#币安合约锦标赛 #Meme板块普涨 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划

In the police station, the police are interrogating the suspect

Suspect: "Officer, I am a good person, you arrested the wrong person!"

Police: "Don't quibble, tell the truth!"

Suspect: "I am telling the truth. An old man came to deposit money just now. He didn't know how to operate, so I helped him. I am a good person. I just taught him how to deposit money in the card."

Police: "How can you make it sound so glamorous? Then tell me why his money was deposited in your card?"

Suspect. . .

In the currency circle, don't deceive yourself, deceive yourself, fear the market as much as possible, and rather make less profit or no profit, and try to make yourself lose as little as possible. Because every loss will have a certain blow to dignity and mentality. If you have not experienced many fluctuations in profit and loss, it is easy to do extremely impulsive things.

Welcome everyone to consult me ​​to learn about the currency circle experience, I will answer your questions.

The cryptocurrency world is a place that requires patience, not a place where you can just close your eyes and think about making millions with 3,000 yuan.

The cryptocurrency world requires long-term dormancy, a lot of trading training, experience in judging news, and experience in judging market trends, etc.

No one and no industry can easily make money without any effort and learning.

Don't immerse yourself in stories of getting rich overnight and imagine that you may be the hero. In fact, we are all passers-by in the hero's story.