Is the big Ethereum finally coming? July is expected to reverse the trend of copycats!

When can you start buying and selling Ethereum spot ETF: the earliest in early July, the latest in late September.

Bloomberg, which has been paying attention to cryptocurrency ETFs for a long time, reported that we may get the latest progress on Ethereum spot ETF on July 2. According to the feedback from the SEC to various institutions, there may not be many parts that need to be adjusted, so it is possible to get approval for listing at any time.

According to the speech of SEC Chairman Gary Gensler at the recent Senate Appropriations Committee Subcommittee Hearing, Ethereum spot ETF should complete all preparation procedures and be approved for listing before the end of this "summer".

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That is to say, the Ethereum spot ETF can be seen open for trading on the US stock market around September this year at the latest.

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