#Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #meme板块关注热点

$BTC Every time it pulled back to around 60,000, it rebounded to around 70,000. I wonder if it will be the same this time.

Many people have started to buy at the bottom. If you have extra funds, you can take a position first.

Judging from the rebound performance of the market today, the meme sector and the ai sector performed the best, as well as some new coins that have recently emerged. The characteristics of new coins are that the chips are relatively less in circulation, the control is high, and the decline is very fierce. Once it rebounds, it will also bear the brunt, and after this wave of deep washing, it is still cost-effective.

In the meme sector, you can look at the leader of this round, $pepe

, and $wif $bonk $people $floki $bome. You can pay attention to them and choose your favorite targets.

In addition, you can look at the new coin sector $lista $io $ulit

$LISTA I mentioned before that it might be a Binance project with a low market value

$IO How big is the space for the latest targets in the AI ​​sector on the market? You can first benchmark $rndr

$ulit First, the market value is quite low, and second, the wash is very deep. In addition, there may be a big positive news in the next few days at the end of the month

Make good use of your own bullets and continue to lie flat and wait for the wind to come.