BTC-L2 investment research and analysis report and price data of various mining models

BTC L2 Research Report: The overall market value of L2 is only 1% of BTC’s market value

0.1%? Builders who are interested in the Bitcoin ecosystem need to spend time reading 8

■Why is Bitcoin scaling important?·Why do we need to scale Bitcoin?■The potential market space for BTC L2?■Mainstream solutions for Bitcoin scaling

■What are the current solutions for Bitcoin expansion?·Prospects for the future development of Bitcoin expansion. ■The shutdown price of mainstream BTC mining machines.

-Preface Although Bitcoin is still the largest core asset in the encryption field

Although it was the first blockchain to be produced, it still lagged behind in scalability, programmability, and developer interest. However, things have changed. Casey Rodarmor's introduction of inscriptions in December 2022 was a key turning point, leading to the rise of the inscription market and the subsequent hype cycle of Bitcoin NFTs in 2023. Suddenly, the demand for Bitcoin's block space was greater than ever before, and fees soared.

The resurgence of the Bitcoin derivatives ecosystem means that there is now a whole new group of users, developers, traders, and even speculators who are more interested in Bitcoin than ever before.

Of course, some of these teams are very focused on the scaling aspect. While some of the OGs in the original market (including Stacks) continue to innovate, we also have a group of new builders who are making their first foray into the world of Bitcoin scaling. In this report, we will focus on this aspect of the Bitcoin scaling narrative. How can we evolve to adapt to the evolving ecosystem and build Bitcoin to a level that can sustain true mass adoption?

Why Bitcoin Scaling Matters

Why We Need to Scale Bitcoin

Achieving Bitcoin’s scalability, either through L2 or other forms of scaling solutions, is not a new topic. This discussion has been going on since 2009, when Satoshi Nakamoto implemented a 1MB limit on Bitcoin blocks. The 2017 Segregated Witness soft fork upgrade was a major node in the scalability debate, and subsequent solutions such as the Lightning Network, Stacks, and Rootstock have been building solutions on top of it for years. However, some recent developments have taken this discussion to a new level. At the heart of Bitcoin’s new era is the introduction of standards for fungible and non-fungible tokens through the emergence of Ordinals, Inscriptions, BRC-20 tokens, and Runes.

Average Bitcoin transaction fees to rise from $1.5 in 2022 to $4.2 in 2023USD, 2024-to-date is USD 9.5#Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美国PCE数据将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #BTC☀