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Learn about the "unhuman" Zksync incident in one article. Zksync angel turned into "devil"? The community is strongly dissatisfied, and exchanges are scrambling to list it. Where will $ZK go in the future?
Learn about the "unhuman" Zksync incident in one article. Zksync angel turned into "devil"? The community is strongly dissatisfied, and exchanges are scrambling to list it. Where will $ZK go in the future?
Did retail investors and the community lose to the “unhuman” Zksync? Major exchanges have launched their tokens one after another, what is the future of $ZK?
Zksync airdrop rules trigger "inhuman" abuse and boycott
Major exchanges have listed Zksync tokens $ZK
Market Forecast
Zksync is a Layer 2 expansion solution based on ZK-Rollup technology, designed to improve the scalability and transaction speed of the Ethereum network. By packaging a large number of transactions into a single transaction and processing it off-chain, Zksync can significantly reduce transaction fees and increase processing speed. Its core technology ZK-Rollup ensures the integrity and security of transactions through zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) without trusting any third party. It has always attracted attention due to its advantages such as high throughput, low transaction fees, and security.
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Did retail investors and the community lose to the “unhuman” Zksync? Major exchanges have launched their tokens one after another, what is the future of $ZK?Zksync airdrop rules trigger "inhuman" abuse and boycott Major exchanges have listed Zksync tokens $ZK Market Forecast Zksync is a Layer 2 expansion solution based on ZK-Rollup technology, designed to improve the scalability and transaction speed of the Ethereum network. By packaging a large number of transactions into a single transaction and processing it off-chain, Zksync can significantly reduce transaction fees and increase processing speed. Its core technology ZK-Rollup ensures the integrity and security of transactions through zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) without trusting any third party. It has always attracted attention due to its advantages such as high throughput, low transaction fees, and security.

Did retail investors and the community lose to the “unhuman” Zksync? Major exchanges have launched their tokens one after another, what is the future of $ZK?

Zksync airdrop rules trigger "inhuman" abuse and boycott
Major exchanges have listed Zksync tokens $ZK
Market Forecast
Zksync is a Layer 2 expansion solution based on ZK-Rollup technology, designed to improve the scalability and transaction speed of the Ethereum network. By packaging a large number of transactions into a single transaction and processing it off-chain, Zksync can significantly reduce transaction fees and increase processing speed. Its core technology ZK-Rollup ensures the integrity and security of transactions through zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) without trusting any third party. It has always attracted attention due to its advantages such as high throughput, low transaction fees, and security.
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⚠️Today's Hot Search List: NOT's popularity dropped by 510,000 compared to yesterday, ranking first, and the popularity ranking is as follows: ① NOT ($0.01811, -11.74%) ② LEGION ($4.71, -14.67%) ③ CRV ($0.3419, 11.15%) ④ ETH ($3544.79, -0.31%) ⑤ BAKE ($0.4374, -2.91%) NOT's main selling power is strong, with a 24-hour net outflow of $56.7147 million and a 24-hour transaction of $2.387 billion, of which the main net outflow is $11.0093 million. #热点话题 #3friends #meme板块关注热点
⚠️Today's Hot Search List: NOT's popularity dropped by 510,000 compared to yesterday, ranking first, and the popularity ranking is as follows:
① NOT ($0.01811, -11.74%)
② LEGION ($4.71, -14.67%)
③ CRV ($0.3419, 11.15%)
④ ETH ($3544.79, -0.31%)
⑤ BAKE ($0.4374, -2.91%)
NOT's main selling power is strong, with a 24-hour net outflow of $56.7147 million and a 24-hour transaction of $2.387 billion, of which the main net outflow is $11.0093 million. #热点话题 #3friends #meme板块关注热点
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⚠️The awakening of leeks, according to Kucoin research, shows that crypto market participants favor Meme coins and avoid high FDV projects Crypto market participants are increasingly turning their attention to role or celebrity Meme tokens with "relatively unknown low-market-cap assets". This shift stems from investors' frustration with projects with high fully diluted value (FDV) and low initial circulation market value. Some investors are avoiding tokens with high FDV because they provide limited price discovery opportunities for retail investors, making wealth creation challenging. To illustrate the change in investor behavior, the report highlights the trend of Notcoin, where 100% of the tokens were in circulation when #notcoin was launched. The report also claims that compared with other gamefi or move-to-earn projects, tap-to-earn projects have "significantly higher overall participation data" due to the lower threshold for understanding and participation. In addition, TON technology is said to have a high-performance and scalable architecture, which will provide strong support for Notcoin and ensure the smoothness of the game. Notcoin's integration with Telegram also helps to significantly reduce the former's customer acquisition costs while rapidly expanding its user community. #FDV #3friends
⚠️The awakening of leeks, according to Kucoin research, shows that crypto market participants favor Meme coins and avoid high FDV projects

