In the world of trading, mentality, strategy and luck complement each other and are indispensable.

Trading, especially full-time trading, often needs to face the challenges of human nature, and needs to overcome loneliness, pain and misunderstanding from the outside world. On the road of trading, we need to avoid self-denial, but patiently find and stick to our own trading rhythm. When trading goes smoothly, we should not be complacent; when encountering setbacks, we should not be self-deprecating. Remember, history cannot be changed, but the future can still be shaped.

The currency circle is not only a stage full of challenges and opportunities, but also a testing ground for speculators and gamblers. The trading hours here are all-weather, and the leverage effect makes people's heart beat faster. I have experienced the joy of getting rich overnight, and I have also tasted the bitterness of huge losses overnight. These experiences have made me deeply realize that the road to trading is not a smooth one, but it is these ups and downs that have made me more determined in my trading beliefs.

I have been struggling in the currency circle for nearly two years before I gradually found my own trading rhythm. From the initial losses to the subsequent profits, I gradually became familiar with and mastered the trend rules of mainstream currencies such as Ethereum. My trading strategy has gradually matured, and my emotional control has also improved. In the 20-year bull market, I not only made back my previous losses, but also gained considerable profits with precise trading points and stable trading strategies.

Now, my trading strategy is more stable, and I always insist on intraday trading to avoid overnight and anti-order risks. At the same time, I also pay attention to the risk control of funds, and always keep the risk within an acceptable range. These experiences have made me understand that as long as I follow the trading discipline and keep a calm mind, I can gain a foothold in this market.

Looking back on the past five years of my trading career, I deeply feel the loneliness and hardship of the trading road. But it is these experiences that make me cherish the current results more and make me love life more. I hope that by sharing my trading experience and experience, I can help more people take fewer detours on the road of trading and grow together.

Recently, the coins we have laid out have earned more than 50%.

Selecting coins is our strength, and making money is just a by-product. The password will be announced in my circle of good friends.Click on my avatar to view my profile. Let's communicate. #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划