Odaily Planet Daily News a16z Crypto published an article titled "3 ways to organize decentralization in your startup", which points out that the three main frameworks of decentralization include: 1. Technical decentralization, the ability of blockchain and smart contract protocols to create a trustless, autonomous ecosystem. The basic obstacles to achieving technical decentralization depend on the type of protocol you are developing. 2. Economic decentralization. If one person accumulates too much value, or one person is able to control the network by manipulating token prices, then this will jeopardize the security and practicality of the entire system. 3. Legal decentralization. Decentralization can eliminate some risks associated with asset transactions. Regarding how to deal with digital assets in Web3, the article points out that if the Web3 system can eliminate significant information asymmetry and can eliminate reliance on management work, then it can be said that the system is decentralized enough that securities laws no longer need to be applied. (When it comes to legal decentralization, founders are often confused, and the rules are not clear enough at present because the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has not formulated these rules in a very clear way.)