Crypto market participants are increasingly turning their attention to role or celebrity Meme tokens with "relatively unknown low-market-cap assets". This shift stems from investors' frustration with projects with high fully diluted value (FDV) and low initial circulation market value. Some investors are avoiding tokens with high FDV because they provide limited price discovery opportunities for retail investors, making wealth creation challenging. To illustrate the change in investor behavior, the report highlights the trend of Notcoin, where 100% of the tokens were in circulation when #notcoin was launched. The report also claims that compared with other gamefi or move-to-earn projects, tap-to-earn projects have "significantly higher overall participation data" due to the lower threshold for understanding and participation. In addition, TON technology is said to have a high-performance and scalable architecture, which will provide strong support for Notcoin and ensure the smoothness of the game. Notcoin's integration with Telegram also helps to significantly reduce the former's customer acquisition costs while rapidly expanding its user community. #FDV #3friends
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⚠️Japanese actor Jun Matsumoto established a new company MJC and plans to develop virtual currency-related businesses. At the end of May this year, Japanese singer and actor Jun Matsumoto left STARTO ENTERTAINMENT (formerly Johnny's Office) and announced the establishment of a new company "MJC" (Majestic Joint Creativity) on June 1. The new company's vision and registration information recorded a variety of business plans, including "virtual currency planning." #3friends
⚠️Japanese actor Jun Matsumoto established a new company MJC and plans to develop virtual currency-related businesses.

At the end of May this year, Japanese singer and actor Jun Matsumoto left STARTO ENTERTAINMENT (formerly Johnny's Office) and announced the establishment of a new company "MJC" (Majestic Joint Creativity) on June 1. The new company's vision and registration information recorded a variety of business plans, including "virtual currency planning." #3friends
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⚠️El Salvador Government Introduces Bitcoin Banking Law Reform El Salvador Government Introduces Bill to Allow Private Investment Banks to Offer Bitcoin Services A new boom in Bitcoin adoption is coming to El Salvador. The Salvadoran government has introduced an initiative to reform the current banking law, introducing a new type of bank that can offer Bitcoin and cryptocurrency services. On June 13, the banking bill reform was submitted to the National Congress's Science, Technology, Tourism and Investment Committee, and included 14 new articles defining private investment banks (PIBs) as "an internationally important tool for promoting economic development and facilitating the channeling of financial resources to commercial and government projects." #BTC☀ $BTC #3friends
⚠️El Salvador Government Introduces Bitcoin Banking Law Reform

