Hello our dear friend 💛

Yes, you read the title correctly!

There is no trader who does not make mistakes, and this is confirmed by all research and studies.

💡 The level of error varies for each trader, in addition to the type of error.

We will talk about these mistakes, how to avoid them, and limit the chances of them occurring.

The most important steps are continuous and uninterrupted learning. Because there is always something new in addition to discussing what you learn and trying it on demo accounts, not your real money, so that you can be more reassured and your performance becomes more quality.

We suggest that you continue learning and discussing with us through the topics of the beginning series 😉

Don't forget to read

هل التداول الفوري مثل التداول الفوري باستخدام بوتات تداول

And #خلك_فطن

#CryptoTradingGuide $BTC