Cellula is a full-chain AI gaming ecosystem that integrates game theory, providing composability and persistence for players. The system's unique virtual proof-of-work (vPOW) asset distribution method provides an incentive layer for games within the ecosystem. Cellula received strategic investment from Binance Labs Pre-Seed round through the Binance Incubator project. Supported by both OK and Binance.

Mission link: https://factory.cellula.life?code=6f8ee4

Click on the upper right corner: connect to connect your wallet, then click on [BitLife Hub] in the upper left corner of the webpage

Select the NFT you want. After selecting, click Mint on the right and confirm it in your wallet.

After the mint is successful, you will have your own robot NFT. This robot will collect points, and the points can be exchanged for mainnet tokens in the future. Return to the homepage and click the hammer icon on the far right.

Click: The lightning icon on the right. You need to charge your robot here. There are three ways: 1 day, 3 days, and 7 days. Then click [Charge] and confirm in the wallet.

Note: If you charge for 1 day, you can only collect data for 1 day, and you need to charge again after 1 day; if you charge for 7 days, you need to charge again after 7 days.

Once charging is complete, your robot will begin collecting points.

After collecting for a period of time, click the location in the picture below and confirm it in the wallet to receive your points.

Click [Quests] on the left side of the homepage, then go in and click on all the [Claims]. After signing in with the picture, you can slide down. There is still space for operation. You can slide it yourself.

The task is basically over here, the pictures and text are for reference only.

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