
PEPE Quote Express

The performance of multiple parties is strong: From the 1-hour, 2-hour to 4-hour charts, the power of multiple parties is significant, especially the power of multiple parties on the 4-hour chart, which deserves special attention.

Key price analysis: On the 4-hour chart, the long and short sides are in a fierce duel, with the focus focused on the key price of 0.000011840.

Rise target prediction: If the price is stable, the upward trend is expected to continue. The target prices are around 0.00001320, 0.000013457 and 0.000013641 respectively.

Downside risk reminder: However, if this price falls, bears may have the opportunity to enter the market. At that time, they need to pay attention to the support levels, which are around 0.000011290, 0.000011074 and 0.000010902 respectively.

Investment is risky, please be cautious when entering the market. Please make rational investment decisions based on your personal risk tolerance.

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