I criticized web3 recently and it got a lot of views and likes. because almost everyone experienced the same problems. and now I see web3 is a little better. The 1 billion sales limit appears to have been removed. You can buy and sell as much as you want. and I see lower amounts instead of sell at 99% loss. A sell option was created at a loss of 70%. As an example, I bought crazypepe in a small amount and showed it to you. And the price of crazypepe, which I bought for a few dollars, reached 26 dollars. and instead of 99% loss, there is an option to sell at 70% loss. So now I'm in profit by a few dollars 😁

I hope my followers benefited from this.

and I expect web3 to be developed further over time. #btc #web3 #bitcoin #binance #halving