Don't gamble on luck in a bull market

1️⃣Bull market temptation: In the middle and late stages of a bull market, altcoins surge frequently, but it is not recommended to follow up with heavy positions.

2️⃣Small-amount attempts: If you really can't resist the temptation, you can play with very small funds, but never hold a heavy position.

3️⃣Avoid gambling: Holding a large position in altcoins is gambling, luck is unsustainable, and it is easy to cause huge losses.

The principal is always the most important

1️⃣Protect the principal:

Stop loss in time: If you are trapped by an operational error, stop loss in time to keep the principal.

2️⃣Avoid being buried with the mortal: When the currency circle collapses, keep most of the principal and wait for new opportunities, rather than sticking to the end.

3️⃣Make a comeback: Keep the principal, re-arrange at the bottom of the bear market, and wait for the next round of bull market.