有活动提供动力。 由于加密货币拥有自己的独立网络,因此每种货币都将在自己的区块链上记录和处理其交易。例如,比特币区块链仅促进和记录BTC交易,而ETH或其他硬币不能记录在网路上,因为它们属于其他区块链。




Web3 vs. Metaverse: Understanding the Differences We are now in the emerging world of Web3 and Metaverse! Are you a little lost and confused about these new technologies? They may seem similar, but these two are quite different. After reading this article, you will understand the differences between the web3 vs. metaverse A Simple Overview of Web3: You must have heard or read the word Web3 or Web 3.0. It is the concept behind the next generation of the web after Web 1.0 and Web 2.0. And it is going to change the way you use the internet. The Web3 revolution will use decentralized protocols like blockchain technology, which powers bitcoin transactions. The goal of Web3 is to fix some of the problems with the internet we use today.  For example, big companies like Google, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft have a lot of control over our personal information. But with Web3, we’ll have more control and ownership over our data. Web3 is a new way of using the internet that gives power back to people. Instead of these big companies controlling everything. In Web3, regular people like you and I can create, own, and run our websites and apps. So say goodbye to the big companies controlling everything and hello to a new internet where we are in charge! A Simple Overview of Metaverse: Have you ever imagined a world where you can hang out with your friends, play games, go to concerts, shop, and even work, all in a digital world? Well, that’s exactly what the metaverse is! The metaverse is a network of 3D virtual worlds that have real-world elements. You can interact with other people and digital objects in real time, just like in the real world. And the best part? You can access the metaverse with just a device like a smartphone. With the help of a device like a smartphone, augmented reality (AR) uses the real world as a background and inserts virtual components. They combine real and virtual contexts and use the senses of smell, sight, and sound. Many tech companies and startups are working on building the infrastructure to make the metaverse a reality. It’s got a lot of different components, like virtual worlds, avatars, cryptocurrencies, and even decentralized technologies like blockchain.  The metaverse has the potential to change a lot of things, like how we play games, how we socialize, how we shop, and even how we learn and work. It’s a whole new world, and we can’t wait to see it! Are There Any Differences Between Web3 vs. Metaverse? To help you understand the differences between web3 and metaverse, here are a few: The Objectives of Web3 vs. Metaverse Web3 are about ensuring people have control over their information. It’s trying to make the internet fairer so that we don’t have to rely on big companies to control everything. It’s like an internet playground where everyone gets to be in charge. On the other hand, the metaverse is a big digital world where you can hang out with friends, explore new places, and meet new people. Imagine a giant playground for the internet where you can interact with others and digital objects in an excellent and immersive way. It’s like a dream world where you can do anything you want! Web3 and metaverse are trying to make the internet a better place but in different ways. Web3 wants to make the internet more fair and open, while the metaverse intends to make it more fun and exciting. The Technologies of Web3 vs. Metaverse Here are the technologies that make up Web3: Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning DAOs ( Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) DeFi ( Decentralized finance) Smart Contracts NFTs ( Non-fungible tokens) Here are the technologies that shape Metaverse: Human Interface Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies Internet of Things (IoT) Decentralization Technologies 3D Reconstruction  The Applications of Web3 vs. Metaverse One of the most popular things you can do with Web3 is Decentralized Finance (DeFi). It lets you create new financial apps that run on the blockchain, like decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and lending platforms. Web3 also has applications in digital identity, privacy & data management, decentralized marketplaces and, gaming, social media. Additionally, Web3 can enable the creation of decentralized storage solutions, where users can store and share data in a secure and decentralized manner.  It also allows the creation of decentralized social media platforms that enable users to own and control their data and monetize their content.  Overall, Web3 has a wide range of potential applications, and it is still a relatively new technology with more use cases to emerge in the future. While the metaverse is like a whole new world on the internet. You can do all kinds of things there, like train for a job, play games, watch movies, go to concerts, use social media, and much more. It’s like a dream world, but it’s on the internet, and you can use Web3 to make it even better! How are Web3 and Metaverse Related?  Despite these five differences, Web3 and metaverse are linked to each other. They both contribute to a revolution that is currently taking place in how we use digital technology.  Although Web3 is still commonly referred to as decentralized, the metaverse will maintain its existence in surface and deep webs. However, when it comes to social media controlling platforms, the metaverse will continue to be centralized.  Both are created using advanced technologies that will keep getting better. The metaverse and Web3 are both based on the semantic web. Also, AI is an important part of both technologies and will be a key part of making a complicated user interface.  Conclusion Web3 vs. metaverse are two emerging technologies shaping the digital landscape’s future. While they may sound similar, they have distinct differences in their objectives, technologies, and applications.  Web3, also called Web 3.0, is focused on decentralizing the web and giving control and ownership of data back to the people. In contrast, the metaverse highly focuses on creating a virtual world that is open to everyone and combines real and virtual elements for an immersive experience.  Both technologies have the potential to revolutionize industries and change the way we interact with the digital world. It’s important to understand these differences as they will play a big role in shaping the future of technology.

Web3 vs. Metaverse: Understanding the Differences

We are now in the emerging world of Web3 and Metaverse! Are you a little lost and confused about these new technologies? They may seem similar, but these two are quite different. After reading this article, you will understand the differences between the web3 vs. metaverse

A Simple Overview of Web3:

You must have heard or read the word Web3 or Web 3.0. It is the concept behind the next generation of the web after Web 1.0 and Web 2.0. And it is going to change the way you use the internet. The Web3 revolution will use decentralized protocols like blockchain technology, which powers bitcoin transactions. The goal of Web3 is to fix some of the problems with the internet we use today. 

