
In the market trend analysis of BNB, the 1-2 hour level shows a bullish trend, while the 4-hour level shows signs of a rebound. #BNBSmartChain

At present, we should focus on the market performance near the price of 571.83.

If the market can continue to stay above this price, there is hope for a long position and it may reach the target price range, which is around 575.89, 579.95 and 585.56.

However, if the market falls back and falls below the long-short dividing line at the 4-hour level, it may indicate that the market will turn to a bearish trend. #bnb每日打卡

In this case, the target price range below will be around the three prices of 566.82, 561.45 and 557.64. $BNB

The above analysis is for reference only. Investors should make comprehensive considerations based on the actual market situation and personal risk tolerance when making decisions. #BNB走势 #BNB质押 $BTC $ETH