El Salvador Government Introduces Bill to Allow Private Investment Banks to Offer Bitcoin Services
A new boom in Bitcoin adoption is coming to El Salvador. The Salvadoran government has introduced an initiative to reform the current banking law, introducing a new type of bank that can offer Bitcoin and cryptocurrency services.
On June 13, the banking bill reform was submitted to the National Congress's Science, Technology, Tourism and Investment Committee, and included 14 new articles defining private investment banks (PIBs) as "an internationally important tool for promoting economic development and facilitating the channeling of financial resources to commercial and government projects." #BTC☀ $BTC #3friends
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⚠️Biden Administration Officials, Mark Cuban, and More to Attend Cryptocurrency Roundtable Hosted by Rep. Ro Khanna Members of the Biden administration will join other House and Senate officials and pro-crypto businessman Mark Cuban in a roundtable discussion on cryptocurrency policy hosted by Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) in early July, Bitcoin Magazine recently reported.   According to an email from Khanna’s office obtained by the publication, the focus of the meeting will be on keeping Bitcoin and blockchain innovation in the United States. Meanwhile, Donald Trump pledged to “end Joe Biden’s war on cryptocurrency” in his speech last night.   #Trump #BTC☀️ #Blockchain​ #3friends $BTC
⚠️Biden Administration Officials, Mark Cuban, and More to Attend Cryptocurrency Roundtable Hosted by Rep. Ro Khanna

Members of the Biden administration will join other House and Senate officials and pro-crypto businessman Mark Cuban in a roundtable discussion on cryptocurrency policy hosted by Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) in early July, Bitcoin Magazine recently reported.  

According to an email from Khanna’s office obtained by the publication, the focus of the meeting will be on keeping Bitcoin and blockchain innovation in the United States.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump pledged to “end Joe Biden’s war on cryptocurrency” in his speech last night.   #Trump #BTC☀️ #Blockchain​ #3friends $BTC
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⚠️T-Mobile owner Deutsche Telekom will soon start mining Bitcoin in addition to running nodes The head of Web3 infrastructure at Deutsche Telekom subsidiary T-Systems MMS announced at the BTC Prague conference that the company, which already operates nodes for multiple networks including Bitcoin, Bitcoin Lightning, Ethereum, will also soon start mining Bitcoin. Deutsche Telekom, Europe's largest telecommunications provider, will soon start mining Bitcoin, the head of Web3 infrastructure and solutions at its subsidiary T-Systems MMS said at the BTC Prague conference on Friday.   Deutsche Telekom's cryptocurrency activities are not limited to Bitcoin. Following similar node operation and investment partnerships with blockchains Polkadot, Flow, and Celo, the company announced in 2022 that it would support Ethereum by running a validator node and partnering with liquidity staking protocol StakeWise to join its governance DAO. In addition to operating nodes on the Polkadot and Celo networks, the company has also directly invested in the tokens of these protocols. $BTC $DOT $FLOW #DAO #3friends
⚠️T-Mobile owner Deutsche Telekom will soon start mining Bitcoin in addition to running nodes

The head of Web3 infrastructure at Deutsche Telekom subsidiary T-Systems MMS announced at the BTC Prague conference that the company, which already operates nodes for multiple networks including Bitcoin, Bitcoin Lightning, Ethereum, will also soon start mining Bitcoin.

Deutsche Telekom, Europe's largest telecommunications provider, will soon start mining Bitcoin, the head of Web3 infrastructure and solutions at its subsidiary T-Systems MMS said at the BTC Prague conference on Friday.  

Deutsche Telekom's cryptocurrency activities are not limited to Bitcoin. Following similar node operation and investment partnerships with blockchains Polkadot, Flow, and Celo, the company announced in 2022 that it would support Ethereum by running a validator node and partnering with liquidity staking protocol StakeWise to join its governance DAO. In addition to operating nodes on the Polkadot and Celo networks, the company has also directly invested in the tokens of these protocols.

$BTC $DOT $FLOW #DAO #3friends
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⚠️Former House Speaker Paul Ryan calls on the US to use stablecoins to fight China Republican and former House Speaker Paul Ryan called on US lawmakers to promote stablecoins backed by the US dollar in a recent Wall Street Journal opinion piece, arguing that the adoption of stablecoins would make US debt more attractive in international markets. $USDC #3friends
⚠️Former House Speaker Paul Ryan calls on the US to use stablecoins to fight China

Republican and former House Speaker Paul Ryan called on US lawmakers to promote stablecoins backed by the US dollar in a recent Wall Street Journal opinion piece, arguing that the adoption of stablecoins would make US debt more attractive in international markets. $USDC #3friends
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I wrote this a long time ago. I suggest you just take a look at it and don't get on board.
I wrote this a long time ago. I suggest you just take a look at it and don't get on board.
The 2024 European Championship in Germany is about to start. What opportunities are there for football tokens? A list of the top 15 football tokens by market value!

