Real-time analysis of OM market:

OM's trend today shows a situation of mixed long and short positions. At the 1-hour level, the short side temporarily has the upper hand; but at the longer 2/4-hour scale, the long side appears to be stronger.

Today, we will focus on the key long and short critical point of 0.68355 at the 4-hour level. It is like a fortress on the battlefield. Once it is lost, the market may usher in a new trend.

Looking down, there are several important support levels in the market. The first is 0.65486, which is the first line of defense; if it falls further, it will test the two more solid support levels of 0.64292 and 0.62874. If these support levels are effectively broken, investors need to be alert to the risk of further decline.

In the rebound market, 0.72501, 0.74218 and 0.76009 will become the pressure points of the market. They are like obstacles on the road ahead, and they need the continuous accumulation of multi-party forces to break through.

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