📢Odaily Planet Daily broke the news! a16z Crypto published an article that deeply analyzed the three ways startups can achieve decentralization. 🚀

First, technical decentralization, through blockchain and smart contract protocols, creates a trustless and autonomous ecosystem. 👨‍💻However, the difficulty of achieving this goal depends on the type of protocol you are developing.

Second, economic decentralization, preventing one person from accumulating too much value or controlling the network by manipulating token prices to ensure the security and practicality of the system. 💰

Finally, legal decentralization, by eliminating the risks associated with asset transactions. ⚖️ Regarding how digital assets in Web3 are handled, the article believes that if the Web3 system can eliminate significant information asymmetry and dependence on management work, then the system can be said to be decentralized enough and no longer needs to apply securities laws.

However, the realization of legal decentralization is still difficult because the US Securities and Exchange Commission has not yet formulated clear rules for this. 🤔

This article provides us with valuable inspiration and gives us a deeper understanding of the decentralization of blockchain. 🎯Are you optimistic about Bitcoin and excited about this? 💪