2024 European Championship in Germany

The 2024 European Championship in Germany will open on June 14th, local time, and the competition will start on June 15th. The European Championship is not only a feast for football fans, but also provides unique opportunities for investors. As an emerging investment tool in recent years, football fan tokens have received more and more attention. As the 2024 European Championship in Germany approaches, @3friends has compiled some data and content about fan tokens for your reference.

First of all, Fan Tokens are digital assets based on blockchain technology, usually issued by football clubs or related platforms, such as Chiliz. Investors holding fan tokens can participate in certain club decisions (such as jersey design, venue selection, etc.) and obtain exclusive benefits and experiences. These tokens are usually traded on specific exchanges, and their value is affected by market supply and demand. Therefore, prices fluctuate greatly during events, such as the World Cup and the European Cup.
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⚠️Today's market popularity ranking shows that IO's popularity has increased by 180,000 compared with yesterday, ranking first. The popularity ranking is as follows: ① $IO ($5.53, 8.22%) ② $CRV ($0.3078, 7.81%) ③ $NOT ($0.02049, 4.12%) ④ #PEOPLE ($0.1111, 2.21%) ⑤ #pepe⚡ ($0.00001197, 0.08%) IO's main capital buying power is weak, with a 24-hour net inflow of $10.0941 million and a 24-hour transaction of $1.297 billion, of which the main net inflow is $3.7583 million. #3friends #NOT🔥🔥🔥
⚠️Today's market popularity ranking shows that IO's popularity has increased by 180,000 compared with yesterday, ranking first. The popularity ranking is as follows:
$IO ($5.53, 8.22%)
$CRV ($0.3078, 7.81%)
$NOT ($0.02049, 4.12%)
#PEOPLE ($0.1111, 2.21%)
#pepe⚡ ($0.00001197, 0.08%)
IO's main capital buying power is weak, with a 24-hour net inflow of $10.0941 million and a 24-hour transaction of $1.297 billion, of which the main net inflow is $3.7583 million. #3friends #NOT🔥🔥🔥
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⚠️SEC now demands Ripple pay $102.6 million fine for XRP case The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is currently seeking a $102.6 million fine against Ripple, a significant reduction from the nearly $2 billion it originally requested. Ripple recently proposed a $10 million fine, citing the Terraform Labs settlement. However, the SEC countered that such a low fine "does not meet the purpose of the civil penalty statute." $XRP #SEC上诉 #ripple #3friends {future}(XRPUSDT)
⚠️SEC now demands Ripple pay $102.6 million fine for XRP case

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is currently seeking a $102.6 million fine against Ripple, a significant reduction from the nearly $2 billion it originally requested. Ripple recently proposed a $10 million fine, citing the Terraform Labs settlement. However, the SEC countered that such a low fine "does not meet the purpose of the civil penalty statute." $XRP #SEC上诉 #ripple #3friends
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⚠️V God endorses TiTok AI for on-chain image storage TiTok AI is a new method for efficient on-chain image compression that can be a useful tool for blockchain applications. Buterin highlighted TiTok’s blockchain potential on the decentralized social media platform #Farcaster , saying “320 bits is basically a hash value. Small enough to be on-chain for every user.” This development could have a significant impact on digital image storage for profile pictures (PFP) and non-fungible tokens #NFT​ . TiTok, developed by researchers at ByteDance and the Technical University of Munich, can compress images into 32 small data blocks (bits) without losing quality. According to the TiTok research paper, advanced artificial intelligence (AI) image compression enables TiTok to compress 256x256 pixel images into “32 discrete markers.” TiTok is a one-dimensional (1D) image labeling framework that "breaks the grid limitations present in 2D labeling methods," resulting in more flexible and compact images. #3friends #VitalikButerin
⚠️V God endorses TiTok AI for on-chain image storage

TiTok AI is a new method for efficient on-chain image compression that can be a useful tool for blockchain applications.

