Good morning, friends in the cryptocurrency circle! Here is your band goddess~Man Shuang! Starting from the early morning of Wednesday, the market has bottomed out and rebounded again. The market is also very powerful. The backtest tea needle came to around 61100. We took the long order directly after the afternoon break-even. Stretch Zhiyin took 1000 points out before going to bed. This wave of reversal is really in place!

From the daily level, after the price of the currency fell and repeatedly tested the support below, it stabilized and rebounded. The trend support is relatively bullish. At present, the space has not been reached for the time being, and there is no possibility of continued decline. The bulls are slowly regaining lost ground. At the four-hour level, the price of the currency is slowly repairing upward, the moving average extends forward, and the three indicators turn around. The trend has shown a strong state of shock. You can still follow the bulls in the morning.

Wednesday morning trading ideas and operation suggestions:

Big cake can be more in the 61300-61500 area, and the target is around 62500

Ether can be more in the 3350-3360 area, and the target is around 3450

That's all! No matter how much you say, it's better to do it boldly! It's better to take action once than to think about it ten thousand times. Students who want to go to Fanchang Road with Manshuang, hurry up!

#Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美国PCE数据将公布 #MegadropLista $BTC #$ETH $BNB