
How does the core PCE price index affect the cryptocurrency market?

1. Inflation expectations: When the PCE index rises, the possibility of the Fed raising interest rates increases, which will cause funds to flow to safe assets such as bonds, and the demand for cryptocurrencies will decrease.

2. Monetary policy: The core PCE index is the key to the Fed's policy. When inflation pressure is high, the policy will be tightened, and the cryptocurrency market will be under pressure.

3. Market sentiment: Investors are afraid of inflation, and their views on cryptocurrencies change. They think that the economy is slowing down or the policy is tightening, so they invest less.

4. Liquidity: When inflation is high, market liquidity is tightened, and assets that are sensitive to liquidity, such as cryptocurrencies, are out of luck.

In short, the core PCE price index can affect the Fed's policies and market sentiment, and thus indirectly affect the cryptocurrency market.

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