New friends in the cryptocurrency world! Yesterday was a thrilling day! You may have noticed that the BTC that everyone cares about suddenly fell from 64K to $58K, and the entire market seemed to have turned into a red ocean.

Why did BTC plunge?

Imagine that Bitcoin is like a super popular star. Suddenly one day, Mt. Gox, a big fan, sold 140,000 concert tickets of the star at once. As a result, the supply of tickets on the market exceeded the demand, and the price naturally fell. Many miners also sold a lot of Bitcoin in June, adding up to 30,000 tickets! As a result, everyone began to worry that the popularity of this star would decline, so they also sold, causing the price to fall all the way.

What impact did the cryptocurrency market have?

The market value of the entire cryptocurrency market is like a big cake. When the popularity of Bitcoin, the "star", declines, the entire cake becomes a little smaller, about 4.3%. And those other altcoins that follow Bitcoin are also affected, and their prices also fall. There are some exceptions, such as the altcoin $LUNC, which is like a dark horse, and its price has risen by 12%!

What will happen next?

It depends on whether Bitcoin can regain its strength. If it can stay above 58K and start to rise, then the entire cryptocurrency market will also improve. But if it continues to fall and falls below 58K, the situation may not be good, and the entire market may fall again.

New friends, don’t worry too much, the cryptocurrency circle is like this, there are ups and downs, stay calm, keep learning, I believe you will be able to gain a foothold in the cryptocurrency circle! Come on! #美国PCE数据将公布 #美联储何时降息?