On the eve of dawn, the opportunity comes again!

📈 SOL market has shown a rising signal, and the outbreak after sideways trading is only a moment! 🚀

Focus: 1-hour level, price 🔍137.825! This is your entry whistle, seize the opportunity and win at the starting line! #solana生态

Sprint upward: The pressure level has been locked for you 🔒140.347! Break through this line of defense, and the profit is just around the corner! #solna批量空投

Risk warning: If the market fails to go as expected, the risk of going short should also be vigilant. Support level 🛡️132.088-125.072, protect your investment and move forward steadily! #sol趋势

Seize the opportunity and win in the trend! At this moment, the opportunity to go long is coming again, what are you waiting for? 💼$SOL