The last bull market was close to 69,000 and it escaped from the top. In 2022, it made a bottom of 16,000. Not to mention that in June this year, when the pie fell to 25,000, I called for orders on Weibo in real time to buy the bottom. Most people were angry at me for placing orders at that time. People who buy at the bottom don’t understand and ridicule them, and they only realize it’s too late when they understand. In previous years, when you realized that the bull market was coming, more than half of the bull market was already over. When you came in to buy coins, it had already become a high-level takeover. Most people were This circle always lives in fantasy, imagining that you can buy to the bottom and sell at the highest point. It’s time to wake up. The only thing waiting for you is to leave the market after losing money. If you think you are following a few big v’s in this market, you are actually a big leek. You can make a lot of money by knowing a few pieces of news. You follow the trend every day and buy lows at 20,000 and 10,000. Little do you know that this is the beginning of your losses. Those who really make big money have their own strict trading systems. This kind of profitable trading system is No one has taught you that, now hurry up and raise funds and follow the plan of Earning Brother in this big cycle. You can still earn dozens of times in this bull market. Otherwise, like most retail investors, you will only have to take over the market at a high position and leave the market.