In the morning, we gave a bullish direction, but the air situation has been volatile, so some people inevitably began to doubt. Now, I can only say that the air situation is late but it has arrived, and Duodan has worked as expected. The strategy is disclosed in advance, and you will make money if you keep up.

From the current market, the weekly K shows a continuous decline, but there is a retracement after each decline. The daily line has fallen weakly, and it has walked out of the weak unilateral momentum in the callback market, and the opening has seen a decline. But the lower shadow line is long, and the short-term trend shows the possibility of an increase. Ether yesterday had a small cross negative line, and it rebounded after probing, and the probing failed to break through the low point of the range. The air situation may continue to fluctuate upward. On the four-hour line, the price ratio is step-by-step downward, and the low point has been repeatedly tested, but it lacks the strength to break through, and finally ends with a shock. In summary, it is recommended to take more on the retracement.

       Cake can be taken at 60500-60200, with a target near 61800; Ether can be taken at 3320-3290, with a target near 3460. #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美国PCE数据将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #MegadropLista #CryptoTradingGuide