Buterin highlighted TiTok’s blockchain potential on the decentralized social media platform #Farcaster , saying “320 bits is basically a hash value. Small enough to be on-chain for every user.”

This development could have a significant impact on digital image storage for profile pictures (PFP) and non-fungible tokens #NFT​ .

TiTok, developed by researchers at ByteDance and the Technical University of Munich, can compress images into 32 small data blocks (bits) without losing quality.

According to the TiTok research paper, advanced artificial intelligence (AI) image compression enables TiTok to compress 256x256 pixel images into “32 discrete markers.”

TiTok is a one-dimensional (1D) image labeling framework that "breaks the grid limitations present in 2D labeling methods," resulting in more flexible and compact images. #3friends #VitalikButerin
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⚠️He Yi asks Elon Musk to solve the cryptocurrency scam on X He Yi tweeted "I did not issue any new MEMEcoin. Clicking on the link will cause your money to be stolen. Many people were deceived by this hacker link today and lost a lot of money. Is there any way to solve this problem?" #防骗指南 #3friends
⚠️He Yi asks Elon Musk to solve the cryptocurrency scam on X

He Yi tweeted "I did not issue any new MEMEcoin. Clicking on the link will cause your money to be stolen. Many people were deceived by this hacker link today and lost a lot of money. Is there any way to solve this problem?"

#防骗指南 #3friends
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Clear airdrop, the number of players surges to 150 million! ? Can TG's explosive hamster game successfully challenge Notcoin's dominance?Telegram has hundreds of millions of users worldwide. In the context of the overall market downturn, the TON (The open network) blockchain network based on Telegram has bucked the trend and set a record high. Its total market value has reached the 12th place in the cryptocurrency ranking, which is remarkable. According to statistics, TON’s daily active addresses surpassed Ethereum (ETH) for the first time. This surge in activity is attributed to the huge 900 million monthly active user base of Telegram, the social media platform behind TON, with more than 1.3 billion registered users and millions of new users every day. These figures are 1.4 times that of Twitter, 61% of WeChat, and 86% of Facebook.

Clear airdrop, the number of players surges to 150 million! ? Can TG's explosive hamster game successfully challenge Notcoin's dominance?

Telegram has hundreds of millions of users worldwide. In the context of the overall market downturn, the TON (The open network) blockchain network based on Telegram has bucked the trend and set a record high. Its total market value has reached the 12th place in the cryptocurrency ranking, which is remarkable.

According to statistics, TON’s daily active addresses surpassed Ethereum (ETH) for the first time. This surge in activity is attributed to the huge 900 million monthly active user base of Telegram, the social media platform behind TON, with more than 1.3 billion registered users and millions of new users every day. These figures are 1.4 times that of Twitter, 61% of WeChat, and 86% of Facebook.
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Gamefi Big Event | Xai Launches Pioneer: Genesis Campaign, Introducing New Ethereum Games and RewardsXai @XAI_GAMES is a third-layer Ethereum gaming network built on Arbitrum, with plans to launch multiple games in the coming months and provide rewards for players and builders. #GameFi First, Arbitrum announced that it will unlock $250 million for Ethereum games. Although there has been a lot of gaming activity on Arbitrum, its supporters are eager to promote further development in the field. 225 million ARB tokens (more than $255 million) will be distributed over three years. This includes 200 million ARBs specifically for gaming projects and another 25 million ARBs for managing fundraising activities.