For example, big companies like Google, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft have a lot of control over our personal information. But with Web3, we’ll have more control and ownership over our data. Web3 is a new way of using the internet that gives power back to people. Instead of these big companies controlling everything. In Web3, regular people like you and I can create, own, and run our websites and apps.

So say goodbye to the big companies controlling everything and hello to a new internet where we are in charge!

A Simple Overview of Metaverse:

Have you ever imagined a world where you can hang out with your friends, play games, go to concerts, shop, and even work, all in a digital world? Well, that’s exactly what the metaverse is! The metaverse is a network of 3D virtual worlds that have real-world elements. You can interact with other people and digital objects in real time, just like in the real world. And the best part? You can access the metaverse with just a device like a smartphone.

With the help of a device like a smartphone, augmented reality (AR) uses the real world as a background and inserts virtual components. They combine real and virtual contexts and use the senses of smell, sight, and sound. Many tech companies and startups are working on building the infrastructure to make the metaverse a reality. It’s got a lot of different components, like virtual worlds, avatars, cryptocurrencies, and even decentralized technologies like blockchain. 

The metaverse has the potential to change a lot of things, like how we play games, how we socialize, how we shop, and even how we learn and work. It’s a whole new world, and we can’t wait to see it!

Are There Any Differences Between Web3 vs. Metaverse?

To help you understand the differences between web3 and metaverse, here are a few:

The Objectives of Web3 vs. Metaverse

Web3 are about ensuring people have control over their information. It’s trying to make the internet fairer so that we don’t have to rely on big companies to control everything. It’s like an internet playground where everyone gets to be in charge.

On the other hand, the metaverse is a big digital world where you can hang out with friends, explore new places, and meet new people. Imagine a giant playground for the internet where you can interact with others and digital objects in an excellent and immersive way. It’s like a dream world where you can do anything you want!

Web3 and metaverse are trying to make the internet a better place but in different ways. Web3 wants to make the internet more fair and open, while the metaverse intends to make it more fun and exciting.

The Technologies of Web3 vs. Metaverse

Here are the technologies that make up Web3:

Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

DAOs ( Decentralized Autonomous Organizations)

DeFi ( Decentralized finance)

Smart Contracts

NFTs ( Non-fungible tokens)

Here are the technologies that shape Metaverse:

Human Interface

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

Internet of Things (IoT)

Decentralization Technologies

3D Reconstruction 

The Applications of Web3 vs. Metaverse

One of the most popular things you can do with Web3 is Decentralized Finance (DeFi). It lets you create new financial apps that run on the blockchain, like decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and lending platforms. Web3 also has applications in digital identity, privacy & data management, decentralized marketplaces and, gaming, social media.

Additionally, Web3 can enable the creation of decentralized storage solutions, where users can store and share data in a secure and decentralized manner.  It also allows the creation of decentralized social media platforms that enable users to own and control their data and monetize their content. 

Overall, Web3 has a wide range of potential applications, and it is still a relatively new technology with more use cases to emerge in the future.

While the metaverse is like a whole new world on the internet. You can do all kinds of things there, like train for a job, play games, watch movies, go to concerts, use social media, and much more. It’s like a dream world, but it’s on the internet, and you can use Web3 to make it even better!

How are Web3 and Metaverse Related? 

Despite these five differences, Web3 and metaverse are linked to each other. They both contribute to a revolution that is currently taking place in how we use digital technology. 

Although Web3 is still commonly referred to as decentralized, the metaverse will maintain its existence in surface and deep webs. However, when it comes to social media controlling platforms, the metaverse will continue to be centralized. 

Both are created using advanced technologies that will keep getting better. The metaverse and Web3 are both based on the semantic web. Also, AI is an important part of both technologies and will be a key part of making a complicated user interface. 


Web3 vs. metaverse are two emerging technologies shaping the digital landscape’s future. While they may sound similar, they have distinct differences in their objectives, technologies, and applications. 

Web3, also called Web 3.0, is focused on decentralizing the web and giving control and ownership of data back to the people. In contrast, the metaverse highly focuses on creating a virtual world that is open to everyone and combines real and virtual elements for an immersive experience. 

Both technologies have the potential to revolutionize industries and change the way we interact with the digital world. It’s important to understand these differences as they will play a big role in shaping the future of technology.

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比特币价格更新: H4 时间框架图,BTC 仍在上升通道上盘整,预计看跌反弹至 22,000 美元区域,这将看到未来方向假设的价格行为!目前我们仍然看跌! #Binance #BTC #Captainsmasha #dyor
H4 时间框架图,BTC 仍在上升通道上盘整,预计看跌反弹至 22,000 美元区域,这将看到未来方向假设的价格行为!目前我们仍然看跌!
#Binance #BTC #Captainsmasha #dyor
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什么是恐惧与贪婪指数?介绍: 恐惧和贪婪指数是交易者和投资者中流行的工具,可帮助他们评估市场情绪并识别潜在的市场趋势。该指数是对市场内恐惧和贪婪情绪的数值衡量,并根据各种指标和因素计算得出。在本文中,我们将探讨恐惧和贪婪指数是什么、它是如何计算的,以及交易者和投资者如何使用它来预测市场趋势。 什么是恐惧与贪婪指数?





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