The evening analysis of Bitcoin on June 26 is as follows:

Bitcoin's intraday trend today began to fluctuate and rebound near 62,500, but the bulls did not continue to increase. It was then suppressed and fell back to around 61,150 to stop falling and rebound. The market is currently operating around 61,400.

From the technical structure, on the four-hour level chart, the three lines of the Bollinger Bands show a contraction trend.

After the K-line touched the middle track of the 62,500 line and was suppressed, the bulls failed to show signs of continued strengthening, but fell back and showed a negative trend.

At present, the market seems to have limited room for retracement below, and the overall trend is in a range of fluctuations.

Therefore, the follow-up operation is recommended to focus on the two key points of 61,000 support and 62,500 pressure, and to carry out buying and selling operations at the right time.