Buying a car is just waiting to lose money.

Let me do some calculations. Losing money on a car is actually quite a big deal:

The C5 I bought in 2011 cost about 260,000 yuan. I have been driving it for 13 years now. It can be said that it is time to retire. Now this car can be sold at most for 10,000 yuan.

That is to say, it has cost 250,000 yuan in 13 years. Let's roughly estimate that the depreciation and amortization is about 20,000 yuan a year.

The annual insurance, parking fees, maintenance and refueling are about 20,000 yuan.

That is to say, the money spent on such a mid-range car is about 40,000 yuan a year.

I also have a 307 here. According to the above calculation, it is also more than 20,000 yuan a year.

That is to say, my family spends more than 60,000 yuan on cars every year. I really don't know if you don't count it. I'm shocked when I count it.

This does not include the 300,000 yuan I spent on these two cars in 2011. If I bought a house, what would the result be now?

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