STMX today's market observation:

The bulls are strong, and the purple signal is waiting to appear!

In today's STMX market trend, the bulls showed a strong trend at the 1/2/4 hour level. At present, the market's focus is on the 4-hour level of the long and short watershed of 0.00458.

If the price adjusts downward, investors should pay close attention to the important support levels of 0.00447, 0.00436 and 0.00424. These prices will be potential lines of defense when the market falls. If they can be effectively defended, they may trigger a rebound.

At the same time, if the market rebounds, the upper target prices of 0.00495, 0.00508 and 0.00526 will become the focus of attention. If the market can effectively break through these resistance levels, it may lead the market to a new high.

For short-term traders, it is crucial to remain highly vigilant. Keep a close eye on market dynamics and pay real-time attention to changes in long and short forces so as to make wise trading decisions at critical moments.

In the STMX market, opportunities and risks coexist. Only by accurately grasping market dynamics can you be invincible in trading.

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