Gamefi Big Event | Xai Launches Pioneer: Genesis Campaign, Introducing New Ethereum Games and Rewards

Xai @XAI_GAMES is a third-layer Ethereum gaming network built on Arbitrum, with plans to launch multiple games in the coming months and provide rewards for players and builders. #GameFi

First, Arbitrum announced that it will unlock $250 million for Ethereum games. Although there has been a lot of gaming activity on Arbitrum, its supporters are eager to promote further development in the field. 225 million ARB tokens (more than $255 million) will be distributed over three years. This includes 200 million ARBs specifically for gaming projects and another 25 million ARBs for managing fundraising activities.
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⚠️Tether issues 1 billion#USDTon TRX chain On June 15, 18:23 (UTC+8), Tether issued 1 billion USDT on TRX chain, transaction hash: 19d78452fb3fea328e6af0504b00996e39a8fdc71d69b81aca0ff4e4b125a485 #3friends
⚠️Tether issues 1 billion#USDTon TRX chain
On June 15, 18:23 (UTC+8), Tether issued 1 billion USDT on TRX chain, transaction hash: 19d78452fb3fea328e6af0504b00996e39a8fdc71d69b81aca0ff4e4b125a485
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NOT's popularity increased by 560,000 compared to yesterday. The main selling power of the first-ranked main fund was strong, with a 24-hour net outflow of $6.04 million and a 24-hour transaction of $4.47 billion, of which the main net inflow was $4.2905 million. $NOT #3friends {future}(NOTUSDT)
NOT's popularity increased by 560,000 compared to yesterday. The main selling power of the first-ranked main fund was strong, with a 24-hour net outflow of $6.04 million and a 24-hour transaction of $4.47 billion, of which the main net inflow was $4.2905 million. $NOT #3friends
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Crypto Daily Report NO.087 | June 15 Pay attention to ETF and other data dynamics in time to understand market trends. 1. BTC spot ETF. On June 14, the total net outflow of Bitcoin spot ETF reached 190 million US dollars. At present, the total net asset value of Bitcoin spot ETF is 57.27 billion US dollars, and its market value accounts for 4.42% of the total market value of Bitcoin. The historical cumulative net inflow is 15.11 billion US dollars 2. Sentiment index, FGI, 74; Shanzhai quarterly index, 18 3. The total TVL on the chain is 102.24B, up 0.82% in 24 hours 4. Current BTC disk: 1D, shorts strengthen, longs defend at 63486; the first selling point of the daily line has been completed. 12H, shorts open, longs defend at 66762; 6H, shorts continue, breaking through longs defense; the second selling point appears 4H, shorts continue, shorts accelerate once, currently waiting for the second acceleration. 1H, short positions weakened, short-term adjustment after decline, shock Intraday direction: shock, bias, short Intraday pressure level: 66763, 67151 Intraday support level: 63487, 62900 The daily interpretation content is only for sharing and communication, and does not constitute any investment advice #3friends #币安合约锦标赛 #BTC走势预测
Crypto Daily Report NO.087 | June 15
Pay attention to ETF and other data dynamics in time to understand market trends.

1. BTC spot ETF. On June 14, the total net outflow of Bitcoin spot ETF reached 190 million US dollars. At present, the total net asset value of Bitcoin spot ETF is 57.27 billion US dollars, and its market value accounts for 4.42% of the total market value of Bitcoin. The historical cumulative net inflow is 15.11 billion US dollars

2. Sentiment index, FGI, 74; Shanzhai quarterly index, 18

3. The total TVL on the chain is 102.24B, up 0.82% in 24 hours

4. Current BTC disk:

1D, shorts strengthen, longs defend at 63486; the first selling point of the daily line has been completed.

12H, shorts open, longs defend at 66762;

6H, shorts continue, breaking through longs defense; the second selling point appears

4H, shorts continue, shorts accelerate once, currently waiting for the second acceleration.
1H, short positions weakened, short-term adjustment after decline, shock
Intraday direction: shock, bias, short
Intraday pressure level: 66763, 67151
Intraday support level: 63487, 62900
The daily interpretation content is only for sharing and communication, and does not constitute any investment advice

#3friends #币安合约锦标赛 #BTC走势预测
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