Some friends may not quite understand the meaning of "high position obviously shrinking volume rise, high probability is to lure more", here is an easy-to-understand example:

Imagine that you are in a large supermarket, and when a stall is about to close (similar to the high position of the market, representing the price has reached its peak), it is suddenly surrounded by people (many purchases appear at the same time in a short period of time, representing shrinking volume rise), but there is no promotion or discount information (no good news). Are you also curious and want to get closer to see what attracts so many people?

Once you get closer (buy), you will find that there is actually nothing special on the stall. The people who are surrounded are just to create a lively atmosphere. They are actually hired "shills" (similar to the strategy of the trader). When enough retail investors are attracted, these "shills" will immediately disperse, leaving the ignorant retail customers deeply trapped.

Therefore, when you find that the price of the currency is already at a high level and there is a large amount of funds involved in the unified intervention, you must be alert: high position → high cost, unified → dealer. The dealer spends a lot of money to drive up the price of the currency. What else can it be for if it is not to lure retail investors to take over?

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