6.26 Wednesday Operation Analysis

Looking back at yesterday's firm bullish outlook, it also achieved good performance at midnight. The price of the currency was pulled up again, and then it fell under pressure, and then bottomed out and rebounded. This state was repeated continuously. At present, the high point of the big cake is around 62400, and the high point of the ether is around 3430.

Yitai has also been drawing the door recently, and a V-shaped reversal has occurred, pulling the situation back on track from the kong. From the continuous increase in volume on the four-hour line, there is still a certain strength of the duo head!

From the daily line, the kong head is about to shrink, so there will be a certain upward rush today. From the intraday point of view, it is still bullish! The subsequent adjustment will be made according to the trend of Hangqing!

Today's operation ideas:

Big cake is more around 61700-61400, looking above 63000

Ether can be synchronized