Chen Lingjiu involved in aggravated fraud?

"Crypto City" previously reported that in September last year, after being warned by the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission, JPEX exchange maliciously took away user assets. The amount of fraud involved in Hong Kong reached 1.58 billion Hong Kong dollars (approximately NT$6.5 billion). It had set up a branch in Taiwan. The Asia Blockchain Building was also deserted.​

Continuously updated | Is JPEX going away? It is rumored that the partner card exceeds NT$100 million? A summary of the JPEX exchange scandal!

After the incident broke out, many affected households in Taiwan flocked to celebrity community fans, including artist Chen Lingjiu, who had endorsed JPEX, to seek explanations. The investigation unit also interviewed Chen as a witness in October last year. After 09, he asked to come back, but because the victim complained to him, after the Beijing Prosecutor's Office took over the case, Chen Lingjiu was included as a defendant in the investigation case, and the prosecutor launched an investigation.​

At that time, Chen Lingjiu stated in front of the public that he was also one of the victims, and said that even though he had received endorsement fees, the losses he had invested in the JPEX platform had far exceeded the endorsement fees. He also revealed that his total assets had lost approximately 15%. %, I believe the judiciary will clear his name.​

Although Chen Lingjiu tried hard to maintain his image and innocence in public, such statements were obviously not accepted by fans who once trusted him. Many victims also pointed out that Chen Lingjiu's statements were inconsistent. Recently, the prosecution The case took another turn of events.​

The Bureau of Investigation listed the defendants in a letter and sent it to the Beijing Prosecutor's Office

First of all, after investigation, the Bureau of Investigation determined that singer Chen Lingjiu had accepted a total of 320,000 Tether coins (approximately NT$10 million) from Hong Kong businessman "Justin" as compensation when he was the spokesperson of JPEX Taiwan.​

In addition, singer Chen Lingjiu was all aware of the "Fist on the Boxing" event held by JPEX in July last year, and Zhang Dongying, the chief partner of JPEX Taiwan and a well-known Internet celebrity in the currency circle, "Tigger Tony". Based on the relevant evidence, the prosecutor believed that Chen Lingjiu was involved and could not escape the relationship. He was suspected to be one of JPEX's accomplices in attracting money in Taiwan. Recently, Chen Lingjiu was sent to Taipei for crimes such as aggravated fraud and violation of banking laws. The prosecutor's office concluded the investigation. ​

In addition to Chen Lingjiu, there are 4 defendants in the case, including "Tigger Tony" Zhang Dongying, Taiwan businessman Shi Yu, JPEX commercial office lessor Niu Gengsheng, and the New Taipei Kings of the Professional Basketball League who introduced JPEX and P. LEAGUE+ Liu Jianfu, a man who plays with the basketball team, and the five others will wait for the Beijing Inspection Examination to investigate whether there is indeed any fraud.​

Image may have suffered heavy damage

Not long ago, Taipei City's Da'an Branch raided a casino and arrested a total of 26 people named Zhang, the person in charge of the site and gamblers. Not only did they find drugs, but Chen Lingjiu was also accidentally found in the top-floor guesthouse, which rented a commercial building. , the same building as the Asia Blockchain Building established by JPEX in Taiwan.​

The building turned into a casino after JPEX ran away! The police found drugs and a beautiful dealer. When they opened the door, they were surprised to see Chen Lingjiu himself?

Although Chen Lingjiu has always maintained his attitude as a victim and has not yet received a clear verdict in the whole case, for Chen Lingjiu, his experience of cooperating with JPEX has undoubtedly caused a heavy blow to his image. And the subsequent inextricable relationship with JPEX, which is linked by various coincidences, may be difficult to convince the JPEX victims in Taiwan.​