Morph co-founder and CEO, Cecilia Hsueh, will discuss the importance of decentralized sequencers for blockchain security at the upcoming Hack Seasons Brussels event. It will highlight the role of responsive reality proof technology in improving layer 2 state verification and the benefits of Morph's modular architecture. Cecilia will also highlight the need for blockchain applications for consumers and outline Morph's strategy to achieve mass adoption and address regulatory concerns. 🌐🔐

We are the first to implement a decentralized sequencer in our test set. We currently have seven sequencers, and we plan to increase the number to 12. Our infrastructure is designed to make it easy to switch to pure ZK rollups in the future, once the technology matures and costs come down. 🔄🚀

Our long-term goal is to help promote mass adoption of blockchain into the everyday lives of everyday people so that we can create true mass adoption of blockchain. Currently, the only so-called mass adoption is still associated with cryptocurrency because people see investment value in it, but they have not yet seen the real value in their daily lives.