In terms of emotions, the current market sentiment has changed from the bull market in the past few months to the bear market. Many of the previous bullish logics have been falsified, and some bearish logics have gradually become the mainstream way of thinking and are popular. For example, as we mentioned in the previous article, such content will affect the thinking of global players participating in the currency circle after fermentation for one or two months. This process of change is subtle, and many people will be affected to sell and leave.

As the market trend turns to a bear market, there will be more and more ghost stories, and more and more people will be forced to leave. When most people leave, at a certain moment in the next few months, the market will reverse straightly. This kind of thing has happened many times in the past. There is nothing new in the currency circle. It is just these over and over again.

For us, just wait patiently. Big money is not made in buying and selling, but in waiting. It is easy to buy, but it is difficult to be patient and not buy.