【Market Research Report on June 26--I'm busy with the base recently, so I didn't release it in time in the morning】


1. $BTC 【Everything is an adjustment, don't panic if the bull market is still there】

Strictly follow the position control mentioned during this period. It has been said for several months that the position should not be greater than five levels

From here to May 7, you can get the position to the seventh level [there are funds available outside the market], and if there are no funds, continue to maintain the fifth level

The cottage is what I said in the live broadcast the day before yesterday, the single coin position should be entered in batches, and if you have some, don't move it, just lie down. My personal opinion on the market after the cottage is that it is a wave, and if you move it, your coin will not be rotated. It cannot be measured by the capital flow of the cottage in the previous bull market.

The focus above remains unchanged. June 62 is the place where the rise is assumed to stop falling

Since a rebound is allowed, ma200 will definitely not come down so directly. If it comes down, it will be a full-on entry, and it will not be slowly replenished every day.

Yesterday, we looked at the view of intraday repair rebound and made judgments based on the 1h Bollinger band middle track. Let's review this. Is it standard?

[Cyclic focus and position, just remember the upper and lower sides]

Intraday view:

Enter the chip area. Break through without volume, continue to look at the support for anticipation

Effective breakthrough is judged by trend line

Support 6.06 Pressure

2 $ETH

Short-term follow the idea of ​​​​big cake

Upper pressure, with the pressure of the big cake trend line 3466.3530.3610

Lower support 3350

3 Shanzhai

BTC ecology. Ethereum ecology follow-up focus