The mainland's attitude towards cryptocurrencies has changed substantially in recent years. Here are some key information:

Personal investment operations are basically free of legal risks. Holding digital assets is a personal freedom, and no sovereign state has the power to interfere with investors' personal choices, provided that it does not involve illegal activities such as money laundering, pyramid schemes, and fraud.

When making deposits and withdrawals of cryptocurrencies, you need to be cautious and avoid greed for small profits. Ensure that the source of assets is legal and avoid funds from illegal sources to avoid legal risks.

The mainland government remains cautious about cryptocurrencies and is unlikely to change its position or make positive reports in the short term. Therefore, investors should be cautious and not rely too much on official attitudes and recognition, but focus on profits. Guanzhu Public Account: Xi Ye Miao, Mian Fei Jia Qun.

Nevertheless, Hong Kong's approval of cryptocurrency ETFs can be seen as an important signal of attitude change. This suggests that policies may begin to relax in Hong Kong and Macau, but policies in the mainland may be different.

It is expected that more people and funds will enter the cryptocurrency market in the future. Investors should acquire assets as cheaply as possible before these people rush in, rather than being forced to take over at high prices when the market is hot.

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